Bentley Settles BCS Championship Bet; Scott Enjoys Toomer’s Lemonade, Honors FSU

April 2, 2014

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley settled a bet with Florida Gov. Rick Scott Tuesday — sending a gallon of Toomer’s Lemonade from Toomer’s Drug Store  in Auburn south to Tallahassee. The two governors had made a friendly wager of the BCS Championship game in which Florida State beat the Auburn Tigers 34-31.

The FSU football team was honored by the Legislature before meeting with Scott.  Scott was joined by FSU coach Jimbo Fisher and  his wife Candi on the lawn of the Governor’s Mansion to enjoy  the lemonade.

Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Bentley Settles BCS Championship Bet; Scott Enjoys Toomer’s Lemonade, Honors FSU”

  1. M.H. on April 2nd, 2014 5:06 am

    Should have sent enough for the whole team. Those boys are probably still thirsty after that game. It was a heck of a championship, right down to the wire just like they should be. GONOLES!!