Escambia Meetings Planned On Updated Zoning Ordinances; Molino Tuesday

April 14, 2014

To reflect changes at the state level, Escambia County is in the process of rewriting its Land Development Code (LDC) to create an efficient and rational document to guide expansion within the county.

As part of this rewrite, the county will attempt to condense its current 36 zoning classifications into 14 new classifications, the first full overhaul of the zoning ordinance since its original adoption in 1996. Rewriting the LDC is intended to simplify and modernize the document to include mixed-use and “live, work play” zones, an increasingly popular option within the county, as the original zoning map was not parcel-based and created many split-zoned properties.

Public meetings will be held in the coming weeks to address citizens’ concerns regarding this issue.

Upcoming community meetings will be held as follows:

Tuesday, April 15 – Planning Board Workshop: LDC Rewrite, 8:30 a.m.
Escambia County Central Office Complex, 3363 West Park Place, Pensacola

Tuesday, April 15 – Public Workshop: Zoning Consolidation, 5:30 p.m.
Molino Community Center, 6450-A Highway 95A, Molino

Thursday, April 17 – Public Workshop: Zoning Consolidation, 5:30 p.m.
Escambia County Central Office Complex, 3363 West Park Place, Pensacola

Monday, April 21 – Public Workshop: Zoning Consolidation, 5:30 p.m.
Tate High School, 1771 Tate Road, Cantonment

Tuesday, April 22 – Public Workshop:  Zoning Consolidation, 6 p.m.
Bellview Baptist Church Auditorium, 4750 Saufley Field Road, Pensacola

Wednesday, April 23 - Public Workshop:  Zoning Consolidation, 5:30 p.m.
Lexington Terrace Community Center, 700 South Old Corry Field Rd

Thursday, April 24 – Public Workshop:  Zoning Consolidation, 6 p.m.
Olive Baptist Church, Passmore Hall, 1836 East Olive Road, Pensacola

No changes will be made to zoning classifications on Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key, so no public meetings will be held in those areas.


4 Responses to “Escambia Meetings Planned On Updated Zoning Ordinances; Molino Tuesday”

  1. bartender on April 15th, 2014 6:19 pm

    I agree with lady own,the zoning stinks in the country. families that want to live close that should be your business not the county. I tried living my my mother in a mobile home and they said no but yet trailers are all around us.its not fair when you have an eldery person and you cant live by them because the stupied zoning.unless its a fancy subdivision you should be able to live in a mobile home.there are double wides that cost more than homes but yet you cant have them on your property. why don’t people have guts and speak up for the rights around here,

  2. Local Yocal on April 15th, 2014 6:32 am

    Hey Lady,
    Do you know why the current zoning in North Escambia came to be??? Because certian individuals fought against a developer who was trying to put a series of Low Income Housing units right in the middle of Bratt!! One of them was to be a trailer park of about 200 units!! The other right next to Northview on his land!! Without the current Zoning laws, you my dear my very well have a housing project full of crime and drugs next door. OR a chemical plant OR a garbage dump. No zoning laws are like most laws…a few people make it bad for the rest of us!

  3. Lady on April 14th, 2014 12:00 pm

    Look at the zoning we have now which stinks. Your children cannot be given a parcel of land to build near you without it’s so many acres. We who live in the country and own land this stinks. Do what you want in the city but leave the country part of Escambia County alone. The people who live on the beach pay very little taxes and when they build close to the water and a storm comes along and washes their sand out what do we do but go in and refurbish their land for them at no cost. Oh, there is a cost but the rest of us who live away from the beach front property pay for it. If we want to deed our children one acre of land we should be able to do so. If we had a county commissioner that would stand up for we the northern part of Escambia county this would be repealed ASAP.

  4. southerner on April 14th, 2014 8:06 am

    I opposed the zoning. We had a saying, “Don’t zone it, you don’t own it.” Some may say that the land use must be controlled for the good of society-SOCIALISM!