Abducted Crestview Boy Found Safe; Parents Arrested

April 3, 2014

The Crestview Police Department said Thursday afternoon that abducted child Emmanuel Menz has been found unharmed, and Karl R. Menz and Virginia M. Lynch have been arrested in Henderson, Nevada.

Menz was abducted in early March from the Burger King in Crestview during a supervised visit  at that location.

Emmanuel’s father and mother, Karl R. Menz and Virginia M. Lynch, do not have custodial rights to Emmanuel, and the child was  in foster care.


4 Responses to “Abducted Crestview Boy Found Safe; Parents Arrested”

  1. Susan on April 7th, 2014 3:21 pm

    It would be interesting to know why they lost custody. I can’t help but wonder if they felt that they got a raw deal and lost him in the process or maybe they didn’t feel the foster care was good for him. Anyway, whatever the case it sounds desperate.

  2. Curious on April 7th, 2014 6:53 am

    I wonder why they didn’t have custodial rights, but were allowed to have chaperoned visitations, then be able to abduct him, but most of all, how did they lose him, what busybody run their mouth, i had left my young teen, & 2/3 other children in truck for maybe 10 min. & some busybody went & told police, they had been in there an overly extremely long time, seems to me, it’s not all their fault, if he was in danger, I’m glad they found him, I know it’s not right & I’m not making it right, but how many of us parents, wouldn’t do that? I can’t imagine what they must be feeling, to not be able to care for their own, once those people get your kids, I bet it’s harder to get them back if you ever do, because they’re so much better, & I say this last part with a lot of Sarcasm.

  3. Trisha on April 3rd, 2014 5:36 pm

    I am so glad he was found safe! Finally a happy ending to a missing child’s story! :)

  4. Puddin on April 3rd, 2014 5:03 pm

    Now that is wonderful news! So glad he is ok. :-D