Man Sentenced To 330 Years For Child Sex Abuse

April 16, 2014

A Santa Rosa County man was sentenced to 330 year is prison Tuesday for the sexual abuse of three young girls.

Circuit Judge John L. Miller handed down the 330 year sentence to Donzell Kevin Nuckles after his February conviction on 10 counts of sexual battery upon a child by a person in familial or custodial authority and two counts of lewd or lascivious molestation for crimes he committed against the girls when he and his family lived in Pace.

Between February 2011 and October 2012, Nuckles, 40, committed various sexual offenses against his three victims, who ranged in age from 12 to 17  years old at the time the crimes were committed. The abuse was reported to the Santa  Rosa County Sheriff’s Office in November 2012 and was investigated by Dectective Larry Tynes.

All three victims testified during the trial about the abuse they suffered.

As a result of the sexual abuse, one of the girls became pregnant and gave birth to  the defendant’s child. DNA evidence introduced at trial revealed that Nuckles was the  father of that child.


8 Responses to “Man Sentenced To 330 Years For Child Sex Abuse”

  1. perdido fisherman on April 17th, 2014 3:36 pm

    ME, Circuit Judges can travel throughout the 1st Judicial circuit to hear cases, they are not limited to just 1 county. If I remember correctly the 1st Judicial circuit is from Escambia county over to Walton county.

  2. ME on April 16th, 2014 5:55 pm

    The difference here is, a Santa Rosa Judge, Escambia County Judge would have probably given Probation. Jus Saying

  3. FYI on April 16th, 2014 1:54 pm

    I work in the prison system, and can tell you that scum like this is not put into protective custody in Florida. There are so many in our local prisons it is unbelieveable. You have to wonder where did they all come from. Because of the amount of them in prison, all the tales you hear about them “getting whats coming to them” is just not true. They live, just like every other inmate. They get to walk in the sunshine, buy canteen, watch TV, and have three meals a day and get their laundry washed. They can hang out with their “buddies” and relive their crimes.

  4. FINALLY on April 16th, 2014 11:08 am

    FINALLY!!!!! One of these rats got what they deserved!!!!!!

  5. used to on April 16th, 2014 9:29 am

    @ JDG & perdido fisherman,

    As late as 1959 in the atmore prison they use to execute these demented heathens. I am not a big fan of the death penalty but in cases like this I am. To this scum this heinous act is as natural as breathing. You cannot get this sadistic sickness out of these people that are geared this way and never will so the death penalty is really the only cure except GOD.

  6. Robert S. on April 16th, 2014 7:02 am

    @ Perdido Fisherman
    Wish that were the case, however, because of a friend whose children were sexually abused by a “preacher” we have found that these scum are put into what amounts to protective custody to serve their not-long-enough terms.
    They are kept apart – and thus safe – from the General Population where jailhouse justice may be dealt out, as deserved.
    In some cases there are even separate facilities for these molester monsters.
    My guess is there were lawyers and bleeding heart lawmakers involved in this wrong decision.
    Heart goes out to the children and those who do protect them.

  7. JDG on April 16th, 2014 5:46 am

    To bad we can’t just get a rope. Bring back the eye for eye rule and we won’t see to much of this anymore. Just saying.

  8. perdido fisherman on April 16th, 2014 2:56 am

    Good Ridance to this foul piece of garbage, it’s just to bad he couldn’t be executed, I can only hope somebody on the inside will take care this guy if you know what I mean.