Local Corpsman Receives Silver Star

March 20, 2014

“I didn’t think, I just reacted,” said HM3 Zackery Penner, a corpsman with Naval Hospital Pensacola, when recalling the events of June 22 and 23, 2012, while serving with Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Marines in Afghanistan.

For his actions on those two days, Penner was awarded the Silver Star, the third highest military decoration for valor, Wednesday.

On June 22, 2012, with approximately 30 days left in country, Penner’s platoon encountered Afghan insurgents on the first day of a seven-day operation, and a Marine was severely wounded on a nearby rooftop. Without hesitation, Penner ran to the Marine while exposing himself to enemy fire that was only 50 meters away.

With rounds impacting all around him, he treated and evacuated the Marine. Though the Marine did not survive from the wounds he sustained, Penner’s actions reflected the relationship and camaraderie shared between Marines and corpsmen.

“Marines love their corpsmen, and I love being with Marines,” said Penner, who enlisted in the Navy immediately after graduating high school in Sacramento, Calif. “I wanted to be a corpsman because I wanted to help Marines.”

Penner got to help a Marine again the very next day.

While on a partnered patrol with Afghan soldiers, insurgents attacked his squad with machine guns and precision fire weapons.

When two members of the patrol sustained injuries, a Marine and an Afghan soldier, Penner ran more than 100 meters through enemy fire to reach the casualties and quickly established a casualty collection point behind a wall. When the squad began receiving enemy fire from the rear, Penner shielded the casualties from enemy fire with his own body until the evacuation aircraft arrived. Both casualties would ultimately not survive, but Penner again sustained no injuries despite putting himself in harm’s way.

“It never crossed my mind that I wouldn’t be hurt,” said Penner. “It’s actually hard to remember the events of those two days in detail now because I just reacted.”

After returning from the seven-day operation, Penner immediately contacted his wife.

“I couldn’t tell her what happened because of [operational security], but I wanted her to know I was OK,” said Penner, whose grandfather served in the Navy during World War II.

Penner also called the Marine’s family that he evacuated from the rooftop.

“He was my best friend, and I wanted to talk to them,” said Penner before trailing off.

The relationship between Marines and their corpsmen was further demonstrated as a large number of Marines attended the ceremony including Maj. Gen. Raymond Fox, commanding general, II Marine Expeditionary Force.

“The relationship the Marine Corps has had with corpsmen for a long time is what saves a lot of Marines, and [Marines] cherish that relationship incredibly,” said Fox. “Every one of us should aspire to do what he did when called upon.”

After returning from Afghanistan, Penner received orders to NHP where he currently works in the emergency department. Initially, Penner planned on fulfilling his current enlistment and then leaving the Navy, but being stateside has given him a new perspective.

“The stress of working in the emergency room does not compare to the stress of combat,” said Penner. “Being stationed at a hospital stateside is a lot calmer.”

Penner is currently taking college classes and is now planning on continuing his career in the Navy. He is considering the Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program and hopes to eventually receive orders to a naval hospital in California to be closer to his family.

When asked about how he felt about receiving the Silver Star, Penner replied, “It’s humbling. I was in the right place at the wrong time, but any of the Marines would have done the same thing.”

Pictured: HM3 Zackery Penner, a corpsman with Naval Hospital Pensacola, was awarded the Silver Star Wednesday for actions while serving with 1st Battalion, 8th Marines in Afghanistan in the summer of 2012. Maj. Gen. Raymond Fox, commanding general, II Marine Expeditionary Force, presented the medal to Penner at the hospital. Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Local Corpsman Receives Silver Star”

  1. David "Doc" Watson HM2 FMF on February 7th, 2015 9:27 pm

    Thanks for upholding the highest traditions of a long line Navy Corpsmen taking care of the Grunts. Semper Fi and Fair Winds!

  2. don fortune on March 21st, 2014 9:52 am

    As an HM2 I received orders from 1st Mar Div to NHPncl. from there to Sub School. Congrats young man you did your job and did it well….df

  3. Doug on March 20th, 2014 10:42 pm

    Congrats Devil DOC. Yes, we Marines care very deeply for our Corpsman. Semper Fi.

  4. brian on March 20th, 2014 9:49 am

    That he took the time and cared enough to contact his friend’s parents speaks volumes about this corpsman, and I’m sure this gesture was very meaningful to the parents. Well done, young man…..

  5. molino jim on March 20th, 2014 8:32 am

    Thank you young man for serving and trying to save the lives in both cases. As a Marine of many years ago I know when everyone is hunker down and the call goes out — MEDIC !! that the corpsmen leave cover and do their duty under the worse of conditions. Marines use the term Semper Fi— this truly applies to our corpsmen also. Wishing you a long and happy life.

  6. spence on March 20th, 2014 7:40 am

    Thank you for serving our country and for everything you do.

  7. E on March 20th, 2014 7:35 am

    From this old retired CPO, YOU ARE “BROTHERHOOD, HONOR AND SERVICE.” Thank You for your service to your Country and Brothers & Sisters.


    Non sibi, sed DEO et patria!!

  8. Old Salt on March 20th, 2014 6:46 am

    HM3 Penner, Bravo Zulu for your heroic actions!

  9. Ron Hendricks on March 20th, 2014 6:44 am

    Carrying on the tradition of taking care of Marines wounded in combat, thank you for being there for them!

  10. Robert S. on March 20th, 2014 6:25 am

    Another example of America’s Finest.

    Many Thanks, Respect and Appreciation to ALL who are serving, and to those who have served, in the uniforms of the United States of America.

  11. Dave S on March 20th, 2014 6:15 am

    I’ve seen first hand how these young men and women put themselves in harms way to help. It didn’t matter who you were or what country you were from, their only mission was to save lives. Truly amazing! Feeling very proud to have served 24 years with these fine men and women.

  12. 429SCJ on March 20th, 2014 3:57 am

    His actions speak for themselves.

    Congratulations Corpsman Penner.