Florida Bill Filed That Would Allow Recreational Marijuana Use

March 2, 2014

In the latest twist in a debate about legalizing marijuana in Florida, Sen. Dwight Bullard, D-Miami, filed a proposal Friday that would allow the recreational use of marijuana. The bill (SB 1562) likely has little chance of passing the Republican-dominated Legislature.

But it calls for allowing people who are 21 or older to possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana and also would allow them to cultivate up to six marijuana plants. The proposal also would create a regulatory structure that deals with issues such as the sale and taxation of marijuana.

The proposal comes as Florida voters prepare to cast ballots in November on legalizing medical marijuana. Also, lawmakers are considering proposals to legalize a marijuana extract that can help some children who have a form of epilepsy and suffer from severe seizures.

by The News Service of Florida


56 Responses to “Florida Bill Filed That Would Allow Recreational Marijuana Use”

  1. michael Yarbrough on August 21st, 2014 12:18 pm

    To have something legal in only parts of our country is unconstitutional.

  2. tom on August 3rd, 2014 10:00 pm

    Mark my words, it is going to be legal very soon. From this point on just watch.

  3. AIM on July 20th, 2014 11:06 am

    Legalize it! There is no reason why it has to be marked as a bad drug. It doesn’t kill anyone and it makes people happy! All they are doing now by keeping it illegal is arresting people for helping the world, Legal or not it will never die!

  4. KB on June 7th, 2014 12:27 am

    Legalize It.! There is absolutely nothing wrong with medicinal or recreational use of this plant. The pills that your doctor prescribe you are much worse. Not to mention the fact that we would be saving tax payers money on this so called war on drugs that will never be won. Put those police officers on our borders, instead of flying around in helicopters trying to look for a few plants to be destroyed that is costing us Billions of dollars a year. Wake up America!!!!!

  5. Bryan on April 25th, 2014 3:47 pm

    Florida is a agriculture state and would bring jobs to all citizens. There are so many jobs created just by the legal consumption of a plant.There are sales, cooks, farming, budtending, and glass makers. There are too many positive attributes to this plant for it to be illegal. I know its kicking a dead horse but there are far worse things out there that the FDA and government allow for human consumption but the side effects and long term affects on the body are very hindering. Then this little innocent plant considered to be a “Gateway drug” is looked at as evil. Knowledge lies in our parents and school systems.

  6. j scott maltese sr on April 23rd, 2014 8:15 am

    I think following of cali. and Colorado would not be a bad idea… it would be nice if controlled and monitored, besides the revenue it would bring in. there is no doubt that marijuana is in the state and smuggled into fl. constantly so people are smoking who knows what…

  7. bob dob on April 10th, 2014 9:30 am

    Everyone knows pot was made illegal 75 years ago by uptight white guys afraid of black and Hispanic influences in US culture. Time to kill the foolish racist prohibition laws. And, while we are at it, round up republicans and conservatives and throw em all in concentration camps!

  8. Did you know on April 4th, 2014 6:01 am

    Did you know it costs taxpayers roughly 20,000 dollars to prosecute somebody who got caught with a 20 dollar bag of bud. That alone should justify you critics who aren’t affected by this drug to help legalize it. I’m sorry but it’s ridiculous especially when your grand children are downing your legal prescription drugs and over dosing daily. If marijuana is to stay illegal when its known to help people then the legal pills you pop daily should be on that list also. But i know you won’t give those up.

  9. Ric on March 26th, 2014 9:35 am

    William 2,
    You truly have no idea what you’re talking about with your ‘what-ifs’. Get a grip, I starting smoking while working about 4 years ago; I really wish I would’ve started sooner. I’m sure you would rather see someone smoke a cigarette rather than weed on their smoke breaks. Cigarettes restrict blood-flow; I’m sure that is great when you are trying to think straight. Ignorance is not bliss, keep it to yourself. Ignorance is completely a choice.

  10. Thats right! on March 18th, 2014 5:03 pm

    Soon the dinosaurs and old relics will die off and be replaced with new up to date thinkers. The good ole boys are dying off. Thank You Mr Old Age.

