Good Morning Governor Scott! We Are Part Of Florida Too

March 5, 2014

Good morning Governor Rick Scott!  We appreciate you taking the time to stop by and read

We just wanted you to know the we’re part of Florida too. During your State of the State address Tuesday, you mentioned, “The stories of opportunity in Florida stretch from east to west – from Key West to Panama City.”

A quick check of our trusty map confirms that there are plenty of places and plenty of opportunities west of Panama City. Places like Escambia and Santa Rosa counties and Pensacola.

But while we have your attention, we want to talk to you about the opportunities that exist in our area of North Escambia. Little places you’ve probably never heard of or have forgotten like Walnut Hill, Bratt, Enon, McDavid, Bogia and Century.

To the best of our knowledge, you have never set foot into those places during your term as governor. During your campaign, you sat down on the campaign bus with our publisher following a campaign appearance in Molino (that’s in North Escambia).

And you were proud to announce, a week after we broke the story on, that the West Fraser sawmill in McDavid (that’s in North Escambia, too) was reopening with dozens and dozens of jobs. It was great news, but you announced it in Pensacola (that’s west of Panama City, but not in North Escambia).

This little message was not meant to be overtly political as we head into an election season. We just saw a great chance to bring the communities of North Escambia to your attention.

During your term as governor scores of jobs were created in Walnut Hill as Genesis Energy opened one of the largest crude oil rail transfer stations in the nation. Hundreds of people stood in line for hours for the chance to apply for the jobs. They were looking for opportunity.

A few miles away, still in Walnut Hill, our state road was repaved during your administration, and we even have a flashing caution light now. At the same intersection, half cent sales tax money is replacing our middle school, part of which was built in the 1940’s, with a modern $20 million school that will provide great opportunity for our youth.

Back in Enon, one of the most rural places in the state, a brand new $1.5 million bridge funded by your administration just opened this week.

Over in Bratt, Northview High School, the smallest regular high school in the county, continues to hold its own despite all of the state testing requirements, and the Chiefs continue to shine in academics and extra-curricular activities. From the FFA that was named one of the best in the nation, to a state championship football team, to those lowest quartile students working to make  learning gains on state testing, Northview is something to be proud about. You recently sent them a few handwritten notes congratulating them on learning gains.

And, by the way, if you were to consider a visit to Northview one day, stop by the Travis Nelson Memorial Park just down the road. There you can salute the flag and pause for a moment of prayer at the memorial to one of our local sons that joined the military looking for opportunity, but so willingly gave his life for our freedoms and opportunities.

Then there’s Century. It’s Florida’s northernmost city…so “the stories of opportunity in Florida stretch from east to west – from the beaches of Key West to Century in the far northwest”. Your speechwriters are welcome to file that line away and use it.

There’s a lot to be proud about in Century, but it’s no secret the population is declining and poverty is increasing. Century is like the Little Engine That Could, but just can’t get over the hurdles. There’s a business incubator and empty industrial sites just waiting for jobs. There’s a Brownsfield designation. There are people in poverty looking for the opportunity to work. It’s time for you, Gov. Scott, to get to work and find a way to help  bring opportunity to Century.

You, Governor Scott, have the opportunity to reach out and learn what’s working today in North Escambia,  so Florida can really be a story of opportunity from Key West to Century.


28 Responses to “Good Morning Governor Scott! We Are Part Of Florida Too”

  1. Who voted him in on March 7th, 2014 8:36 pm

    The man pled the fifth to not incriminate himself, voters elected him. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING! Time for a new governor in 2016

  2. bex on March 7th, 2014 2:12 am

    Very well put and hopefully someone shows this to our governor.

  3. North end resident on March 6th, 2014 12:53 pm

    Thank you William for representing the people of the Forgotten community in Florida, in writing this story. I too sent my two cents worth to the link provided by Dennis. Please keep us posted and let us know if your story and the emails from others got the Governor’s attention. Thx

    Our children get an awesome education from our area schools up on the northend, but unfortunately, our area cannot benefit from that because our children have to move away to find employment to make a living.
    My husband and I put two of our children through the school system up here and now they both live/work in other states and I hear so many other parents complain of the same thing. We miss our children, and were missing out on the opportunity to share their lives and our grandchildren’s lives because they have to live somewhere else, not by choice, but by necessity. It’s just not fair!

  4. SW on March 6th, 2014 12:39 pm

    Maybe now would be a good time to consider seceeding from FL and creating our own state-if they don’t know we are here, they won’t miss us and won’t put up much of a fuss!

  5. William on March 5th, 2014 8:07 pm

    >>>Are we not part of North Escambia too

    Yes…Cantonment is. But Scott has been to Cantonment since taking office. We were highlighting areas he has not been.

  6. What about Cantonment? on March 5th, 2014 7:23 pm

    Are we not part of North Escambia too?

