Poarch Creeks Next Casino Could Be In Rural North Escambia

April 8, 2014

The Poarch Band of Creek Indians’ next gaming facility could be in rural North Escambia. The tribe has asked Gov. Rick Scott for a Tribal-State gaming compact that would allow the tribe to operate casino-like gambling in Escambia County — specifically on a small parcel of land in Nokomis, FL.

Such an agreement would allow the tribe “to conduct any Class III gaming activity which is played or may be played in the State of Florida, including, but not limited to, banked card games,” Tribal Chairman Buford Rolin wrote in a letter to Scott. Class III gaming in Florida includes table games and slot machines.

Scott’s office received Rolin’s request “and a meeting will be scheduled,” spokesman John Tupps said in an e-mail.

In his letter, Rolin said the United States holds land in trust for the Poarch Creek Indians in Escambia County, which meets the definition of “Indian lands”.  “This land, acquired in trust in 1984, is the location where the PCBI intends to conduct Class III gaming activities under a compact with the State of Florida,” he wrote.

The one-acre parcel is located on Nokomis Road, just west of Tullis Road, about about five miles west of Highway 97. The lot is currently wooded, with houses on each side.

Jay Dorris, CEO of the Poarch Creek Gaming Authority, told NorthEscambia.com that the tribe intends to place a Class III gaming facility — with table games — on the Nokomis property once an agreement with Scott is reached.

“It would be very complimentary to our facility in Atmore,” he said. At the Wind Creek Casino in Atmore, the tribe is only able to offer  electronic bingo gaming.

Once the Nokomis site is established, Dorris said there would be a “number of possibilities” for the tribe to potentially expand Class III gaming in Florida. In Florida, the Poarch Creeks already operate Creek Entertainment Gretna  near Tallahassee and the Pensacola Greyhound Park and Poker Room.

There is no timetable for the Nokomis facility, but Dorris said work could begin at the site “very soon” after any agreement with the state is reached. And the tribe hopes that will be in the near future.

“We would like to meet with your designated negotiations team as a soon as possible….It is our hope that a compact be negotiated quickly,” Rolin’s letter to the governor states.

To read the letter to Scott, click here.

Pictured top: The one-acre parcel for which the Poarch Band of Creek Indians wishes to negotiate a gaming compact for with Gov. Rick Scott. Pictured inset: The small parcel is between two homes. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


42 Responses to “Poarch Creeks Next Casino Could Be In Rural North Escambia”

  1. Wayne Johnson on August 11th, 2014 6:45 pm

    I was raised in the little house, with the red roof, next to the proposed site of the Creek Indian casino in Nokomis, Fl. Eddie Tullis, former Tribal Chairman, was raised in a small house directly behind us. Our sets of parents had a hard time providing for their families. It is time that this land gave back to the Indians, so bring on the gaming! While the Creek Indians are at it, build a casino at Perdido Key, Fl., so the people in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach do not have to travel to Biloxi or Atmore to gamble.

    Wayne Johnson
    Proud to be a Creek Indian

  2. OldPhoneRep on April 17th, 2014 7:53 am

    Surveyors were there yesterday. So something is happening!

  3. Norwood Norris on April 12th, 2014 10:02 pm

    I would agree that a business off of the highway does not make much sense and one acre gives you very little to work with. I own the 8.4 acre piece of land on the NW corner of Hwy 97 and Hwy 29 (across from the Tom Thumb) that would be much more suitable. Perhaps they are only being allowed or considered to operate Casinos on certain lands that they already own! Seems like there is more to come regarding this story.

  4. OldPhoneRep on April 12th, 2014 7:55 am

    Why would they want to put it there on Nokomis Rd, when they could easily buy property on HWy 97??? We support the tribe, however NIBY (NOT IN MY BACK YARD) to a casino in the middle of woods, farms and homes.

