Bratt Road Resurfacing Project Underway

March 31, 2014

Work is underway to prepare for the paving of a ortion of Bratt Road from North Pine Barren Road to West Highway 4.  A section of Bratt Road was recently surfaced east of North Pine Barren Road. photos, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Bratt Road Resurfacing Project Underway”

  1. d on April 1st, 2014 9:06 am

    RE__G. You are correct Escambia County did all the prep and grading work before roads inc did any paving. What your not aware of is that the county found it to be a grading issue which the county preformed. The problem will be resolved at no cost to the county. Roads inc will be doing the prep work on roads they will be paving for the county from now on.

  2. David Huie Green on April 1st, 2014 8:02 am

    It WILL be.
    Methinks that makes a difference

  3. g on March 31st, 2014 5:20 pm

    You can blame Roads Inc for the asphalt job, the only thing the county did was prep the road. The asphalt is less than 1 inch thick in places.

  4. reader on March 31st, 2014 5:12 pm

    >>I’m glad we have election years.

    It’s not an election year in District 5 where the roadway is located.

  5. David Huie Green on March 31st, 2014 4:07 pm

    I’m glad we have election years.

    It sometimes feels we would never be remembered if our votes didn’t count.
    I’m probably just jaded and we are actually top priority regarding properly appplying the money they taxed from us to do these projects over twenty years ago.

    They’ve had enough to pave all, but then they wouldn’t be sure we would vote to extend the Local Option Sales Tax which they use for so many other things.
    Maybe it just feels like criminal misappropriation.

    Look at me, shamelessly griping when they are finally doing a little of what we elected them to do and paid for them to do.(Even though some are saying it’s been so long that their first efforts are worn out. Some didn’t seem all that well done in the first place.)

    David for better sports

  6. Justin Say on March 31st, 2014 10:11 am

    I know this has been mentioned several times before about other roads in the North End of Escambia County in need of attention. There is deep concern about Hwy 99 between Hwy 97 and the Alabama line through Oak Grove and Bratt. This is a heavily traveled road for high school students, teachers and school buses. Other roads need to be inspected as well from remaining dirt roads to slag roads that never were paved over.

  7. just saying on March 31st, 2014 6:26 am

    They need to also go back and repave what they already have done on Bratt Rd. It too is already coming apart. Tax payers money at work? Think it’s a waste. These roads certainly needed to be done, but having to do them twice???? Not very economical.

  8. tax paye r on March 31st, 2014 4:11 am

    Need to do something with the so called paved Purdue Rd. Coming apart, rocks piled almost 2 feet on side where “pavement” is coming apart. Going to be bad when school bus r anyone for that matter is injured from hitting these rocks when meeting someone. Oh yeah…More dust now than when it was dirt…but….just glad to see that penny sales tax at work!!! Lol