Scott Says FHP Bonuses Won’t Be Tied To Tickets Written

March 29, 2014

Gov. Rick Scott on Friday rejected the possibility that bonuses for Florida Highway Patrol troopers could be connected to the numbers of traffic tickets they write.

Scott issued a strongly worded statement after media reports raised questions about whether the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles was considering such a plan.

“The idea that FHP would tie officer bonuses to the number of tickets they write is absolutely outrageous and wrong,” Scott said in a prepared statement. “All state worker bonuses should be based on better — not worse — outcomes for the people of Florida who pay the taxes to fund state government.”

The Tallahassee Democrat reported Sunday that the Florida Police Benevolent Association was concerned that the department, which oversees the Highway Patrol, would link trooper evaluations with “public contacts,” which include traffic stops, traffic citations, written warnings and arrests.

In contract offers with the union, the department said traffic-citation quotas would not be put in place, the Democrat reported. But Scott appeared Friday to try to end any speculation on the issue.

“Floridians paying more in tickets is not a better outcome. Period,” he said. “If this idea comes across my desk, I will reject it.”


11 Responses to “Scott Says FHP Bonuses Won’t Be Tied To Tickets Written”

  1. Anastasia on April 1st, 2014 4:00 pm

    Why does anyone get excited about a raise in pay anymore? There is a trickle effect. The more raises that people get, the higher our goods get. Then there are some people who are put in a higher tax bracket and, therefore, have less money in their paycheck.

    I firmly believe that there should be some type of extra payment for people who are in dangerous jobs called hazard pay. And this extra income shouldn’t be any more or less per employee.

    Why is it that many hazardous jobs have some of the lowest income?

  2. Mark T on March 31st, 2014 6:42 pm

    It’s time ALL Public Service workers got a raise, And a Good one !!!

  3. RLW on March 30th, 2014 2:33 pm

    Once upon a time the officers had a “quota” of tickets to write each month. That drew fire so they eliminated it … and instead kept “statistics”. Guess what those statistics were. Yup – the number of tickets to write each month. Now they are not going to get bonuses based on the number of tickets written? Pull the other one. Are they going to get bonuses based on charm and grace? I don’t think so either.

  4. AC on March 30th, 2014 1:47 pm

    People like Don is what’s wrong today. First mention of someone other than some executive getting a bonus, he/they pounce on how good they already have it in regards to salary and benefits. Anyone and everyone who has every picked up a book, read a newspaper article, know that locally and nationally that our law enforcement personnel are grossly underpaid for the service they provide. So Don, next time law enforcement (and military) salaries and benefits are in question, do us all a favor and be quiet.

  5. JT on March 30th, 2014 12:36 am

    @Don Troopers do not get holidays off and they do not get double time. The pension is constantly being chipped away by politicians. The health insurance is good until you retire and then you pay over $14000 a year. For all of those worried about the state getting all your money on tickets rest easy. The money from the tickets they issue goes to the county it is issued in. The FHP is one of the lowest payed in the nation.

  6. M T on March 29th, 2014 11:08 pm

    200.00 to 300.00 dollar tickets times 5 to 10 times a day per Trooper, is a lot of revenue per year !!! Millions of dollars a year…

  7. JB on March 29th, 2014 1:51 pm

    Don, the reason that the state wants to give a bonus is so that they can say that they “gave” the employee something, but it won’t actually increase their salary. Increases in salary mean that the retirement benefit will be based on a higher number thereby increasing the amount the employee will earn in retirement. If the employee only gets a bonus, any future increases in salary will be less, retirement benefits will be less, state doesn’t have to pay as much. Some employees will be satisfied because they get money in their pocket right now. Some others hopefully see it for what it is, they lose out in the long run.

  8. kelli on March 29th, 2014 1:33 pm

    Don got it all wrong the FHP troopers are the lowest paid officers of all Agencies

  9. Bobby on March 29th, 2014 12:48 pm

    Sounds like just some rumors being spread anyway. There aren’t enough Troopers in the state to write enough tickets for it to be considered even a small source of income. It amounts to pennies in the picture of a budget. It has been proven time a time again, that the more tickets written, the more the fatal and injurious wrecks decline. Quota systems have been illegal since the 70s. They don’t put a number out there for a Trooper to have to write. However, if part of a Trooper’s job is traffic law enforcement, and he isn’t writing many tickets…..then he’s probably going to get in trouble just like anyone else would at any other type of job.

  10. Don on March 29th, 2014 12:03 pm

    This is the first I’ve ever heard of a bonus program…why do public servants receive bonuses? they are well compensated with holiday’s off(or double time to work) a great pension plan after 20 years and great health benefits,they are a much needed and appreciated service,but promotions in rank and pay should be the standard issue! bonuses? how about we just start tipping all state and federal employees at point of contact sheesh………..

  11. TG on March 29th, 2014 10:37 am

    Scott backtracking dosent want to loose any votes to Crist. He is slick.