Man Flees Into Woods With Child, Leads Deputies On Manhunt

April 8, 2014

An Escambia County man remains in the Escambia County Jail today after taking his two-year old and leading deputies on a manhunt for several hours Sunday afternoon.

Darin Anthony Mathis, 28, is charged with child neglect – domestic violence for carrying the two-year through thick woods for 3-5 miles, and resisting arrest without violence. His bond was set at $11,000.

As a deputy was responding to a reported disturbance, he was flagged down by a witness who said Mathis had fled in his pickup truck with his two-year old child, threatening violence and threatening to kill the child.

The Sheriff’s Office received a call that Mathis had driven into the woods off Hillock Road, near the western end of Neal Road.  An individual on Hillock Road told deputies that she had received a call from Mathis, who stated that he was in trouble, he thought he would be arrested for kidnapping, and that he had fled into the woods on Hillcock Road.

Deputies established a perimeter as two K-9 officers tracked Mathis unsuccessfully for about an hour and a half. At that point, a resident on Cedar Tree Lane reported to deputies that Mathis had dropped the two-year old off at their residence and kept running north.

Mathis was later apprehended off Power Road and booked into the Escambia County Jail. His bond was set at $11,000.  The two-year old suffered some minor scratches on his arms and was evaluated on the scene by Escambia County EMS.


18 Responses to “Man Flees Into Woods With Child, Leads Deputies On Manhunt”

  1. Hay on April 11th, 2014 2:50 pm

    This man got what he deserved and what you’re reading in the article is all true. I’ve known the mother of the child for a good while now and she is a great mother and did what she felt was the right thing to do to keep her baby boy safe. If none of you were there or know what really happened, then keep your comments to yourself.

  2. Ridiculous on April 11th, 2014 12:30 pm

    Stating that you know the individual, doesn’t save face for what he did. Just because he was “good” (which we all know better) yesterday, doesn’t mean he is good today. Obviously, any individual who takes off through the woods with their son, does not have decision making skills. That is a bad idea and proves he isn’t a great person, period. Running away with the child isn’t an acceptable repercussion because the mother wasn’t allowing him to see him (now, is obviously a good decision from her standpoint). Stealing a child that isn’t in any harm is an irrational decision. There are more options, like a child custody attorney, being mature and handling the situation with the appropriate authorities. He deserves to be punished and for the sake of the poor child, needs to be evaluated. He isn’t a stable individual. His rap sheet of drug convictions, theft, burglary and 7 counts of battery prove that. Good job ECSO for keeping that baby safe and putting this guy away!

  3. Just saying on April 10th, 2014 10:11 pm

    He dragged his child through the woods for 2-3 miles and you all that claim to “know” him say he wouldn’t harm his child? Exactly what do you call that because I’d certainly would like to know. LEO aren’t going to chase someone down and arrest them let alone put and $11k bond on someone without probable cause. I say let due process take place and you’ll see just how well you know him.

  4. David Huie Green on April 10th, 2014 8:45 pm

    non of,

    It’s a definitional thing. Those convicted a few times of criminal acts are defined as criminals even if they are the most wonderful criminals in the world. Further, if they involve law enforcement against each other . . .
    Nah, never mind, greatest guy in the world. Got it.

    David for no sudden moves

  5. non of your business on April 10th, 2014 4:34 pm

    Darin is not a criminal. Darin would never hurt his son. All of you people need to find better things to do than bash on a guy you don’t even know. And let him rot in prison? Really? You don’t even know the situation between Darin and his sons’ mom. So how about you take a step back and judge yourself before you go judging people you don’t even know. We love you Darin. Everything will turn out fine I’m sure <3

  6. David Huie Green on April 9th, 2014 9:58 pm

    You’re saying Darin should have fathered children off of a different woman because this one isn’t doing right?

    I guess that’s one way of looking at it.

    David for non criminal parents

  7. seriously damn on April 9th, 2014 2:46 pm

    Ive known darin his bro sisters and parebts and grandparentsy my whole life. Hes alot of things and he isnt a lot of things but he was a good dad and he wld never hunt that little boy ever. Its dumb people trying to make Stuff dramatic. Darins a good person. This blows my mind. In all reality baby mommas shouldnt try to keep there child from the father because of there own selfish disputes. The mothers and father relation ship shld not affect the childs an parents. Ever . Darins i hope all turns out.

  8. JSCS on April 8th, 2014 5:54 pm

    The correct spelling of “embasol” is imbecile.
    Both spellings sound and mean the same thing.

  9. No Excuses on April 8th, 2014 3:50 pm

    Emabsol means imbecil or idiot. Crystal was calling the witness an idiot.

  10. Alarmed and Armed on April 8th, 2014 3:47 pm

    What’s an embasol witness?

    I’m sure the police just didn’t make up that he wanted to kill his kid. So.done must have heard him say it. Oh well it doesn’t matter either way, this wack job was caught, the kid is safe and Thats all that matters! Let him ROT is prison!

  11. 429SCJ on April 8th, 2014 1:36 pm

    An embasol is simuler to an embacile .

  12. jerica on April 8th, 2014 1:29 pm

    Known all the mathis for over 20 something years and Darin would never hurt anyone they are like family to me if I thought he would ever do that I wouldn’t defend him but Iknow him very well .. hope it turns out well…

  13. K-9 fan on April 8th, 2014 10:53 am

    The manhunt was successful and he WAS located by the K-9!!! Good job Escambia County K-9’s you continue to impress us!!!

  14. Taylor on April 8th, 2014 10:38 am

    This happened at my parents house, and he did not threaten his child, he asked my mom to keep his son safe , and thats what my parents did, gave him a cookie and let him play with my sons toys, the baby was not in any harm by being with his father .

  15. kIM on April 8th, 2014 9:17 am

    What is an “embasol”?

  16. Heather on April 8th, 2014 9:06 am

    What is an embasol witness?

  17. David Huie Green on April 8th, 2014 9:00 am

    Name your child Karma
    So everyone will remember her
    No, don’t name her that, because they call her names

    Defending kidnappers and perpetrators of domestic violence is bad Karma too, for those who worship the goddess Karma.

    Just because a person fathered a child does not mean that child is safe with him.

    David for better parents

  18. crystal on April 8th, 2014 7:41 am

    He never threatened his child anyone who knows him knows this, so whatever embasol witness who wanted a part of some drama just rememver Karma.