  11. Ms.simmens on March 17th, 2014 1:36 pm

    I believe marijuana should be legalized 100%. People could benefit from it from pain, PTSD,cancer, aids, seizures, bipolar, and many other reasons.

  12. growboy on March 11th, 2014 9:07 pm

    First I like to set the damn record straight, I been smoking weed for over 20 years I had a job since I was 15. I served 5 years in the army and went back to smoking as soon as my plane landed. I don’t smoke now because I cant afford to loose my job. But I felt better when I could smoke. My legs and shoulders constantly hurts. When I went to the doctor he wanted to put me on prescription pain killers what kinda bull is that.I grew up in a household full of coke heads and alcoholics, but when they smoked weed they were entirely different people. That what really made me choice weed I watched and observed people’s behavior. The only negative side effect I could possibly warn people about is that women become more open to sexual suggestions that sometimes not appropriate. Free your mind people your government sells you cigarettes with a warning label, alcohol with a warning label, but no one has ever overdose on marijuana. But fear is a powerful weapon.

  13. the polls the people on March 8th, 2014 1:27 pm

    What people fail to realize it the cannabis is already here… Legalizing is just the difference between us having control or some scumbag who will probably sell to your child having control.

  14. Jack on March 6th, 2014 12:15 am

    Oh my word. The lack of education on this issue is truly evident. There’s some that have done their homework. In my opinion, Did you know- the human body produces cannabinoids just as the cannabis plant does. Did you know- we have CB1 and CB2 receptors in our bodies that cannabinoids attach themselves to? Did you know- that the HB 843 that past today in Florida benefits those with specific seizure disorders. There are 66 other cannabinoids and five sub classes. I support HB 843, SB 1039 and Amendment 2. I am for decriminalization. Every 19 minutes someone dies of an overdose on pills. Everyday 22 veterans commit suicide. PTSD doesn’t just happen from war though. It can be engrained in the subconscious from any traumatic event. I personally think the insane prohibtion of this plant back in 1937 should be abolished . Our prisons are full of those who were in simple possession or cultivation of a plant that “Yes” God Almighty put here. Just as he gave us the papaver somniferum – opium poppy. The first greatest thing I see being abused in this country is food. Sugar is abused. Caffeine is abused. Alcohol is abused. Pills are abused. And yes cannabis is abused. But to restrict a medication for some 1937 era mentality is ludicris.
    I say those who care – (#Vote YesOn2 November 4th) if SB 1039 does not supercede it.

  15. michael on March 5th, 2014 11:07 am

    marijuanna has been around and has been used to treat several medical problems for thousands of years.our for fathers including george washington grew and used it to pay taxes.the majority do use marijuanna and keep their use a secret including doctors, lawyers, police, your sunday school teacher.if we were to legalize this seed bearing plant which god provided for our use then alot of people would benifit. drugs and alcahol kill people daily but find one thing about pot causing a death, overdose ect. i suffer from ptsd from serving our country and marijuanna without doubt is a miracle all natural herb that does wonders without side effects.also increases sex drive, allows you to relax, helps sleep and you controll your effects.our public officials need to their heads out of ass and get on board. legalize marijuanna accross the board. help the cancer, treat disorders, help children and families,boost income and jobs.let our voices be heard.

  16. William 2 on March 5th, 2014 10:02 am

    I don’t care what the excuse is that the reefer user have for making it legal it does not and never will belong in the workplace! If a person comes into work high he or she is not at there best not matter what they say. Any drug or alcohol that deters the attitude, mental function, or coordination of a person in an industrial or construction environment makes that person a safety factor to themselves and others on that site at some point and time. Point and case: A demolition company up north was tearing down a building and it was next to another building that had workers in it. The operator on the excavator was high on mary jane and made a wrong move with the machine and caused the other building to collapse and crush the people next door. He was arrested for involuntary manslaughter! As he should have been. So you come into work in a office environment high you probably aren’t a safety factor for those around you. The question is , how did you get to work high? If it is legalized it will be abused more than ever because unlike alcohol your boss can’t smell your breath and tell that you are high. Most pot smokers I know personally are popping loritabs and other prescription painkillers also. Our society has become full of chemical dependent people and that’s why our freedoms we enjoy today will be eventually taken from us as a nation because we have become irresponsible as a society with our laws and our actions as individuals. The people in power think you are all idiots and want you high so they can slide their agendas in front of you and you will fall for it hook, line, and sinker! Go ahead and take the foolish bait! Remember these words I write: Everything has a cost in this life! What is disguised as a freedom might control your destiny in the future!

