Florida Senate Snuffs Out E-Cigarettes To Minors

March 19, 2014

Amid concerns about youths getting hooked on nicotine or tobacco, the Florida Senate on Tuesday voted 40-0 to ban the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors. The proposal (SB 224), sponsored by Majority Leader Lizbeth Benacquisto, R-Fort Myers, quickly moved through the Senate, and a similar measure (HB 169) has been approved by two House subcommittees. The increasingly popular electronic cigarettes are seen by some people as more acceptable than smoking, with the process involving a vaporizer to inhale nicotine that is often enhanced with flavors. But critics have raised questions about whether the devices could serve as a gateway to nicotine addiction.


One Response to “Florida Senate Snuffs Out E-Cigarettes To Minors”

  1. Just sayin... on March 20th, 2014 6:58 am

    The Senate can pass all the laws they want, but when those laws are not followed by vendors or enforced by law enforcement, what is really accomplished?

    Take “spice” for example. It has been illegal for nearly a year now, yet it is still readily available and being to sold to adults and minors alike right here in our area.