Clay Ingram: Session Week 3 Review

March 22, 2014

submitted by Rep. Clay Ingram

We’re through the third week of Session and this was a productive one for us in the Florida House of Representatives.

I had two bills heard in committee this week. HB 1271 is a bill that would bring the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation in compliance with the regulations under the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The bill also provides transparency and protects consumers. Florida’s HB 1271 passed the Insurance and Banking Committee and is now ready to be heard by the full House of Representatives.

HB 697, which adds new mixes of synthetic drugs to the Schedule 1 list of controlled substances, also passed its final committee and is ready to be heard by the full House of Representatives.

We were in Session twice this week and were able to pass some major pieces of legislation. I am proud to say that the House passed a $395 million tax cut that will reduce vehicle registration fees for all Floridians. This fee was increased under former Governor Charlie Crist’s watch and I’m glad we were able to reduce this burden on our citizens.

This week the House passed three bills that will provide greater protection of our 2nd amendment rights including a stronger Stand Your Ground law. I worked with my friend Representative Matt Gaetz on this legislation that will protect law abiding Floridians who defend themselves against violent criminals.

On Wednesday I also had the privilege of speaking to our Northwest Florida leaders when I addressed the Leadership classes from Escambia, Santa Rosa and Okaloosa Counties. I am encouraged to see our community leaders take in an interest in the legislative process.

This week we also celebrated the life of former Governor and Pensacolian Reubin Askew. I was honored to lead a moment of silence for Governor Askew during Wednesday’s House Session. Governor Askew led our state through some tumultuous times but he was always a true statesman and a gentleman. He will be missed.

That’s all for this week. I’m home for a few days of rest and then back to work for the citizens of Northwest Florida.


One Response to “Clay Ingram: Session Week 3 Review”

  1. Robert S. on March 22nd, 2014 6:51 am

    Wondering what is the progress on HB 1435, a Bill sponsored by State Representative Dane Eagle (R) from Cape Coral?

    HB 1435, or the Drug-Free Public Officers Act in this legislative session which would require those elected officials holding public office to be drug tested and any positive results reported to the Ethics Committee.

    There is also discussion that the results of positive (Yes, Drugs) should be made public.