Two Former Escambia Business Owners Arrested For Sales Tax Theft

March 20, 2014

Two former owners of Escambia County businesses have been arrested on charges they stole state sales tax rather than submitting it to the Florida Department of Revenue.

Charles Buddy Mize, the former owner of the auto repair shop  Tune & Lube Center of Pensacola, Inc., has been arrested on charges that he stole more than $14,000 in sales tax he  collected from customers, but failed to send to the state, according to the Florida Department of Revenue.

Mize, 44, who lives in Tallahassee, was arrested by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office on a felony charge relating to theft of state funds. If convicted, he faces up to five years in prison and up to $5,000 in fines, as well as possible payment of interest and  investigative costs. Tune & Lube Center of Pensacola, Inc. was located at 600 E. Cervantes Street in Pensacola.

According to Revenue Department investigators, Mize collected tax from customers at his shop. However, during various periods beginning in 2011, lasting through periods in 2012, he failed to send to the state all of the sales taxes that were collected.

Hugh Brian Carter, the former owner of Carbon Copies, Inc., a business that had specialized in the retail sales of printed material was arrested on charges that he stole more than $18,000 in sales tax he collected from customers, but failed to send to the state, according to the Florida Department of Revenue.

Carter, 49, Pensacola, was arrested by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office on felony charges relating to theft of state funds and refusal to file returns and pay taxes due. If convicted, he faces up to five years in prison and up to $5,000 in fines, as well as possible repayment of stolen sales tax, along with payment of interest and investigative costs. Carbon Copies, now closed, was located at 6290 West Nine Mile Road in Pensacola.

According to Revenue Department investigators, Carter collected tax from customers at his business. However, during various periods beginning in 2009, lasting through periods in 2012, he failed to send to the state all of the sales taxes that were collected and failed to file tax returns as require by law.


5 Responses to “Two Former Escambia Business Owners Arrested For Sales Tax Theft”

  1. Norma Taylor on March 20th, 2014 12:54 pm

    After having been in business for over 45 years, one thing you learn early. Don’t pay sales tax you have collected or fail to pay employee taxes, won’t be long before they find you.

  2. E on March 20th, 2014 7:46 am

    “he faces up to five years in prison and up to $5,000 in fines, as well as possible repayment of stolen sales tax, along with payment of interest and investigative costs.” Does this make any sense? Mize stole $14,000 and Carter $18,000. We have seen “justice” doled out here in Escambia. If they get minimum time, if any, and max fine, they make out. Mize at least $9 K and Carter $13 K. If you add in the interest and investigative costs….well you figure it out.

  3. sad on March 20th, 2014 6:03 am

    They will provably get more time than a sex offender. Sad that the government is more worried about their money than the safety of people. What they did is not right but they spend more tax dollars for catching tax fraud than violent crime. Castro would be proud.

  4. 429SCJ on March 20th, 2014 3:07 am

    Some of these local mechanics should be forwarding their taxes, but you would have to have a business license and tax ID number to do that.

    Only use licensed and insured sources for services. You will not regret it.

  5. Everett on March 20th, 2014 2:44 am

    Not smart. The state does a good job tracking businesses and revenue collected. Did these two think they weren’t going to get caught?