Northview Senior Wright Accepts Air Force Academy Appointment

April 22, 2014

Northview High School senior Victoria Anne Wright has accepted an appointment to The United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO.

The United States Air Force Academy offers a four-year program of instruction and experience designed to provide cadets the knowledge and character essential for leadership, and the motivation to serve as Air Force career officers. Each cadet graduates with a bachelor of science degree and a commission as a second lieutenant in the Air Force.

Pictured above are: Victoria Wright (center, seated), her parents Joseph and Tami Wright (seated): (back row, L-R) cousin Jessica McCullough, her grandparents John and Brenda Ekstrom and sister Elizabeth Wright. Pictured inset: Wright with her NJROTC instructors Charlie C. Code, Capt USN (ret), and Jeffrey D. Simpkins, CPO, USN (ret). Pictured below: Northview Principal Gayle Weaver and Assistant Principal Gerry Pippins presented Wright with a mountain bicycle  to navigate between classes. photos, click to enlarge. Pictured bottom: The Wrights with Lt. Col. David Landfair, USAFA’s admission liaison officer.


13 Responses to “Northview Senior Wright Accepts Air Force Academy Appointment”

  1. Tom Meehan on April 24th, 2014 12:51 pm

    Congratulations Victoria, well done and well deserved. Captain Code and Chief Simpkins deserve credit for their outstanding NJROTC program that has helped so many Northview students earn scholarships. Well Done!

  2. Lori on April 22nd, 2014 11:18 pm

    Congratulations! We have a great parents’ club (Emerald Coast USAFA Parents’ Club)! I hope you will opt in and let us support you and your family on this roller coaster ride!

  3. Ronnie and Angela Brown on April 22nd, 2014 7:56 pm


  4. Nancy Perry on April 22nd, 2014 7:11 pm

    Congratulations Cadet Victoria Wright!! I, along with all of EWMS are so proud of you!! Thank YOU for your decision to serve our great country!! Prayers and best wishes as you begin your career in the USAF… you go into wild blue yonder. Hopefully you will one day come back to EWMS Veteran’s Day program an allow us to salute you:))

  5. Melissa Wright on April 22nd, 2014 3:45 pm

    Forever proud of you.

  6. No Excuses on April 22nd, 2014 3:27 pm

    Congratulations Anne! You have a tough four years ahead of you, but you will make friends for life and find a career that you love. My sister was a Coast Guard Academy graduate (class of 1985) and had a great career in the USCG. Best of luck to you!

  7. Mrs.Ellis on April 22nd, 2014 3:10 pm

    Off we go, into the wild blue yonder
    Flying high into the sky….
    SO VERY PROUD of and for you!!!!!
    My two girls Casey and Victoria, 2 peas in a pod!

  8. Atmore G on April 22nd, 2014 11:06 am

    Quite an achievement for this young lady!! Very few are chosen to attend US Military Academies.. My son has been in the Air Force for seven years, loves it, and plans to make it his career.. I am certain Anne Wright will go on to do great things!

  9. Cuz on April 22nd, 2014 10:08 am

    Being a Vietnam Navy Vet & a former Air Force “brat” (40’s-50’s) PLUS my son being in the ARMY plus having 3 daughters … it makes me feel Good knowing todays young people are making Smart Choices … WAY TO GO YOUNG LADY !

  10. Robert S. on April 22nd, 2014 8:48 am

    Awesome….this is a Great Recognition of your hard work and dedication.
    Best Wishes and Prayers for your success and a rewarding career in the USAF as you fly Into the Wild Blue Yonder…..

  11. Billy Gates on April 22nd, 2014 7:50 am

    Congratulations Victoria, well done>good luck in your career..

  12. 429SCJ on April 22nd, 2014 7:10 am

    Congratulations Cadet Wright.

    Your appointment speaks volumes, regarding your excellent citizenship and academic achievement.

  13. The Haltemans on April 22nd, 2014 6:30 am

    Way to go! We wish you the best!