Work Set To Begin On New Weight Training Facility At Northview High

March 8, 2014

Work is set to begin soon on a new weight training facility for Northview High School.

The $625,510  bid was awarded  to R.D. Ward Construction Company, the lowest of nine bidders. Other bids ranged from $669,400 to $836,300.

The Escambia County School Board approved the weight training facility back at their January 22, 2013, meeting, letting a $69,913 contract with DAG Architects in Pensacola for architectural and engineering services.

The new building will be about 3,500 square feet. The building will include one weight room, coaches’ offices, storage and accompanying restrooms. The construction budget will be funded with local option sales tax monies.

The new weight training facility will be constructed near the main building where outdoor basketball courts are currently located. There is no timetable in place for the completion of the project.

Pictured: The basic floor plan for a planned Northview High School field house. graphic, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Work Set To Begin On New Weight Training Facility At Northview High”

  1. Pp on March 11th, 2014 3:06 am

    Tha baseball field is terrible and the school system won’t seem to help this is an injustice . Also the kids are dressing in the dugout because nortview can’t even get a portable.explain how this is fair. These other schools have facilities at least a portable something must be done

  2. thetruth on March 9th, 2014 6:10 pm

    The baseball complex at Tate was upgraded and reconstructed over the years using booster club money and with the help of some alumni that were fortunate to make it to the Major Leagues. County money wasn’t used. Northview baseball got their outfield lights from the county. Tate had to pay for their own. I do agree that the county needs to set aside more money for ALL of the high school athletic fields, because most of the upgraded “city” school fields were paid for by private booster club money.

  3. Equal share on March 9th, 2014 7:03 am

    Can some one tell me why the sports areas at the lower area i Escambia County is way better then what Northview has. Cannot play base ball on our field with just a small amount of rain, yet look at the field and stands at Tate and field.

  4. kerlinda on March 8th, 2014 7:08 am

    Where are the girls’ facilities? Is this a co-ed locker room & restroom?

  5. Robert S. on March 8th, 2014 6:58 am

    This good addition for Northview HS would be impossible without the Local Option Sales Tax.
    Why? Because some years ago the State’s calculations for spending in the school districts (counties) was reduced to the point that no funds are available for Capital Improvement and Construction.
    The Local Option Sales Tax also provides funds for good investments such as fire fighting trucks and equipment and facilities.
    Weight Training Facility or Emergency Responders or new school buildings are paid for through local efforts and are overseen by an outstanding committee of local citizens.
    These projects can be viewed with much civic pride because WE helped them happen.

  6. Chris on March 8th, 2014 6:29 am

    Since this facility is being funded by tax money, I hope it will be Title 9 compliant. Otherwise, it’s being illegally built.