Century Man Convicted Of Felony Horse Abuse

March 13, 2014

A Century man has been convicted of felony animal cruelty for abusing and starving two horses in 2012.

Kendrick Jamar Washington, now age 25, was found guilty by Judge Linda Nobles and sentenced to 180 days in jail with no eligibility for work release. He was also ordered to pay $668 in costs and fees, and the court reserved the right to impose restitution to Escambia County Animal control or any others that cared for the horses after they were seized.

Washington placed two horses into a lot on Ramar Street in Century surrounded by a makeshift barbed wire fence. Barbed wire was hanging inside the pen, causing a serious injury to the front leg of one horse.

On January 24, 2012, animal control officers found that one horse was tied to a post away from any water source; the second was found on its side in mud and dirt, unable to get up. Neither horse had access to food or shelter, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report. Both of the animals were obviously underweight.

Both horses were transported to the Northwest Florida Animal Clinic in Pace for treatment.


15 Responses to “Century Man Convicted Of Felony Horse Abuse”

  1. dennishia on March 18th, 2014 7:35 pm

    Only God can judge him!

  2. PetMommy on March 13th, 2014 8:28 pm

    Throw the book at him!!

  3. lmn on March 13th, 2014 3:38 pm

    I say lock him up and give him the exact treatment he gave to the horse.

  4. madcow on March 13th, 2014 1:11 pm

    AFTER an APPROPRIATELY PROPORTIONATE sentence– maybe 1 year, with time off if he demonstrates genuinely penitent attitude–this pathetic excuse for a human being should be shunned from society until he gets his priorities straight.
    It may never happen. Right now, he has money to get his body tattooed and the time for sadistic treatment of innocent animals. Shame on him and all who know him and enable this sad comment on nature of humans.

  5. Rebecca on March 13th, 2014 12:51 pm

    I agree with Sidney. This man should not be able to own any more animals. It is obvious from this story that he is a cruel/uncaring person that put these horses through such pain and agony. Hopefully, he will learn from the judicial outcome. Its just a shame the penalty for such abuse is not greater than 180 days in jail and a small fine.

  6. Debbie Lee on March 13th, 2014 12:08 pm

    My prayer is that the horses fully recover and go on to have the wonderful life that they deserve. My other prayer would be that this man monster would get at the very least the EXACT SAME TREATMENT!!!

  7. Sidney on March 13th, 2014 11:33 am

    He should also be made to help pay for the horse lift for PER. And not be allowed to own any more animals although that would be difficult to monitor, just sayin’….

  8. kathy on March 13th, 2014 10:58 am

    This is why century has problems with farm owners, it’s people like him that don’t care about the animals living area , if you can’t provide enough room on your property you don’t need a Horse. Thanks to animal control.

  9. fred on March 13th, 2014 10:30 am

    @John – I think you’ll find the same people who get upset about animal cruelty are also passionate about abortion and child abuse/neglect. This story and discussion happen to be about horses, not abortion.

  10. Matt on March 13th, 2014 6:53 am

    Our justice system in NW Florida is a joke. No wonder we have one of the highest crime rates in Florida.

  11. John on March 13th, 2014 6:41 am

    It is amazing to me how people will get into an uproar over animals but nothing is ever said over unborn babies getting murdered by the (millions) and they don’t go to jail. I think the man got a just sentence, after all, they were his horses and he wasn’t a horse thief.

  12. Jane on March 13th, 2014 5:54 am

    That is it? That is all he got for a felony? For almost killing 2 animals? That is disgusting and I am sorry the judge didn’t put him in jail with no food or water!!!

  13. troubled on March 13th, 2014 4:17 am

    I am sorry he got off so easy. While he is in jail he will get 3 meals a day, a dry bed, and it will be clean. Now we know why no one in county is scared not to abuse any animal they want. I know jails are full, but to just slap this mans wrist is so wrong.
    Me just yelling about the injustice going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. bartender on March 13th, 2014 3:53 am

    the laws are not stiff enough for people who abuse animals. shame on you boy.the fine aint nothing either. if a judge had horses maybe they would under stand more how horse lovers feel. these are god creatures just like we are. animals CANT HELP THEIRSELF why shouldn’t we help protect them. he should never be able to have animals in his life. he needs hard labor and starve him as long as the horses were starved. god will take care of these people.

  15. Alarmed and Armed on March 13th, 2014 1:13 am

    Should make him volunteer cleaning horse feces only for one hour a day for the next 3 years.