  17. john mcCain on March 5th, 2014 5:03 am

    weed should be legal and to all thoses who say otherwise just think if u had a condition that was greatly helped by marijuana i believe u would try it and find that it helps, it would lower crime rate drastically and as far as recreational goes marijuana has caused 0 overdose alcohol has killed so many but why is that still legal? there is a process in making alcohol and pills which have killed thousands of people and ruined many families when weed is natural and brings families closer… by the way what happened to our freedom.

  18. perdido fisherman on March 5th, 2014 12:57 am

    Lisa, you do not have to just smoke marijuana to benefit from it, you can eat it, take the resins as medicine, and vaporize it. none of those have any negative sideeffects. Vaporizing does not have any carcinogens like regular smoking has in it. The oils of this plant are very safe and treat so many different ailements without negative side effects.
    Israel has marijuana as medicine for over 40 years and they have not repoted any negative side effects but they have reported numerous positive effects of this wonderful plant.
    Major drug companies, law enforcement and even cartels want to keep marijuana illegal for thier own benefit. Law enforcement and cartels want it kept illegal for the monetary benefits they receive, the black market keeps prices high to make it worth while. Law enforcement wants to keep it illegal to keep justifying thier inflated budgets. Drug companies want to keep it illegal because they want you to take thier lab made pills that cause side effects that in turn require you to take more of thier pills that cause side effects keeping the cycle going and marijuana actually treats these ailements cheaply, with out more side efects. Law makers vote to keep it illegal because big pharma has lobbyist filling thier pockets with cash and incentives, not to mention the cartels also have lobbyist that pay law makers to keep it illegal because it keeps it on the black market where they can keep prices high.
    We can’t forget the scariest business of all and that’s for profit prisons, the largest for profit prison company in the U.S. made 1.8 billion dollars in profits each year.
    If you do not believe me look up Corrctions corporation of America Do not believe the propaganda that prisons are losing money keeping people in jail for marijuana crimes because that a lie. The company i just named stands to lose approximately 25% of thier profits if marijuana is legalized.

  19. Roland Hall on March 4th, 2014 6:45 pm

    Ms. Carnley,
    I have only one question for you, have you ever smoked or eaten cannabis? If you have not then you cannot speak on the effects. You can only parrot what you have read or heard. Which is exactly what most people who are against this type of legislation do. People who aren’t productive while using Cannabis, aren’t productive when they are not using Cannabis. It is a character flaw that is the fault of the individual, not a plant. The same people that are up in arms over bills similar to this one ingest prescription medicine without even batting an eye. The bodily harm caused by opiates is exponentially worse than anything that cannabis can do. Florida prescribes more opiates than all of the other states in the union and no one cares because a doctor says it’s okay. Before you attack cannabis users please do your own research into both sides of this issue. Smoke a joint or enjoy an edible, it will change your entire perspective on not only this issue but life itself.

  20. No Excuses on March 4th, 2014 3:53 pm

    Just to put it out there: Not all people smoke marijuana. I don’t. As for legalizing it, I think the majority are correct when they say that those who want to smoke already are. Legalize it, regulate it and tax the crap out of it. Take the money from the criminals getting rich growing and selling it. I personally won’t smoke it, and I don’t want other members of my family or my friends to do so either. It does tend to demotivate people who use it regularly.

