Commissioners Defer Vote On Hiring Administrator

March 15, 2014

The Escambia County Commission has once again delayed the process of choosing a county administrator…voting Friday to put their final decision off for two weeks.

Commissioners interviewed five candidates for about three hours on Thursday before commissioner Wilson Robertson motioned to hire Interim County Administrator Larry Newsom. That failed 2-3 with Commissioner Gene Valentino and Robertson voting yes.

The push to hire Newsom continued during a Friday meeting, with tempers rising. As Valentino pushed for Newsom, he fired off “…will you tell him to shut up”, asking Commission Chairman Luman May to quiet fellow Commissioner Grover Robinson.

Robinson, May and Steven Barry have pushed to hire from the list of five finalists created by a search firm hired by the commission.

The commission on Friday voted to defer a vote on the selection of a new County Administrator until the next regularly scheduled board meeting, which will be held on Thursday, April 3, 5:30 p.m.


17 Responses to “Commissioners Defer Vote On Hiring Administrator”

  1. YELLARHAMMER on March 17th, 2014 6:19 pm

    It’s to bad we can’t vote for commisioners county wide mabe this would clean out this trash.

  2. Deborah on March 16th, 2014 3:52 pm

    I totally agree with Jane. These clowns sit around, argue and make their little deals.
    Why do aerospace and car manufacturing companies go to Mobile and Foley? Most likely because their local and state government work together and present proposals that make their county and state attractive to potential employers. Not Escambia County, NEVER Escambia County. This is why our county is consistently
    on the bottom of the list of Florida counties. Nothing constructive is ever accomplished, it is more of the same.

  3. Jeff on March 15th, 2014 10:25 pm

    Wilson Robertson & Gene Valentino again display their arrogance and disregard for the good of the county.

    That RESTORE money is mighty tantalizing, and they know how it needs to be allocated, I guess.

    Commissioner Barry has proven to be a strong voice of reason and sanity, consistently asks good questions, and is well-prepared. I can’t wait until his term as Chairman, even though the way the Commission designates a Chairman is dumb.

  4. Mr. Reality on March 15th, 2014 8:58 pm


  5. Robert S. on March 15th, 2014 6:44 pm

    Mr. Valentino and Mr. Robertson, you are shameful examples of who should be representing the people in your districts.
    How deep is your bag of tricks?
    Hope to see new faces in your chairs.

  6. JSCS on March 15th, 2014 3:57 pm

    Thanks for the common sense of Comm. Barry, May & Robinson
    I also think Newsom should NOT be considered. He is NOT in the running..
    Gene and Wilson are should be voted out next electon. Surely the people in their district can see how they keep our county from moving forward.

  7. commish on March 15th, 2014 3:16 pm

    Is you is or is you idint my constituency ?

  8. bartender on March 15th, 2014 12:09 pm

    they don’t need the good ole boys in there. sure don’t need larry newson.hes the one that give all them big raises to upper mgt. mr.tourt is the only one that give the workers a raise. excuse me but the workers do all the work when its hot or cold. during hurricanes the workers has to get out and leave their familes not the high paid ones.they need someone to care how the workers live. I wish I could see the upper management live on 12.00 and hour and make a house payment,car payment and other things. that’s sad

  9. deBugger on March 15th, 2014 9:54 am

    If any of you heard the excerpts from that meeting on UWF Radio this morning, as I did, you’d be ashamed if you had voted for most of those clowns.

    I think that Barry guy may have been a pretty good choice, after all.

  10. Tax payer on March 15th, 2014 9:32 am

    Another example of poor leadership within Escambia Couny.So unfortunate we have elected officials that are supposed to be leaders of our community and they can’t even reach a decision on who to hire. Unfortunately when or if they ever do it will be a mirror image of who they are. I’m sure that will be asset to the citizens for years too come.

  11. Honest John on March 15th, 2014 9:19 am

    They could have used Mr. Newsom from the start instead of hiring the late Mr.Touart back and saved that big salary. However, this county is not in the money saving business. Nothing against the late Mr. Touart. So thankful we have 3 commissioners with some common sense.Good job guys. E had it right . Those 2 would fit right in Washington.

  12. Always Readin on March 15th, 2014 9:18 am

    @Linda – Yes, the picture does say it ALL….

    If Newsome would’ve wanted the position, he could’ve and would’ve applied for it like any other candidate and gone thru the elimination process to make the final cut. Should not even be considered now because he is nominated from one of his “buddies”.

    Haven’t we been down this road for the past year when they kept doing the same thing by hiring an independent panel to eliminate all candidates down to 5 and then let the commissioners interview and choose? And at the last minute Touart was nominated to be part of the consideration… (he didn’t apply then either). This is why nothing can ever be accomplished… You have two commissioners that repeat history over & over never learning.

    Thanks to Commissioners Barry, May & Robinson for trying to go forward with this county! Maybe john Q public will finally get tired of the horse & pony show and have Robertson & Valentino removed in the next election.

    To summarize: If he didn’t apply for the position, then he shouldn’t be able to be nominated or ever considered for the job. That’s why they call it “iterim”…. (agreed to be temporarily in the position).

  13. fred on March 15th, 2014 8:21 am

    I can’t believe Robertson had the gall to do this again.

  14. 429SCJ on March 15th, 2014 6:41 am

    Weavers and tangled webs.

    If the commissioners did not have the constituency, they would consume each other.

  15. Jane on March 15th, 2014 6:24 am

    We need some new people in here with a vision toward the future…not the same good ol’ boys who have held this area hostage for so many years. There will never be changes unless we change those making some bad decisions for this area.

  16. E on March 15th, 2014 6:17 am

    I must say, quals have been signed off, and these folks are ready for the BIG TIME in Washington. They just fight like school kids and accomplish NOTHING. Yes sir, they are DC bound.

  17. Linda on March 15th, 2014 4:31 am

    THANK YOU! Barry,May,Robinson for voting against GENE and WILSON. IT IS TIME FOR THOSE TWO TO GO!!! Escambia County has No place for these Fony Bologna in office. Here they go again having a Hissy Fit cause there pick not getting the position. This just makes the hair on back of my neck stand up…….. Makes me wonder why them two pushing so hard so they can have Newsom in their pockets when they want what they want!!!!!!!! IT IS SO TIME FOR THESE TWO TO GO…. The Picture Says It ALL!!!!