Play Ball! Opening Day For Molino Ballpark (With Photo Gallery)

March 30, 2014

Saturday was Opening Day for Molino Recreation Association and the Molino Ballpark.

For photo galleries, click the links below:

For an Opening Day ceremonies photo gallery, click here.

For photos from select Opening Day games, click here.

Pictured above and below: Opening Day action at Molino Ballpark. photos, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Play Ball! Opening Day For Molino Ballpark (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. proud grandma on March 30th, 2014 7:20 pm

    I had a great day at the Molino Ball Park watching all the kids play ball,eat and play games. This is my grandkids first year at Molino Ball Park and I would tell all my family and friends what a great community to be involved in and will love to do this again next year!

  2. southern born on March 30th, 2014 12:55 pm

    I had a great time watching all the kids having a good time playing ball. Helped my grandsons team sell pizza Keith &Timmy. We sold out and enjoyed seeing people I hadnt seen since last year. Looking forward to another good year.