Man Charged With Attacking Troopers At Son’s Fatal Wreck Is Arrested Again

March 12, 2014

After being arrested again for allegedly resisting law enforcement, bond has been revoked for a Molino father that was arrested last November on felony charges for attacking first responders and troopers at the scene of a traffic accident that claimed the life of his son.

The Florida Highway Patrol said 34-year old Joiel Wilson Edmonson of Molino lost control of his pickup truck just after 11 p.m. on November 2, 2013, on Molino Road and died as the result of his injuries.

His father, John David Edmonson, Jr. arrived on the scene a short time after the accident. He was arrested and charged with  battery on an officer, firefighter or EMT, felony aggravated assault on officer, firefighter or EMT, felony  resisting an officer with violence and a misdemeanor count of failure to obey police or fire department. Edmonson, 56, was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $15,500 bond.

In an unrelated incident on January 25, Edmonson was charged with obstruction of justice and resisting arrest with violence at a Molino bar. He was released from jail hours later on a $2,000 bond.

The State Attorney’s Office then filed a motion to revoke bond. Edmonson has pleaded not guilty to all charges against him. His attorney, Christopher Rabby, filed a motion Tuesday to set a bond amount.

According to a November 2013 Florida Highway Patrol report:

Two troopers were dispatched to the crash and were responding. They were advised by their dispatcher than EMS had reported an “angry mob” was forming and not allowing them to perform their duties. The troopers then sped up their response with lights and sirens, arriving to see the victim’s pickup in the woods, surrounded by first responders.

A fire chief on the scene told troopers there was a man by the truck assaulting EMS and firefighters and interfering with their duties. One trooper reported that he personally observed Edmonson pushing back at firefighters and not obeying their orders to leave the scene. The second trooper made contact with Edmonson and advised him to leave the area so emergency responders could do their job. He refused to leave.

The first trooper then went over to Edmonson and placed his left hand on his shoulder and advised him that he had to leave the scene. He pushed away, and was advised that he would be arrested if he did not leave the scene immediately.

Edmonson became angry and pushed the trooper away. The second trooper then placed the man in a choke hold and attempted to calm him down. He pushed the trooper off, and threw a punch at the second trooper, hitting him in the upper part of his chest.

Both troopers continued their attempt to subdue Edmonson, but he continued resisting. Edmonson then ended up on top of one trooper, trying to punch him. He was pulled off by another trooper by his shirt. Edmonson continued to resist, trying to go back against the trooper. One trooper then pulled out his taser and removed the cartridge due to being in close proximity to other responders.

The trooper advised Edmonson that he would be tased if he continued resisting. Edmonson pushed the trooper with the taser, and the trooper tased Edmonson one time around his stomach, causing him to fall back into bushes.

Edmonson resisted as both troopers attempted to take him into custody; the troopers were eventually able to overpower and handcuff him.

A McDavid firefighter told troopers that Edmonson had grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him away from victim as he tried to render aid.

Edmonson was not seriously injured. He did request that he be checked by a doctor for his diabetes. Escambia County EMS responded to the scene where Edmonson appeared to be having a diabetic issue. He was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital where he was “cleared” and transported to the Escambia County Jail.

The FHP report also indicates that Edmonson was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident.

January 2014 Arrest

Early in the morning of January 25, deputies responded to a disorderly conduct call at Louie’s Bar at 271 Molino Road.  As deputies were questioning two underage individuals inside the bar, Edmonson approach, yelling obscenities, according to an arrest report.

When he refused to leave, Edmonson was placed under arrest.  As the deputy attempted to handcuff him, Edmonson pushed the deputy, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report states.  Two deputies were then able to place Edmonson into custody without further violence.

Pictured top inset: Edmonson was arrested on multiple charges last November by the Florida Highway Patrol. Pictured bottom inset: A large law enforcement response to the November 2, 2013 incident. file photos, click to enlarge.


26 Responses to “Man Charged With Attacking Troopers At Son’s Fatal Wreck Is Arrested Again”

  1. Elaine on March 25th, 2014 12:19 pm

    Grieving is a process and I’m not sure it begins at the scene of your son’s fatal auto accident. Shock, disbelief and anger might more appropriately describe his emotions at the scene. No excuse for ‘attacking’ first responders, if that’s what actually happened, but these professionals are suppose to be trained to de-escalate violent situations. I hope this man gets the help he needs because he will undoubtedly still be grieving his son’s tragic death long after the police have forgotten about the incident.

  2. James Simpson on March 16th, 2014 7:50 pm

    I understand a father grieving, but what about the violence against the firefighters and cops? Did these people go to work one day and say, “Hey, I’m just doing my job and maybe because someone is grieving I might get hurt and not be able to provide for my family”? Should the firefighters and troopers expect to be hurt and not be able to take care of their own families? It’s not like these guys he punched had anything to do with his son’s unfortunate accident.