  5. Marilynn Ghiatis on April 10th, 2014 8:07 am

    I am one of the neighbors of this proposed site, I am very disappointed at the thought of this coming to my door. I have lived here for many years and my family chose this residence because of the quiet and private attributes. My husband and sons are disabled military veterans, and as some of you may not be aware , they need a quiet , peaceful place to live. This will impact my husband greatly, being 100% disabled with PTSD he needs to live where he can have a calm, quiet life. And we also have 22 grandchildren and great grandchildren. Our big family has always enjoyed family gatherings here with no fear of outsiders interfering, that will drastically change as well. Then since we have a swimming pool we will have the constant worry of a gambler crossing drunk onto our property and getting hurt , then causing a law suit that would ruin us financially. And lastly I have no ill will towards the Poarch Indian nation, I actually am a descendent of Indian hertitage also.

  6. God help us on April 10th, 2014 7:01 am

    Young P.C.I, I thank you for your response. I’m glad to see someone else that greed hasn’t tooken over their life! You sound more like a trun American Indian, thanks again and my God move in all of are lives!!

  7. Young P.C.I on April 9th, 2014 11:36 pm

    I think this is a bad idea , we already got the casino in atmore like 10 mins away. & north Escambia county is rural , we’re running out of dirt roads & I for one love dirt roads , they build this casino they’ll probably pave Jakes rd & eventually pineville . also they’re interfearing with hunting land & wildlife habitat I say just leave Nokomis alone & keep the casino in atmore

  8. Rusty Shakleford on April 9th, 2014 8:25 pm

    IMHO this ploy is a stab in back to the state of Alabama. Why can’t you negotiate a class 3 compact let alone a compact in your home state first? All your gambling assets are there. This has nothing to do with providing jobs in Nokomis as one said. One acre? what a joke. I’m not falling for it. This has everything to do with securing class 3 gaming in Florida and promoting other investments there cause they evidently can’t negotiate in good faith with Alabama and don’t already have enough money I guess.
    I can envision the old lady playing slots while hubby plays poker down the road. Heck there is probably a bus between the two every 10 minutes. lol. Sounds like it will work although I believe its all a front as some here have already mentioned.
    My opinion is do right at home before you go expanding into other states under the ” Florida wants the money and we do to” pretense. Be glad and thank God everyday your the only federally recognized tribe in Alabama and can have Indian gaming. I believe Indian gaming has helped tribes out of poverty and support it 100% but don’t be greedy and why off the reservation? Your hurting Indian Country. The average person who wants to raise a family does not want a casino on every corner.
    Someone correct me if I’m wrong but is it the norm in other states to have a casino on different parcels in the same state? I don’t think so. This is another blessing you should be counting that the BIA did for your tribe.
    Learn a lesson from Foxwoods and the downside of expansion. I don’t know the issues of why you and Alabama can’t agree but I hope both parties can bury the hatchet, if I may. HHmmm, then all the state can benefit and not just the handful who walk out of one of your casinos in the black. Your actions are already spurring labels such as “poarchers”. That is degrading and immature. Is this the legacy your wanting to leave?

  9. Just me on April 9th, 2014 5:14 pm

    I think it would give more jobs and it would bring stores with it. there’s a lot of land there to build and make a city out of if they want to.and I think the 1 acre is a cover up cause there is just a lot of land that they could try to buy. but I think we will find out in months to come what really could take place.

  10. mn on April 9th, 2014 3:20 pm

    I think it is a great idea. It will bring jobs and money to this part of Florida. And I agree with Jeff the Indians are THE native Americans. They were moved from their land years ago. I love seeing them prosper even if it is from casinos. They arent asking for anything from anyone, they are taking what is their land and making good use of that land. I dont see a problem with this idea…..

  11. David Huie Green on April 9th, 2014 1:38 pm

    Jeff D,
    yes but you took it from others
    Who took it from others
    Who took it from others
    Who …

  12. jeeperman on April 9th, 2014 12:20 pm

    “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
    1 Timothy 6:10 KJV”

    LOL, sure are a lot of churches in Escambia County that have strayed away from following that verse.

