Senate Would Add Texting To ‘Do Not Call’ List

April 12, 2014

he state’s “Do Not Call” list could also become a “Do Not Text” list.

Senators voted unanimously Friday to add unsolicited text messages to the “Do Not Call” program designed to prevent Floridians from receiving unwanted calls from salespeople. Under the current program, solicitors are barred from making telephone sales calls to people who have registered for the program.

The Senate approved a bill (SB 450), filed by Sen. Jeff Clemens, D-Lake Worth. The House version (HB 1191), filed by Rep. Janet Cruz, D-Tampa, is ready to go to the full House.


4 Responses to “Senate Would Add Texting To ‘Do Not Call’ List”

  1. Sue on April 13th, 2014 11:52 am

    That should have been done long ago. Putting my phone on the do not call list means I don’t want any solicitation by phone.

  2. Harriet on April 12th, 2014 4:26 pm

    I totally agree with Paul. We need to have a bill to make texting and driving a crime and to ENFORE it. Can’t tell you how many cars I am behind that are driving erractically and slow. When I can pass them I look over and they have their cell phones in one hand, the othe on the steering wheel and looking down at the cell phone texting. Recipe for an accident.

  3. paul on April 12th, 2014 10:54 am

    I think it’s a shame that they can do this but ignore texting and driving as a primary crime.. Distracted driving should be on the top of the list for new laws… What a world we live in :(

  4. Gembeaux on April 12th, 2014 9:51 am

    Now…if only they would enforce this. It is far too difficult to go through the complaint process, especially when the callers use multiple numbers and identities from their call centers.