Alcohol To Be Allowed At Some Community Centers Including Molino, Barrineau Park

March 19, 2014

Escambia County has approved the serving and consumption of alcohol at seven community centers, including those in Molino and Barrineau Park. The consumption of alcohol was previously strictly prohibited at all county community centers.

The new rules allow for the serving and consumption of alcoholic beverages during special events held on the premises, if the alcoholic beverages are not sold and any required permits and/or licenses are obtained by the organization. The change does not allow for alcohol to be served outside of special events nor does it allow for alcohol to be sold under any circumstances

For six community centers managed by non-profits for the county, the alcohol change means a required increase in the amount and type of liability insurance coverage now required to be maintained by the organization.

The six community centers and managing  non-profits that will be able to allow alcohol to be served at special events are:

  • Barrineau Park Historical Society, Inc. (Barrineau Park Community Center & Historical Society)
  • Molino Mid-County Historical Society, Inc. (Molino Community Center & Historical Museum)
  • Collaboration of Community Organizations, Inc. (Lexington Terrace Community Center)
  • Ebonwood Homeowner & Neighborhood Watch Community, Inc. (Ebonwood Community Center)
  • Wedgewood Community Center Group, Inc. (Marie K. Young/Wedgewood Community Center & Park)
  • West Escambia Senior Citizens Organization Inc. (Felix Miga Senior Citizen [Community] Center)

Alcohol will also be allowed for special events at the Perdido Community center, which is managed directly by the county.


29 Responses to “Alcohol To Be Allowed At Some Community Centers Including Molino, Barrineau Park”

  1. grandjoy on March 23rd, 2014 2:36 pm

    For those of you that did not understand or really read my post:
    Take a poll of students,teachers,parents,staff and most of all the Janitors who have spent years in these schools,loving and caring for this building. If you have not had that joy you will not know why I called these school buildings sacred. I call my great grand parents property..sacred,to me it is near and dear to my heart,so are these schools. Leave this property for families to enjoy the memories they have and memories to make with their grandchildren. Keep the rules ACTIVE from the original building…NO SMOKING! NO DRINKING ON PREMISES! Build you another building on a vacant lot if you want to allow public needs.

  2. WarEagle007 on March 21st, 2014 12:21 am

    Good grief! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but those of you against allowing alcohol consumption at these places are a bit cRaZy! First of all it’s a matter of individual right and second of all we are talking about an item that is legal to drink so long as the person drinking is 21 or older. Even Jesus made wine out of water at a wedding and I dare say some folks will be using these publicly owned facilities for weddings!

  3. ABC on March 20th, 2014 10:15 am

    If you are unhappy with these new arrangements for the centers just dont pay any membership dues anymore………..

  4. ABC on March 19th, 2014 8:16 pm

    If folks wish to drink at a celabration, then it would be adviseable not to have the building and grounds open during that time for the general public, especially the children. If the children are on the playground and someone is standing outside with a bottle or a beer in their hand that is not a good idea. infact what if someone is a little inebriated? and the children not associated with the celebration are in the play ground? I imagine the drinkers will be using the bathrooms bottles and cans in hand? then thats not advisable with the children present either……………..Dont you think it would be parentally responsible and community responsible to put some protection rules for others in this plan?

  5. molino jim on March 19th, 2014 7:48 pm

    @ grandjoy–keep the old school “scared”. We gave a combine birthday party for our daughter and her husband. We had problems finding a location in the north end of the county so their friends who live in the Atmore area and had to work that day and the next would not be late getting home. There were over 100 guest. We ended up renting “the Barn ” on 97. We paid rent, insurance and so on. The band was great, the food even better and everyone enjoyed a good time. Yes there was alcohol served—but surprise, surprise–there were no fights. broken windows or what ever. the group was mostly adult with a few kids who were brought along. I’m not sure how many “functions” are being done at the Molino Center at night, but I feel not many. The key is using a bartender and supplying food that keep their hand busy. This appears to be a good use for the property, If there are problems it can be changed. What is the different between a non-alcohol party where a guest goes out to their car and have a “few drinks” and a party with some control.