  21. Bryan on March 4th, 2014 1:03 pm

    As a criminal attorney for almost 15 years, I have never seen one criminal act caused by marijuana. I have seen hundreds of cases directly associated with prescription pills , that the government says are fine because they are prescribed. I honestly think most people against cannabis are scared of a “culture shift”. They think the world will turn into a Cheech and Chong movie. In reality people who want to smoke marijuana already are, and they are paying billions in taxes to the Mexican cartels. Let’s take that money away from those murdering criminals, and put it into OUR states budget.

  22. Lisa on March 4th, 2014 12:24 pm

    Does anyone remember the number of cases of Cancer due to Cigarette smoking? Many employers won’t hire people who smoke. How are pot smokers going to get jobs & be an asset to the community? Studies show that the number of individuals smoking has gone down considerablly. Now that the governments pockets aren’t being lined by the high taxes paid on cigarettes, what is the government going to do? Let’s legalize pot… Who cares about what’s happening to this country or it’s people, BUT they will be profiting from it. Are there so many people who are miserable with their lives that they can’t live & deal with reality. They have to be stoned. How will 2 oz be regulated? What a joke. I’m ashamed that this country is becoming what it is. Remember what Kennedy said “don’t ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. Wake up America & be proud not stoned!

  23. kathy on March 4th, 2014 10:18 am

    I Hope they make it Legal, Because there are alot of people suffing, and they could get good use of it , Just because you smoke marijauna doesn’t make you a bad person, But it does help with Health conditions and Pain, so I say go for it.

  24. chels k on March 4th, 2014 7:47 am

    Okay, for everyone saying leagalize it, I definitely agree. Have you ever heard of anyone overdosing on Marijuana…no. And driving while high on Marijuana..have you ever heard of a wreck being the cause of Marijuana use…no. Also some of you saying all the people I know who smoke are lazy bums, this and that…well maybe if it was legal they would have a job. Some people use this instead of taking medication that is chemically man made instead they prefer something that grows from the earths ground that is 100% natural. Most people do it in the privacy of their own homes after work or what have you. It is considered a drug only because it takes you out of a normal state of mind. Loratabs, any narcotic, sutafed all of those are a ‘drug’ too that people get addicted to that does impair driving and causes wrecks but yet that is legal? That is ridiculous. Marijuana is not addicting. You can stop smoking whenever you feel but like I said some people use that as there medication for anxiety, anger mamagement, depression, also sore joints and muscles. It is more than just getting ‘high’. And about criminals not being able to smoke it…what kind of crazy stuff is that? It may help them. Just cause you have committed a crime or broke the law does not mean you are not a resident of FL, they can still buy alcohol right, to wear they can get a dui and kill a family but you don’t want to let them smoke? Something that calms the majority of the people who smoke it down? Does NOT make one bit of sense. This is just my opinion amd and can keep going and going but I think I have made my point.

  25. james on March 4th, 2014 7:11 am

    Republicans will be for this because of states rights and not wanting further government regulation am i right?

  26. 429SCJ on March 4th, 2014 3:15 am

    @Debora D. Carnley, not everyone who smokes pot goes on to try every drug in the book and endeavors to get themselves into every unconventional situation and relationship under the sun.

    Not everyone who smokes pot goes down the tubes, those people who do are the exception, not the rule. I know this does not make you feel any better, but that is the reality of the matter.

  27. melodies 4 us on March 3rd, 2014 11:12 pm

    Legalize it.

  28. Yessir on March 3rd, 2014 7:42 pm

    When was the last time a “stoned driver” committed vehicular manslaughter? The only accident they have is backing into the garbage can leaving to get munchies.

    Also books were printed on hemp before “the man” outlawed marijuana.

    People are going to keep using so the government should go ahead and give in. Maybe it’ll boost our economy, but we should regulate the sales to non-residents of Florida.

  29. gary on March 3rd, 2014 6:42 pm

    legalize it already. Those saying addiction , lazy bums etc. don’t know what the heck they are talking about. All the smokers I know have jobs, pay bills, raise families. They just keep it to themselves at home.Where ignorant uniformed people trying to control the world can’t be in their business.

    Bet your neighbors smoke.