    I hope this guy gets help but how can you help a man grieve? Only he can find peace for himself. I hope he doesn’t hurt someone else while he finds it.

  3. Beegee on March 14th, 2014 4:23 pm

    David,you are correct!!! From the story,I too,believe there was remarkable restraint shown…… his niece,I think you are just looking at one aspect,you are family…..honestly it sounds,to me,like you are perhaps blaming the law enforcers for him now being a criminal,Sweetie, it appears he has brought that upon himself!!!!! No one makes a person a criminal…that’s a choice we all decide to do or not to do for ourselves….it’s called accepting responsibility.

  4. David Huie Green on March 14th, 2014 7:59 am

    You respond to violence with violence, especially when your job is to protect other people from violent attackers. From what is written above, the officers have shown remarkable restraint and forgiveness.

  5. his niece on March 13th, 2014 10:56 pm

    OMG really people this ignorance desevers no response really ,,but here I will anyway” To think they can remove a distraught parent that just saw his youngest boy died such a tragic way who just squeezed his hand then he never responds again..please people, REALLY. The ones saying this is fair or right for any public servant to be allowed to treat people in such a way, Simply put. will jump on any band wagon that bash someone no matter what the circumstance may be. doesn’t impress me at all, More like IGNORANT Adults to me! At least my uncle has an excuse for his actions. What excuse do the professionals have? Did they just watch their child die before their eyes and yet helpless to the boy.The very ones that are trained to help a situation and get it under control rater than add to it only to have an end result where a parent ends up now a criminal/ but it was an accident scene with fatality. The professionals already called off life flight so who is to blame now for interfering with a life,? glad it wasn’t a hostage situation.. and the very ones we put or faith in actually had no compassion what so ever.. caused harm rather than good[WHERE ARE THE GOOD COPS?} they used violence instead which my uncle didnt put up with.’ under the circumstances9 clear thinking wouLd not be easy in his situation[ its really not something under normal times that he would do.Never has its not a hobby or anthing and certsinly wasn’t personal.”‘ ,:glad it wasn’t a hostage situation the way it was handle things could not have turned out any better as professionals .Not thinking a situation through before reacting the way they did can cause a situation to go south very fast. They are paid to help people and they take an oath. So why didn’t they use some form of compassion and still remain professional while gaining control rater than come up then add to a bad situation causing a tragic accident to end up with a parent tht has been on scene for some time. already to wind up in jail,

  6. Jeff on March 13th, 2014 8:14 pm

    I was not at either location or site of arrest.

    I lost my beautiful wife to cancer and watched her wrapped in a white cloth in our bedroom. Our son dropped to the floor when the nurse announced “She has passed.”

    Then the funeral home placed her on a gurney and rolled her out of my physical life forever. I watched the ambulance drive away through the field that was our front yard.

    I didn’t attack anyone then or when I received her ashes.

    Get help, friend.

  7. paul on March 13th, 2014 2:54 pm

    I’ve been laid out on the road thinkin I was gonna die after being hit by a redlight runner while on my motorcycle.. All I wanted to do was tell my Family I loved them.. I think he should have been allowed to see his son to comfort him in his passing.. :(

  8. alice on March 13th, 2014 12:51 pm

    What a horrible way to be treated at the scene of your own son’s death. I have no idea how I would react but I can tell you it wouldn’t be calmly. Seems to me the persons in authority could have handled the situation better. Where’s the training? I appreciate the work that law enforcement, paramedics, first responders in general do, but they are not always right. It’s a mistake to think they are. Poor guy…hope he gets the help he needs.

  9. SMH on March 13th, 2014 11:23 am

    Wow, another police report with lies. I believe this man has a target on his back by all law enforcement because of the amount of support Mr. Edmonson was given when his son died and he was tased. I heard from the 3 people who were there what happened-and there were NO juveniles involved in Mr. Edmonson’s arrest-just a cop with a bad attitude. Mr. Edmonson goes to Louie’s Bar to spend time playing darts with the Family that he has left-they are his support system. People are assuming that he is some drunk, he is not. I use to put all my trust in law enforcement-but since they chose to tase Mr. Edmonson on the scene of his son’s accident and now trying to ruin his character.

  10. Flo on March 13th, 2014 10:39 am

    I have loss both my husband and daughter. I know sudden loss of a love one is very hard. Grief does not give a person the right to interfere with LE or EMS personal. If the man has diabetics he should not be drinking at all. He needs HELP and fast.