  6. MargieLu on March 19th, 2014 7:18 pm

    I’m not fond of the decision, but to call a schoolhouse ” sacred?” Really? God himself is hardly allowed in the public school system, and if he were, the building STILL wouldn’t be sacred. I can see toasting for weddings, beer at family reunions, etc., if that’s what the rules allow. Laws and odrinances already exist on the books to allow the authorities to remind folks if things get out of hand. Calm heads must prevail, please, when we are talking about special events, NOT everyday functions. If you’re not going to crash a wedding reception or event you aren’t invited to, then you aren’t going to be exposing yourself or your young ones to the alcohol. If you ARE going to crash the event, well. . . I’m sure Escambia’s Finest will be glad to escort you off the premises. These functions will help pay for the services we all enjoy and the salaries of the folks who provide them.

  7. Molino Mom on March 19th, 2014 5:43 pm

    I so agree that if you want alcohol served then you have to provide the insurance and security. These community centers are community supported by the organizations who manage them. Organizations other then the County put lots of money and time into managing and caring for these centers and just can’t afford to pay insurance for alcohol consumption. Before you jump on the bandwagon and say how wonderful it is think about the price you pay to rent the area. If you want to pay $500 to a $1,000 to rent these rooms then maybe we could consider allowing the serving of alcohol. But, I don’t think they would be rented at that price.
    Molino is used more by Escambia County than rented out. So right away anything that could be made is lost. But then that’s what we wanted a center for.

  8. bill on March 19th, 2014 4:56 pm

    Cool! now where’s them slot machines?……….

  9. JT on March 19th, 2014 3:44 pm

    People are freaking out. lol It’s not like people are just going to go in there and drink everyday like its a damn bar. It’s for the people who are throwing cash down to rent the place for events. If Joe Blow and Sally want to have a cocktail at their wedding they can now. If you don’t like it, just don’t go to any events you’re invited to. Ask before hand if there’s going to be drinking so you don’t get offended.

  10. grandjoy on March 19th, 2014 3:21 pm

    A Community Center!!!! NO DRINKING!! NO SMOKING!!! We are Outrageous with the thoughts of Rules changing! These buildings are schools and should be held scared with the memories of our community members who have graced these walls and halls. America has been taken over with the Changes of the President and you see what has happen. Escambia County Commissioners or who ever is responsibly for changes should be considerate of the people who voted them in,seems they are thinking of the changes they like. There are enough bars and homes to enjoy your lifestyle…Keep it out of the Community Centers!! Our citizens deserve better! No more public places can families go to enjoy clean fun,beaches and rivers are full of blatant language,beer and lifestyles not approved. Leave our Community Centers clean for families!!!!

  11. JSCS on March 19th, 2014 2:48 pm

    Sad day for our county! Escambia County has reached a new low approval rating.

    I am not surprised that it is been allowed but family functions with chuldren present
    is going way too far.

    Not only is it asking for trouble at these functions but setting a terrible example for our children.

    They should at least limit it to PRIVATE functions where people will be aware of
    drinking and decide if minors should be present.

  12. 429SCJ on March 19th, 2014 1:29 pm

    This condition can be corrected at the voting booth.

    Smiling Jacks are a dime a dozen, let us elect someone who reflects our ideals and values.

  13. William on March 19th, 2014 10:58 am

    “Molino Lady” — Molino was one of the community centers at which the alcohol was specifically approved yesterday by the commission.

  14. OH NO on March 19th, 2014 10:44 am

    I am not sure this is a great idea. While I understand that some do not get unruly and when consuming can you be entirely sure that there won’t be that one or two that get out of control and tear up the building or get mischevious? I think it is a bad idea…but you know who cares what those of us that live in this area think.

  15. Molino Lady on March 19th, 2014 10:19 am

    It is not necessary to include this at any center and it would increase our already heavy insurance. Molino will not have it and I doubt any of the other smaller ones will. Big community centers like Perdido Key wanted it for their large functions and were willing pay the money and getting special waviers.
    We will not increase rates on our small parties so the large parties can have alcohol – that is wrong. Our folks deserve a place to go.