  30. 420supporter on March 3rd, 2014 12:37 pm


  31. Marco on March 3rd, 2014 11:19 am

    The revolution is finally here, like a wave on its journey to the shore. Nothing can stop it, as the demographics change. God bless Senator Bullard.

  32. DM on March 3rd, 2014 10:39 am

    “Lets face it people have been using cannibus and driving since the sixties and there has never really been a real issue.”

    That sounds exactly like a drunk trying to say alcohol is not a problem and he can handle it. I have heard that as many as 1 in 4 drivers on the road today is impaired, if marijuana is legalized, how many impaired drivers would we have then — 1 in 2 or more?

  33. chris on March 3rd, 2014 10:13 am

    Legal drugs is a terrible idea.
    Prohibition is a worse idea
    Its legal now. Its just criminals, courts, corrections that profit.
    Sorry to all , that ship has sailed.

  34. Deborah D. Carnley on March 3rd, 2014 9:31 am


  35. Doris on March 3rd, 2014 7:02 am

    Look at all the jobs that making marijuana legal would bring to Florida because there are so many things that can be manufactured from marijuana from spices to oils to clothing so many jobs. Florida legalize marijuana and get all the people unemployed a job and shoot the economy sky high we need this The jobs alone should be enough to make it Legal Floridians are already behind in so many ways we could become a rich State

  36. @FREEDOMFREAK on March 3rd, 2014 6:56 am

    The maker of “THIS POT” was crucified, his name is jesus son of God

  37. john on March 3rd, 2014 6:41 am

    There is one thing I can honestly say about marijuana users that I have known throughout life most of them were broke lazy bums.

  38. Anonymous on March 3rd, 2014 12:28 am

    Marijuana is a beautiful thing and majority of those that think otherwise have just never experienced the beauty of marijuana and just think it’s terrible because it’s considered a drug.

  39. unknownsender on March 2nd, 2014 11:15 pm


  40. Freedom Freak on March 2nd, 2014 10:51 pm

    Thank goodness, the federal government made it illegal 80 years ago- everybody knows America was full of potheads until this law come along and stopped them all. If states make it legal- everybody will get addicted and we will have potheads again. We should find the guy that made this POT and crucify him.

  41. ProudArmyParent on March 2nd, 2014 9:07 pm

    Just say NO!

  42. mnon on March 2nd, 2014 8:55 pm

    This is an attempt to confuse voters and have more people just vote no on both recreational and medical use. Using fear to push an agenda and that is to keep marijuana in all forms illegal in the state of Florida.

  43. knowa on March 2nd, 2014 7:34 pm

    Lets face it people have been using cannabis and driving since the sixties and there has never really been a real issue and it will never be as dangerous as alcohol this fear mongering and hysteria nonsense.

  44. Taylor on March 2nd, 2014 7:30 pm

    As far as driving high goes, it happens anyways. People do it all the time. Im not saying its right but you are much more capable driving high than drunk. I believe we are delaying what we know is going to be a reality. Legalize it recreationally where people over 21 can purchase and hold up to as much as 2 Os and lets be done with it. This is really depriving the government’s attention from bigger issues.

  45. William on March 2nd, 2014 7:24 pm

    Now it’s Florida’s turn! It will pass and we will fall in line with the rest of the liberals on this. Let me ask the smart people who support it a few questions.

    1. When Little Johnny is smoking his weed he is probably going to be popping some pills with it and that is reality. He get’s in his car and goes to a party and puffs and pops pills until he is stoned. Is he in shape to be driving that vehicle on a public road? When he crashes his car with your daughter in it and she gets killed how will you feel about it then? Let’s not be foolish enough to believe that they will be just sticking to the legal amount and that there won’t be any painkillers involved.

    2. Now let’s put yourselves in the Businessman’s shoes. Let’s say Little Johnny works a Union job and with that Union he is allowed to have a little weed in his system. Johnny knows this so Johnny get’s used to being a little high when he get’s to work and eventually since he has gotten by with it he comes in slightly stoned. Let’s say Little Johnny is a crane operator and he is the best there is. Would you want to be rigging the loads he is lifting ? If he kills another worker and just smoked 1 joint before he got to work is he liable from a legal standpoint for the death of the worker? The Businessman Workers Comp is going to hit the roof and either drive him out of business or cause him to raise his prices for his work to keep from going broke. This is a big country we have and what if this happened to in thousands of businesses every year? You think we have inflation now, wait a few years when the results of this come to pass, you won’t be able to afford anything extra if you are just a common worker. Costs roll downhill!!!!!

