Woman Convicted Of Child Neglect After Toddler Found Wandering In Road, Living In Squalor

February 13, 2014

A Cantonment woman was convicted this week on child neglect charges in connection with an October 2013 case in which her 3-year old was found wandering in a busy roadhundreds of feet from the home where he lived in squalor.

Cynthia Faye Godwin,36, was convicted of three counts of felony child neglect without bodily harm. She was sentenced by Judge Linda Nobles to three years probation, ordered to undergo mental health evaluation and complete a parenting class. She must also abide by a Department of Children and Families case plan, the details of which have not been made public. Godwin, who had been jailed since the October 28 incident, was released from jail following her sentencing.

Michael Roy Godwin has pleaded not guilty to three counts of felony child neglect without bodily harm in the case. His trial is set to begin next week.

Bus driver Daisy Robinson, her bus 1-12 loaded with Ransom Middle School students, found the child in Kingsfield Road in the area of Pauline Street and the railroad tracks, just off Highway 95A. She managed to safely coach the 3-year old onto her bus and radio bus dispatch for help, according to Rob Doss, the Escambia County School District’s director of transportation.

After waiting for a short time period, she moved her bus to the parking lot of a nearby gas station to wait for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office to arrive. The young boy was not injured.

At the child’s home, deputies found the Godwins outside searching for him, stating that he had walking about about 30 minutes before. Once inside the trailer, a responding deputy reported, “the smell was horrible and the conditions appeared even worse”, according to arrest report.

The deputy reported there were roaches crawling on the floor and counters. There were no drinks or food in the refrigerator or  freezer. The refrigerator contained dead roaches, according to the arrest report. The house was in a mess with clothing covering the floors. The three mattresses in the house for the child were very dirty and stained; one of these had dog feces on it.


15 Responses to “Woman Convicted Of Child Neglect After Toddler Found Wandering In Road, Living In Squalor”

  1. mary on February 14th, 2014 4:45 pm

    Thank you to Ms. Robinson and to “Lucy”…the only two who offered real help and didnt write in just to show off. One can look at this mother’s face and see she is distraught and also ascertain she may not know completely how to take her of her child. “give him up for adoption” sounds grand unless you know how many children in this county are not adopted. There are many high schoolers who are homeless and family-less. If YOU are not willing to come alongside and help…please just shut up, you’re only exhibiting your ignorance. If you are interested in helping, contact DCF, Baptist orphan home on Chemstrand Road, Bethany adoption service on Olive Road, Gulf Coast Kids House, and many more.

  2. Robert S. on February 14th, 2014 6:23 am

    Bus driver Daisy Robinson is a Stellar example of a compassionate and caring person of the highest quality.
    We are very fortunate in Escambia County that there are school bus drivers who every day provide attention, care and genuine concern for children who live in horrible conditions and who have parents whose own needs are more important than those of their children.
    No matter the neighborhood or area where these bus drivers go there are young persons whose lives are immensely enriched by their contact with the drivers.
    Thank you and God Bless each and every bus driver and their support personnel and the maintenance persons who make sure our kids are safer.

  3. troubled on February 13th, 2014 5:25 pm

    I don’t have kids, but I know that I couldn’t live in that kind of mess. I wouldn’t let my pets be treated that way!!!!! If it was a pet it would have more rights.
    Just saying

  4. David on February 13th, 2014 4:57 pm

    Lets see…3 felony child neglect charges– to really teach people a lesson- you give them this-”three years probation, ordered to undergo mental health evaluation and complete a parenting class”

    Such a hard,hard punishment…I wonder what they give when she does it again and a poor child dies– house arrest?

    And we wonder what is justice for kids.

    Thank you Judge Nobles.
    Perhaps you two can get together and come up with ” an action plan” over a cup of tea.

  5. Louise on February 13th, 2014 3:48 pm

    Poor Baby! There are so many people that would give their right arm for a child, and “people” like this have babies like rabbits. This poor little guy should be given up for adoption to a loving and caring family who will take care of him. If his parents really loved him they would do what is best for HIM not themselves. GIVE HIM UP FOR ADOPTION AND MAKE A COUPLE HAPPY AND A LITTLE BOY HAPPY

  6. Concerned on February 13th, 2014 12:02 pm

    The best way to make sure they do not get the children back is to have family and friends call the judge before the court hearing and present their case about what kind of persons these people are. I done this and it swayed the judge that returning the children was not in the best interest of the kids. The state cannot force anyone to have an operation to stop having kids. It violates their rights. I know, I DO NOT agree either but that is the way it is. Placing the child up for adoption is the only way for the child to be raised by caring people that will see he has a better and brighter future.

  7. SpoonChampion on February 13th, 2014 11:02 am

    Ms. Robinson, you are a boon to the community. Thank you for being a responsible, caring citizen.

  8. Lucy on February 13th, 2014 10:09 am

    Is there family in the area that could step up and help these folks out? What a horrible living environment for a 3 year old.

  9. Brenda on February 13th, 2014 9:55 am

    That’s why children end up dead, because we keep giving them back to parents that don’t deserve them.

  10. Old Coach on February 13th, 2014 9:26 am

    She doesn’t need children. The real problem is she might have more. Having her tubes tied could take care of having more children. By the way a vasectomy for the male for having such poor eye sight.
    I have nephew who has fathered two children (not married). He doesn’t work, has been to rehab twice, can’t pay child support. His lover has had 3 children. Two of the children have been taken from her by the state, so taxpayers have to pay for their care. The third child is being taken of by her mother. They will have more children if something is not done. Tubes tied for her and a vasectomy for my nephew is in order

  11. michelle on February 13th, 2014 9:21 am

    how does anyone live like that? I may not have a lot of money but I sure as hell wont live with roaches all over and dog poop in the trailer blah,,,, how can you sit there and pretend that’s not gross……or think those roaches aren’t all over you and the baby while you sleep…..yuck

  12. Don on February 13th, 2014 7:50 am

    Probation is the name of the game in Escambia county,some deterent huh…

  13. Melissa miller on February 13th, 2014 7:15 am

    I am so proud of Daisy she is an awesome friend, and driver.

  14. Greg on February 13th, 2014 5:42 am

    Probation? Really? What was the judge thinking? Nothing says I don’t care like letting your child sleep on a mattress that has dog do on it. Her character, well living in those conditions says it all. SHE IS LAZY!!!!! Take that child away and let them grow up where someone cares about them and takes care of them. Judges may have guidelines they have to abide by BUT I know they can deviate from those in some cases. This should have been one of those times. The justice system what a joke. These children are the future. It’s high time people go back to how it used to be when values were a priority. Probation what a joke.

  15. mark on February 13th, 2014 5:38 am

    Why? Florida DCF will now return this boy to these ,clearly unworthy, parents and try to have them follow a plan to take care of this boy. There is more to being a Mom and Dad then cleaning the house and putting food on the table and these two missed the mark on it. Yet FL DCF will undoubtedly spend thousands of tax dollars to only fail and allow another child to be lost in their system and enter the prison system. How sad for this child. Place him up for adoption, my wife and I will take him.