Students Learn About Ag During Fresh From Florida Event

March 15, 2014

Over 1,000 students from across Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, and Alabama, took part in the annual Northview High School FFA “Fresh From Florida” program Friday morning at Northview High School in Bratt.

Formerly known as the “Food For America program”, the event gave students the chance to learn about agriculture first hand up close and personal with farm animals, farm equipment and more to learn how food gets from the farm to their tables. Students were even able to make and enjoy eating their own fresh butter.

The Northview High School FFA “Fresh From Florida” program has been honored as the No. 1 program in the state multiple times and the chapter was recently name one of the best in the United State by the National FFA Organization..

For more photos, click here.

Pictured top: Students get up close with a horse during Friday’s Fresh from Florida event at Northview High School. Pictured inset: A young lady enjoys butter she made by hand with the help of Northview FFA stduents. Pictured below: A  variety of exhibits at the event. photos, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Students Learn About Ag During Fresh From Florida Event”

  1. MADCOW on March 15th, 2014 1:03 pm

    I can scarcely imagine a more important educational program than what is described in the Fresh from Florida event!

    What is being diluted from the communal knowledge of the last couple generations–maybe over the past few decades– is understanding of where the food they eat every day comes from. I grew up in Kansas where we had our huge garden and were surrounded by farms that directly provided all plant- and animal-derived food. We all saw with our own eyes harvest of the wheat, and slaughter of the individual cattle or hogs that as we watch processing, provided steaks, sausage directly to our table.

    If our young people have no idea of how much raw intelligence and hard work the American farmer “brings to the table” (pun intended), then their ignorance will hurt all of us. Food prices will escalate, food quality will plummet, and all citizens will suffer from depleted quality of life.

    This program is a valiant effort to combat that ignorance.
    All should applaud it.

  2. Jane on March 15th, 2014 6:17 am

    This is wonderful chance for children to learn about agriculture and what grows here in northwest Florida! We need farmers and I am proud to say I live in an agricultural area and love it. Thank you to the people who made this possible for the children, and a huge thank you to all the farmers out there! Without our farmers who work so hard we would have no food, so every time you eat peanut butter, drink milk, eat chicken or anything else, remember someone worked hard to make that food available to you…and say “Thank you” to the farmers!