  46. Facetious Bob on March 2nd, 2014 7:17 pm

    @ Soap Box…regarding texting…haven’t sniffed around a police car in a long time, but if you are driving a green and white, black and white, or, black and yellow, you won’t see as many obvious violators as you see in your commuter car. As oblivious as they are, they can at least see a police car, and make the immediate escape..at least the majority do. Blow your horn at them, or spray that spaghetti string stuff at them to let them know you disapprove.

  47. john McCain on March 2nd, 2014 6:36 pm

    I hope it gets legalized.

  48. Wharf Rat on March 2nd, 2014 6:29 pm

    First time a motorist, toking on a bloogie, or what ever they are called, runs over your Grannie, you are going to be seriously ticked off, and demand for the police to do something to stop this. The camel hasn’t got his nose under the tent flap yet, but , it looks like he is sniffing around “purty” close. Police have a problem with alcohol influenced drivers, and this is going to pose another problem, with the apprehension, detection, enforcement, and, overall court presentation, I can see some difficult situations ahead. Defense attorneys will love it, as well as civil litigation lawyers, for the plaintiff and defendant….job security. Hope you listened to your parents or your pastor.

  49. pigeon on March 2nd, 2014 5:59 pm

    the united states is suposed to be a nation of freedoms, in stead it is choked down by laws that say what we can and can not in every aspect of our lives from our words we use the way we live andhow we persue happiness marijuana should be legal long before alcohol and every body HAS the right to choose

  50. On the soap box on March 2nd, 2014 4:37 pm

    In a related story, imagine how many of those vulnerable road users are recreational marijuana users…legalize recreational use, its going to happen, and everyone knows it. also there should be tougher laws to protect vulnerable road users, and now for something that really needs to be re- addressed ..Texting While Driving… the legislature accomplished nothing, with those lame fines for texting while driving. Make a difference, 1st offense, a thousand dollar fine. I observed at least 4 drivers texting while driving this morning . They were oblivious to paying attention to their driving…if I can observe them, then law enforcement sitting on the side of the road farting in a seat cushion should be able to observe them too.. get them where it hurts, their wallet…imagine the revenue generated for the state . All you lawmakers text on that!

  51. Idea on March 2nd, 2014 1:41 pm

    I think they should have a class or something that educates a person on the use and cultivation of marijuana and a background check should be done. Then issue a permit to grow and use marijuana recreationally. Have the user come back every few years to renew the permit. That would help keep criminals from being allowed to use it. There is nothing wrong with it except the drug lords that cause violence and other criminal acts. Make it legal and redirect all of the money that goes into the drug trade to go into the states hands and then changes could be made to other things with all the extra money.

  52. Ben on March 2nd, 2014 9:34 am

    As a Republican, I can’t understand the party on this issue. It’s all about smaller government, and less government intrusion into our lives. I don’t care what you do, how you live, or who you love, as long as you’re not harming anybody else.

  53. knowa on March 2nd, 2014 8:48 am

    This fight will continue till cannabis is treated no different than Alcohol.

  54. Yet another ridiculous Bill on March 2nd, 2014 7:37 am

    First it is Greg Evers, now this guy, don’t they have more important issues than recreational marijuana and vulnerable road users to worry about???

    If not, then we have too many Senators and not enough “serious” work to occupy their minds.

  55. 429SCJ on March 2nd, 2014 7:20 am

    Might snow in July.

    I see legalization, but I doubt if those who are hungry for tax revenue will allow people to cultivate six plants for personal use. At present the pot industry is a comedy of characters with little regulation. Congress should regulate the pot industry just as alcohol.

  56. knowa on March 2nd, 2014 6:47 am

    Last year the only hearing was banning bongs.