Humane Society Works To Save Hit And Run Puppy

April 12, 2014

The Pensacola Humane Society is asking for help covering the medical bills for Olaf, a puppy that was hit by a car and seriously injured last Saturday.

After Olaf was hit, the driver kept going but two young women dropped Olaf off at the humane society. He was rushed to the Veterinary Emergency Referral Center for immediate treatment.

He was transferred on Monday to the Olive Branch Pet Hospital where one of his legs was amputated due to severe damage. Olaf’s medical bills will top $3,o00, and the Pensacola Humane Society has managed to raise $1,000 toward his care.

Donations to help with Olaf’s medical care can be made on a Paypal donation link: Or more for information, call the Pensacola Humane Society at (850) 432-4250.

Olaf will not be available for adoption for a few weeks.

Pictured: Olaf, just a few days after his leg was amputated due to injuries received when he was hit by a car. Photos by Cheryl Casey, Cheryl Casey Photography for, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Humane Society Works To Save Hit And Run Puppy”

  1. Betty H on April 13th, 2014 11:30 am

    Olaf has such a loving sweet face.I hope he gets a wonderful loving home filled with kids to wrestle and people to love.

  2. My2Cents on April 13th, 2014 11:27 am

    I totally agree with TC! What about Scenic Hills Vet hospital, they are awesome and they love what they do and take pride in helping abused/neglected animals. I’d hope that whom ever hit this baby will come forward and do the right thing. They will reap what they sow in the long run if they don’t. I’d love to bring Olaf into our home and give him the life he so much deserves.

    What a precious loving face he has after all he’s been through. How could someone not love this little guy?

  3. Debbie Lee on April 12th, 2014 10:13 am

    Thankyou for covering this story.We can always rely on you.Great Job!

  4. TC on April 12th, 2014 6:04 am

    Such a beautiful dog, I hope he gets a great home. Are there no vets in the area that do work for the shelter at a reduced rate? Those not in it solely for the money are a rare find. Did the women that brought him in get any infor on the driver or vehicle?