Florida Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Plan Without Scott Wish List

April 29, 2014

As an 11-year-old Panhandle girl who helped change the minds of leery lawmakers looked on, the Senate overwhelmingly approved a proposal Monday legalizing a strain on marijuana that could stop life-threatening seizures in children with a rare form of epilepsy.

After the 36-3 vote, RayAnn Moseley, accompanied by her mother Holley, awarded the three Senate sponsors of the measure (SB 1030) hand-drawn pictures of a bright yellow sun against a blue background overarched by the words “Ray of Hope.”

RayAnn, who suffers from a rare form of epilepsy as well as cerebral palsy, has become the Florida “poster child” for a strain of marijuana that is high in cannabidiol (CBD) and low in euphoria-inducing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Parents whose children have taken the drug, which is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, say it dramatically reduces seizures that can be fatal.

Supporters of the effort estimate the strain of marijuana, known as “Charlotte’s Web,” could help about 150,000 Florida children like RayAnn who suffer up to hundreds of seizures per day.

The Senate debated the proposal for nearly an hour after bill sponsor Sen. Rob Bradley, a Fleming Island Republican and former prosecutor, introduced RayAnn, who was sitting in the gallery.

“Let me be clear about something,” Bradley said. “I oppose the legalization of marijuana. My wife Jennifer and I have spoken to our three teenagers about the dangers of drug use. My kids understand the difference between the abuse of an illegal substance and the legitimate use of this plant to help suffering children. I’m confident that Floridians understand this difference as well.”

The Senate plan is backed by the Florida Medical Association and the Florida Sheriffs’ Association, but is missing some of the elements Gov. Rick Scott is seeking and which are included in the House version (HB 843).

Scott wants patients to enroll in clinical trials and wants the Department of Health to create an “Office of Compassionate Use” that would “enhance access to investigational new drugs for Florida patients through approved clinical treatment plans or studies.” Studies on “investigational new drugs” are the first step in the Food and Drug Administration approval process.

The Senate plan would decriminalize marijuana comprised of no more than 0.8 percent THC, the component that gets users high, and at least 10 percent of cannabidiol. The proposal would allow from one to four distribution centers — one in each part of the state — which would be operated by the same entities that grow the marijuana and manufacture the substance, usually delivered to users in the form of oil or paste.

Under the plan, physicians must undergo at least eight hours of FMA training to be allowed to order the marijuana for patients, who would be added to a statewide “compassionate use” registry maintained by the Department of Health. The Senate measure limits eligible patients to those suffering from seizures, while the House plan would give doctors discretion to order it for patients with other conditions.

Sen. Aaron Bean, another of the bill’s co-sponsors, told his colleagues that he was “scared to death of marijuana” prior to meeting RayAnn’s parents, Holley and Peyton Moseley, who have led the charge on legalizing the substance this session.

“I thought we were just going to politely disagree with them and then send them on their way,” said Bean, R-Fernandina Beach.

Bean said he changed his mind after imaging his own children having problems with seizures or other health issues.

“If it were your kid, what would you do?” Bean said. ” … You’d go to the ends of the world to make sure your kid could get a fighting chance.”

But Sen. Thad Altman, R-Melbourne, argued that “miracle drugs” have been developed “by relying on the scientific method and the scientific process” to ensure their safety.

“This particular bill turns that world on top of its head,” said Altman, joined by Republican Sens. Jack Latvala of Clearwater and Dorothy Hukill of Port Orange in voting against the bill.

By legalizing Charlotte’s Web, “rather than relying on scientists … pharmacists and testing, we allow the political process to decide what should be prescribed or not,” Altman said.

The Senate measure now heads to the House, where sponsor Matt Gaetz said he was waiting to see how much support the Senate showed for the plan.

“The strategy is to pass a good bill that helps as many people as we can possibly help. I would like to cover more ailments than just children with intractable epilepsy,” said Gaetz, R-Fort Walton Beach. “I have no doubt the governor will sign any non-euphoric cannabis bill we send him.”

by Dara Kim, The News Service of Florida


13 Responses to “Florida Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Plan Without Scott Wish List”

  1. Dean Friedman on May 1st, 2014 7:31 am

    One small step is better than none at all. Step by step, state by state, the US will hopefully make headway to total decriminalization and medicinal and recreational legalization.

  2. james on April 29th, 2014 8:58 pm

    I’m glad to see commonsense prevail and i hope people can quickly get the new marijuana meds they need

  3. Carol Francey on April 29th, 2014 8:37 pm

    CBD helps epilepsy but not childhood cancers., The whole plant has medicinal properties. The THC portion which is still outlawed kills cancer cells. Children with diseases other than epilepsy need the whole plant cannabinoids for health care. Educate the public and hope for more care for all ill children.

  4. Lydia8 on April 29th, 2014 7:31 pm

    Scott has to be making money off of this for him to endorse.

  5. Anne McKinney on April 29th, 2014 2:36 pm

    I have a friend…now deceased…who died of cancer. His only relief from the pain was smoking marijuana…the pot was even better than his oxycodones…plus it gave him an appetite. When he had a hard time finding marijuana (due to archaic laws) he wouldn’t eat and would suffer greatly. Thank goodness steps are being taken to bring Florida into line with the many, many countries that have seen the benefits of this plant.

  6. DANNY on April 29th, 2014 2:04 pm

    Robert, The bible does not say “suffer not the little children”. Matt 19:14, But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
    The word suffer in this passage actually means, to allow, permit, or not to hinder.
    The Disicples were trying to stop a group of children from approaching Christ, and he was telling them to leave the children alone so that they could come to him.

  7. Tonya on April 29th, 2014 12:43 pm

    I think this is wonderful news for all the families that have children and adults that have seizures and illnesses this will allow them to have just a little bit more life for them and the family they have that care for them, If you haven’t cared for someone that has had seizures or other illness, please do your home work before spouting. It is a illness not a choice.

  8. suffering on April 29th, 2014 9:56 am

    I am thankful that they are trying I am suffering with seizures I have at least 30 a month sometimes, I have 30+ a week at one point with the meds not working, I read into marijuana and tried it and stopped having so many, there is something to this, I was a drug addict and went to the methadome clinic years back and I ended up telling them that they made me become more addicted to that stuff than what I was addicted to. There is nothing wrong with marijuana I don’t think if you don’t go out and abuse it, teach kids what is right and wrong. I will be a person who will do clinic to try this stuff out.

  9. mnon on April 29th, 2014 9:29 am

    I can see not having the euphoric effect for the children benefiting from this.

    Heaven forbid us adults get an euphoric effect from it while being helped by it, thank you so much Government for looking out for me. Lets go drinking to celebrate!

    The side effects also includes making boring movies better, making you hungry, and making you sleep well. In extreme cases constant laughter.

  10. Robert S. on April 29th, 2014 9:08 am

    This is a Very Good thing for the kids and others who will finally and legally get relief that is much needed.

    Not at all like a methadone clinic.
    These children did not volunteer to put junk into their systems and are not addicts. They are ill due to no cause of their own and are in need of treatments that will improve their lives.

    Suffer not the little children…..

  11. 429SCJ on April 29th, 2014 6:55 am

    <.8%THC, 10%CBD. That should decriminalize about 99% of the Mexican Pot.

  12. DALEK on April 29th, 2014 5:03 am


  13. Thankful on April 29th, 2014 1:35 am

    Thank you lawmakers for looking beyond the name and deeper than the label. “If it was your child what would you do?” Amen.