  16. Duke of Wawbeek on March 19th, 2014 9:53 am

    Mazel Tov!

    It is good that we can now enjoy a glass of Manischewitz at family celebrations.

    Not everyone who rents these facilities is a non drinking southern Baptist.

  17. Waterlady501 on March 19th, 2014 8:48 am

    I think there might be a way to get around the increased liability insurance requirement for the managing organizations. My insurance friends please correct me if I’m wrong. When I was planning our daughter’s wedding and reception, most facilities we looked at required us (the customer) to provide a minimum amount of liability coverage for our event. It was up to us to obtain that insurance and provide proof of it to the facility. Each facility said the amount of insurance required was considerably greater for those customers who intended to serve alcohol. The facilities also required those customers to provide their own security by hiring off-duty police officers for the event. Interesting–facilities equate alcohol use with potential security problems. Fortunately, none of this applied to us because we didn’t serve alcohol. So it seems for those people determined to do so, they should have to bear the financial burden of liability.

  18. Molino resident on March 19th, 2014 8:42 am

    This is absolutely ridiculous. Is any area sacred? Does alcohol have to be at every event? Give me a break. There are so many other places you can go to drink your alcohol. Disgusting. What do you expect from our county commissioners.

  19. Frank on March 19th, 2014 8:40 am

    and are they now required to have ECSO on hand… Going to need it.

  20. Robert S. on March 19th, 2014 7:34 am

    Friend’s daughter got married a few years ago in one of the wedding / event places in downtown Pensacola and there was an open bar provided.

    Was surprised by the restrictions placed, some were:
    Had to have a licensed and bonded bartender and at least one helper.
    The only alcohol allowed on the premises was that brought in by a vendor.
    No “Bring your own booze” allowed.
    Bar was opened at a specific time and closed an hour and a half before the end of the reception — coffee, iced tea and sodas were provided.
    Bartender monitored those consuming alcohol and “cut off” those who were questionable.

    Yes, there were kids present as well as rather elderly folks and all had a great time celebrating a wonderful union of two very loving people and their child.
    Nope, did not see anyone who got out of hand or who was tipsy.

    Just sayin’ if people are responsible alcohol can be a part of a celebration or event without causing any problem. As Grandma used to say, “Folks in my church always greet each other with hugs or handshakes and a lot of conversation unless they happen upon each other in a liquor store then they act like strangers”.

  21. DRD on March 19th, 2014 7:33 am

    Good grief people!! It’s not like it’s turning into a bar. This just allows citizens that pay good money to rent the building for their private occasion, to be able to have alcohol if they choose to. It’s not like they are gonna have an “open bar”‘at the few community events that actually occur at these locations.

  22. Tina on March 19th, 2014 7:32 am

    WOW!! That’s just great. Now we have to worry about our young children going to functions and watching people get drunk, a brawl, vulgarity, fights, windows busted. Just watch and see!

  23. concerned citizen on March 19th, 2014 7:05 am

    Did I miss the vote? Or was there one for the people to decide?

  24. Momma of 3 on March 19th, 2014 6:35 am

    I think that is sad….I was pleased with the fact that you could go to these centers without the worry of alcohol. Kids play on the play grounds that are provided for them, now we will have to keep an even extra eye out for them when there is functions going on where people are drinking. Sad, sad, sad……..

  25. M in Bratt on March 19th, 2014 6:24 am

    The County should extend this rule to all the community centers. Citizens that utilize these facilities for special events such as; wedding receptions, family reunions, retirement parties etc. should be able to responsibly entertain their guests with a toast if they choose to.

  26. cygie on March 19th, 2014 6:06 am

    Yes because so many great and wonderful things happen when alcohol is involved.

  27. Jane on March 19th, 2014 5:32 am

    It is a Community Center. That means families, sometimes with children. If they want to drink, let them go to a bar.

  28. OldMan on March 19th, 2014 5:00 am

    Oh Boy, this ought to be good.

  29. 429SCJ on March 19th, 2014 2:34 am

    My Mother attends functions at Barrineau Park and I do not wish for her and her friends to have to contend with a group of unruly drunks.

    There is a time and place for chemical use and this is not one of them.