  13. DK on April 9th, 2014 12:06 pm


  14. s on April 9th, 2014 11:35 am

    Poarchers?? We prefer Poarch Creek Indians or Creek Indians or Native Americans

  15. DK on April 9th, 2014 10:58 am


  16. Freeman on April 9th, 2014 9:21 am

    My first comment wasn’t posted so I will try this one . Jeff D I think a lot if what was done in history was wrong and sad but it is in the past . I was born in in the United States of America so I could careless who was here first. That’s the problem with people you use what was done a long time ago as an excuse to get what you want today. I myself have screwed no one out of anything but I do feel its crazy to let anyone start throwing up casinos everywhere.

  17. Nokomis Resident on April 9th, 2014 9:19 am

    WE DO NOT NEED NOR WANT THIS IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD!!!! This is a nice and quiet area and we would like it to stay that way. It is only an acre anyways, but I am sure they are hoping to run out folks around here with that garbage so they can expand. This is not gonna help nobody but themselves! I pray that God will move in this situation and not allow this to happen! God Bless You All!

    For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
    1 Timothy 6:10 KJV

  18. Bet I Know on April 9th, 2014 7:16 am

    You people are missing the point. The GOV will agree to the compact, giving the Poarch Creeks the right to do gaming in Nokomis. Small portable buildings will operate a dozen or so games at “Redneck Creek Casino”. Now the Poarchers have gaming in Florida, they will find a legal loophole that allows them to expand to the Pensacola Greyhound Track which they own part of, and to the hotel they invested in with Julian McQueen at the airport. Pensacola International Airport Casino. And they invested money with him on Pensacola Beach. Pensacola Beach Casino.

  19. Jeff D. on April 9th, 2014 7:15 am

    All land in North America is Indian Land. We were here long before Christopher Columbus.

  20. tg on April 9th, 2014 7:04 am

    This is all a ploy to do something big at the Dog Track.Pay attention.

  21. jeeperman on April 9th, 2014 6:57 am

    The “casino” or poker room (more likely) could occupy the entire 1 acre parcel.
    All other no gaming space such as parking and restaurant, etc. can be on non-indian trust lands adjoining the 1 acre.

  22. resident on April 9th, 2014 6:39 am

    It says “the one acre parcel of land”. A casino. On one acre?

  23. Bernice on April 9th, 2014 5:29 am

    I think it is great. It will bring money and jobs too a poor community.

  24. Steve on April 9th, 2014 5:22 am

    Jeff you misunderstand my comment. Any land held in trust for Creek Indians in the panhandle should be that of those that are here in Florida. The boundaries where set back then, by the government and the Poarch creek Indians. Maybe I should have made my comment more clear for you. I do not in any way think land should be taken from native Americans.

  25. Jeff on April 8th, 2014 8:09 pm

    some dude said :

    “They should not have any land in escambia county Florida. When they where recignized by the government as a tribe, their population description did not include native Americans that lived in escambia county Florida at that time. If they have land held in trust in Florida then those that lived in escambia county Florida back then should have been included on their role. Those native Americans are on a north Florida roll that are trying to become recognized by the government.

    Guess what, Einstein? You are wrong. Period. We screwed the Indians out of plenty that must not have come out of your pocket, so you have no skin in the game.

  26. g on April 8th, 2014 7:09 pm

    Some of you sound like the county commissioners. This county for some reason doesn’t want to make any kind of profits. If you were to go to Biloxi or Atmore casinos and ride thru the parking lots you would see more Florida tags than any other. Our tax dollars are going out of this state being spent there. Do you know why its called Casino Beach parking lot, go think about that. And Escambia County’s budget would be alot better.

  27. CW on April 8th, 2014 6:05 pm

    I don’t get it. Any casino they build in this area would simply take business away from Wind Creek, and there’s nothing out there in Nokomis, I doubt there’s even suitable utilities. I just don’t see it happening.

    And for what’s its worth, the real Nokomis, Florida is in the southern half of the state.

  28. God help us on April 8th, 2014 6:03 pm

    This drives me crazy, this is a great community just like it is we don’t need this crap. It will not help us at all, it will drive everybody away from here! Bratt resident you must be on the roll, true Indians would not want this. They loved the land not the money and by the way I’m a pensacola creek indian. This is just like when people first come to America and pushing their lifestyle on us all over again!! My God help us!!!!