  7. a north escambia teen on March 5th, 2014 4:46 pm

    Well said Mr. William. Gov. Scott forgot about the little towns with big accomplishments. From the youth to the adults.

  8. Nathalie Bowers on March 5th, 2014 2:45 pm

    Nicely written, William!

  9. Margie Hays on March 5th, 2014 11:54 am

    Thank you, William, for the very timely and well-put address to our governor. We rely on to be our voice, especially when we are overlooked or pigeon-holed by the rest of the state. Well said!

  10. countrygirl on March 5th, 2014 11:37 am

    Maybe if the governor paid more attention to sports, he’d know more about our awesome corner of the world! A LOT of world class athletes have grown up in our part of Fl. Emmitt Smith, Bubba Watson, and Trent Richardson to name a few…

  11. Molino Florida resident on March 5th, 2014 11:14 am

    Thank you William for the good article. Also, thank you Dennis for posting the web address to Gov. Scott. I sent him a message on it. I do hope others do the same.

  12. Vikingwench on March 5th, 2014 10:04 am

    And I surely hope someone puts this in front of the Governor’s face!

  13. Vikingwench on March 5th, 2014 10:03 am

    KUDOS! Well-stated, and I assure you, well-supported! Thank your for your eloquent assertation.

  14. Terri Sanders on March 5th, 2014 9:31 am


  15. xpeecee on March 5th, 2014 8:39 am

    Well stated, William!!!!!!!

  16. The Baggetts on March 5th, 2014 8:30 am

    This is a great opinion piece and very well-supported! Thanks for bringing everything awesome about this area to Gov. Scott’s attention, especially the Town of Century and our schools (Bratt, Ernest Ward and Northview)!

  17. PD on March 5th, 2014 8:23 am

    Very well written!

  18. Dennis HE Wiggins on March 5th, 2014 8:13 am

    Everyone should tell the governor how they feel about this nonsense – I did! Go to

    and show him WE ARE PART OF FLORIDA, TOO! Maybe if he gets enough e-mails from us he will remember we are here.

  19. rbg on March 5th, 2014 7:14 am

    As a resident of Alabama, I am proud of your article in support of Northwest Florida. Your words are right on and I am glad to be your neighbor. Perhaps this article will help Gov. Scott remember that good deserving folk live up here as well as down there.

  20. That's right! on March 5th, 2014 6:52 am

    GREAT article!

  21. Robert S. on March 5th, 2014 6:50 am

    Perhaps our governor was using one of the old DOT maps that showed everything west of Panama City as being located in the Gulf of Mexico down near the Key West / Cuba area. An honest mistake of course.

    Northern Escambia County is a great place to live, raise a family and attend the many high quality schools where children are able to excel to the very best of their own abilities. Unfortunately, there is not a large and growing opportunity for finding work in a job that provides a high rate of pay and promise of long term career experiences. Because of that many of the younger generation migrate to other areas to find employment and North Escambia becomes less populated.

    Rick Scott came into office promising to add 700,000 jobs yet the focus of those jobs has been along the Atlantic coast of Florida and in the central portion of the state where the amusement “Whatever-World” parks are located.

    Each of the comments here carries excellent points and it is hoped that the political powers of this state will turn their interest and eyes to the North Escambia area.

    Northview High is a Bright Star in this, or any, state’s educational system by offering a wide range of activities and challenges for the students in academics, sports and perhaps most important component by being a school where young adults become positive members in their Community. Ms. Weaver, you and your teachers and support staff are Outstanding. Parents, your involvement and support of your children and the school are very important and you always step up to the plate.

    Mr. Scott, I am sure that if you contacted Ms. Weaver at Northview High that she would willingly ask for a volunteer to assist you with the real geography of the state which you are charged with representing. The WHOLE State, please.

  22. Gayle Weaver on March 5th, 2014 5:18 am

    On behalf of the entire Northview family, past, present, and future Chiefs, I thank you for your positive comments about Northview High School. The faculty, staff, and students are working so very hard this year to make good FCAT and EOC scores. Maybe this article will inspire them even more to make sure everyone, not only in Tallahassee but also the entire state, knows what they are capable of doing in academics. We are very proud of our students, staff, parents, and community. We Love Our Chiefs!

  23. Me on March 5th, 2014 5:07 am

    We are the black sheep of florida

  24. well on March 5th, 2014 5:06 am

    Right on brother!!!

  25. c.w. on March 5th, 2014 4:59 am

    A well written article. Now lets see if the governor responds or continues to ignore us, if he even knows we are here.

  26. Amen on March 5th, 2014 3:58 am

    Very well said!

  27. Wet Dog on March 5th, 2014 2:45 am

    Great article highlighting the supporting areas and backbone of this treasure trove of gems here in the panhandle. Thank you!

  28. Erin on March 5th, 2014 1:04 am

    Way to go! I’m glad someone can remind him of us as he seems to have forgotten.