  11. Kari Bennett on March 13th, 2014 10:28 am

    Papa John isn’t a bad man and if any of us were to be in his situation we’d all probably be in jail too. I grew up with J.J. sinceI was 8 and dated him from then until we were around 18 off and on and know the bond he and his father had! Papa John was just being a father and ttrying to help and get to his son to let J.J. know he was there! J.J. knew he wasn’t ok and so did Papa John and all J.J. wanted was to hold Papa Johns hand like he made sure he did before J.J. let go…before people judge or say things make sure you understand the situation and know the whole and true story along with facts! There’s good cops and bad cops and ones that over use their authority and in this case well they over reacted on Papa John. I would’ve done the same damn thing! R.I.P Joiel Wilson Edmonson I miss you and love you more than you know!

  12. David Huie Green on March 13th, 2014 8:17 am

    Letting people grieve is a good thing.
    Grieving by attacking others is a bad thing.
    Grieving by stopping the people trying to save a life is also a bad thing.

    David for good things
    and consolation

  13. citizen on March 12th, 2014 11:36 pm

    This mans son died , none of us can say how we would act in a similar situation when emotions are crazy. I really feel sorry for him, jail is not the answer this man needs therapy and community help instead.

  14. paul on March 12th, 2014 9:53 pm

    I don’t know him but I have thrown darts at Louie’s and remember seeing him as just another customer.. I wouldn’t have a problem sitting next to him.. There’s two sides to every story.. I’ll leave it at that because I wasn’t there on either event mentioned.

  15. Michelle on March 12th, 2014 5:31 pm

    The authorities were pretty unclear as to why he was acting that way. Was he so distraught by seeing his son die? They make it out he was being difficult all together. Adrenaline is a power thing. GOD bless this man and the rest of the family for their loss of a child. No matter how old he may have been.

  16. James Broel on March 12th, 2014 9:30 am

    Stephanie… leave this man alone so he can grieve? He needs to be a better person himself whether he lost a son or not. He clearly has anger management issues!!

  17. sam on March 12th, 2014 9:23 am

    say what? leave him alone? he is a threat to public safety. sorry for his loss but his reactions are way off base. if hes diabetic and drinks heavily HE has a problem not the authorities.

  18. curious on March 12th, 2014 9:00 am

    Thanks to all law enforcement, if this man wants to grieve, he needs to stay @ home, not out drinking & pose a threat to others, where others won’t have to grieve for his stupidity, our law enforcement does not put a badge on to be a punching bag, first time, I would have said he was upset, but not this time, this time he sounds like he goes around causing trouble, so for that, keep him him locked up until he gets the help he needs & stays sober, he’s not getting a pity party from me, so with that being said, I hope Mr. Edmonson gets the help he needs & be a better person.

  19. Carmen on March 12th, 2014 8:40 am

    Leave the man alone? I understand he’s grieving, but he’s the one putting himself in these positions to get arrested. This last instance he came up to the police and butted into something that didn’t concern him. Lots of people grieve but they don’t act like this when they do. This man has some serious issues besides just grief. I’m sorry for his loss and hope he gets some help but if he continues this behavior then he’ll have to get that help in the jailhouse.

  20. Jerry A on March 12th, 2014 8:19 am

    Stephanie, there is a proper way to grieve for a lost loved one, but violence certainly is not part of the grief stage, IMO, this would never have happened has Mr. Edmonson had not had that liquid courage. Had he obeyed the commands of LE and other first responders this article would be a moot point.

  21. Cantonment Granny on March 12th, 2014 8:09 am

    I feel sorry for this man’s loss of his son, and his emotional trauma at the accident scene is understandable to a point, but the first responders were there to help and were not the cause of the accident, so his belligerence was misplaced. The bar episode just underlines this man’s disrespect for all persons in authority. He brought that on hiimself. Perhaps some therapy and a vacation from alcohol would help. I wish him luck and success at regaining control.of his life.

  22. Candy Pilgrim Carnley on March 12th, 2014 8:08 am

    I could not fathom losing a child. No matter what the child’s age is. I think people should put themselves in his shoes. God only know how we would react to hearing we just lost our child much less seeing our child lose his life. I know I would lash out in that can of pain. So Sorry your hurting.

  23. X supporter on March 12th, 2014 7:42 am

    Stephanie: leave this man alone???
    He CANNOT go around places…bars…wherever he wants to go and BULLY people like he is doing.
    It’s time for him to QUIT using this as a “crutch”!!
    He needs to stop letting alcohol get him into these situations!

  24. Stephanie on March 12th, 2014 7:23 am

    Rip jj…..leave this man alone!! Instead of throwing charges at him, why not help the man grieve. Where is the understanding these days? Just saying.

  25. well on March 12th, 2014 5:09 am

    So sorry for this mans loss.


  26. Melanie on March 12th, 2014 1:02 am

    RIP JJ