Photos: Our Easter Egg Find

April 21, 2014

While hiding Easter eggs of the plastic variety around Sunday, we made an Easter egg discovery. We found three mockingbird eggs in a nest nestled deep within the fronds of a sago palm. Hopefully, we’ll share baby bird pictures within a couple of weeks. photos, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Photos: Our Easter Egg Find”

  1. Brianna hall on September 8th, 2019 3:37 pm

    mrs.macks at Tate found me a half a Robbins egg but sadly I broke it on accident but it’s okay maybe she can find me another one

  2. AriaGonzalez on April 22nd, 2018 11:38 am

    I just spotted this egg on the ground this site helped me find the type of bird it was

  3. perdido fisherman on April 21st, 2014 10:50 pm

    i’m not talking about touching thier eggs or little ones, if the bird sees someone messing with thier nest they will try to run the intruder off but they will abandon the nest if their space is invaded to many times, i have seen it happen several times with my own eyes.

  4. melodies4us on April 21st, 2014 7:06 pm

    Stay away and don’t touch. They will abandon the nest if the eggs or babies have been touched by humans.

  5. Robert S. on April 21st, 2014 4:15 pm

    Br’er Possum and Br’er Raccoon would be the main ones to watch for.
    There are other birds, crows, cat birds and the like that will eat the eggs too.
    Tough being a responsible bird parent….so many dangers for the chicks.

  6. ScienceProfessional on April 21st, 2014 11:52 am

    That is not true, perdido fisherman. Not true at all. An old wives tale says if you handle the eggs or babies, they will be abandoned. This is not the case. It is just that, an old wives tale. It has been told by grandparents to make the grand kids leave the nests alone. It has been told so much people quote it as true. You can remove an egg, mark a number on it with a pencil, return it, pull it out each day to check it, and they will still hatch. You can handle AND feed the babies bugs and the parents will continue to care for them. You can pick up a young bird that left the nest too early, and return it to the nest, and the parents will still care for it. I have done this on and around my properties for YEARS. Abandoned nests are usually the result of the parent being killed by something else, and therefore that leaves no parent to come back to the nest, resulting in a “naturally abandoned” nest. No offense, perdido fisherman, but I wanted to set the record straight.

  7. Eileen Gery on April 21st, 2014 5:45 am

    How nice! :D Be careful – Mama and Daddy bird will attack you if they catch you peeking in on the eggs & babies. I’ve never know them to abandon a nest because someone was looking in on it. I’ve been monitoring nests for years. You can record your finding at

  8. perdido fisherman on April 21st, 2014 2:59 am

    Just don’t peak to often, if the momma & daddy see ya they will abandon the nest the first time they catch ya looking. I have seen it happen to many times by folks who didn’t heed my warning.
    They sure are some pretty eggs and I just love to hear a mocking bird sing. They are also one of the meanest birds (for thier size) i have ever come across, I love watching them run other birds off, even seen them run off some cats.