  29. Steve on April 8th, 2014 5:27 pm

    They should not have any land in escambia county Florida. When they where recignized by the government as a tribe, their population description did not include native Americans that lived in escambia county Florida at that time. If they have land held in trust in Florida then those that lived in escambia county Florida back then should have been included on their role. Those native Americans are on a north Florida roll that are trying to become recognized by the government.

  30. Avis Albritton on April 8th, 2014 4:53 pm

    That ought to liven things up around Nokomis.

  31. A. on April 8th, 2014 4:50 pm

    I fail to see how (or why) you would get much casino and/or parking lot onto a one acre patch out in the boondocks. I suspect this move is more about setting a precedent towards something else. But that’s just me. I always check what’s inside that big wooden gift-horse before I bring it inside.

  32. NoThankYou on April 8th, 2014 2:38 pm

    “….As much as they have helped the nearby communities….” And this is why! To smooth the way for this move. No thank you!!!

  33. bigbill1961 on April 8th, 2014 1:00 pm

    We don’t need gambling here. Another poster commented that “Biloxi doesn’t have anything really besides casinos.” Is that what you want for North Escambia? Take a little ride through the neighborhoods around the casinos in Biloxi and you might change your mind about casinos in North Escambia. What will be created is the lure of “the quick buck”, which means that people who really don’t have the money to spend will be gambling it away in a futile attempt to get rich. Then they’ll be without money to pay their bills, rent, put food on the table or clothe their children. It happens all the time. Not everyone treats gambling as entertainment. The only ones who EVER win are the casino owners. As far as jobs….do you really think that many locals are suddenly going to receive jobs? The casinos usually bring experienced people with them, so they can be up and running immediately. They are not going to waste time and money training the locals. That is just wishful thinking.

  34. Bratt Resident on April 8th, 2014 1:00 pm

    I think this would be great for the Florida Residents who need jobs. Why does this have to be a competition with the Creeks. I mean come on people. Its always something negative to say about the Indians. As much as they have helped the nearby communities. I’m excited!

  35. SW on April 8th, 2014 12:56 pm

    Seems like they would want an area more suitable for marketing and visibility; that is a little off the beaten path.

  36. Jason on April 8th, 2014 12:46 pm

    I can’t imagine Native Americans destroying such a lovely sight in nature for the all mighty dollar. Guess the old indian crying over the litter beside the road is just a vision my generation remembers and i’m under 40yrs of age.

  37. David Huie Green on April 8th, 2014 8:53 am

    A tax on fools, but fools and money soon part.
    Let the Creeks benefit.
    Don’t compete by bringing government deeper into depending on pushing vices.
    Let individuals and tribes do it.

    David for better government
    not worse

  38. Atmore on April 8th, 2014 8:24 am

    Why is Alabama so stupid ? They allow these Casinos going in and their citizens crossing state lines to buy lottery tickets loosing tax dollars at a huge rate. Mean while the city of Atmore is closing up at a fast pace,,(I give 5 years and it will be all across I65 in Poarch ). Put a Casino out in that wasted land you fools bought. River Cane and and reap the rewards. Stop letting the Creeks reap only. Good for you Creek tribe I am proud you have improved your life’s but time for compition

  39. SD on April 8th, 2014 8:23 am

    Wonder where the land is?

  40. s on April 8th, 2014 8:19 am

    I think this is a great idea. It would bring jobs and money to the local economy.

  41. Jeff on April 8th, 2014 8:05 am

    Where is the property in question located?

    A quick look at the Appraiser’s site shows a residential subdivision, a VR-1 parcel, a VAG-2 parcel, etc. owned by the Poarch Band, but nothing that looks like a great site for this use.

  42. Scott on April 8th, 2014 6:49 am

    May as well make it legal. Get people to spend their money here doing other things besides gambling in the process. Biloxi doesn’t have anything really besides casinos. We could get that crowd here and show them what Florida has got to offer.