Santa Rosa Schools Set Three Make Up Days Due To Winter Storm

February 12, 2014

The Santa Rosa County School Board has officially set three makeup days to replace the days missed during our late January winter storm.

Santa Rosa County students will now attend class on the President’s Day holiday this upcoming Monday, Feburary 17, along with March 14 and 17 taken from Spring Break.

Escambia County Superintendent Malcolm Thomas previous announced that Escambia students won’t be required to make up the three days – there were extra days already built into the school calendar.


9 Responses to “Santa Rosa Schools Set Three Make Up Days Due To Winter Storm”

  1. denise on February 17th, 2014 6:02 am

    Have some common sense, school board!! Have the kids make it up @ the end of the school year. Because my family already has plans for spring break & I’m sticking to them…..

  2. Understanding on February 13th, 2014 12:03 pm

    Mark, It’s not for snow days the days are built in for they are built in for hurricane days actually. Since we do live on the Gulf Coast you would think Santa Rosa would have a cushion built in. We missed school for both Erin and Opal and they put the school days at the end of the year. Yes I believe education is very important but if we had saved for two years to take a trip to Disney then I guess the kids would be doing make up work at Magic Kingdom as typically trips are non refundable.

  3. Mark on February 13th, 2014 11:15 am

    Good point Jeeperman! When you live as far south as we are, you don’t PLAN on having snow, so there is no need to add additional days like they do for the schools in areas where winter hits hard.

    That would be a good idea to build in those “snow days” and if not used, you get out of school for the summer a couple days early!

  4. jeeperman on February 13th, 2014 9:00 am

    Perhaps the real problem is the Santa Rosa schools do not have any cushion of extra days built into the schedule.
    i.e. 185 days scheduled and if the school did not have any unscheduled days off by the end of the year, they get out a few days early.

    That is why Escambia does not have to make up any days, yet.

  5. Maria on February 13th, 2014 8:53 am

    It is just common sense to make up those days up at the END of the year. What is wrong with thus school board? I know how I will be voting next time.

  6. Mark on February 12th, 2014 4:23 pm

    Shiloh said: “The make up days that remove part of spring break will be like a holiday. There will be many who will not attend. Plans have been made and school will not change them.”

    That’s the problem with many in today’s society. “Personal plans” take priority over work and school, and we instill in our children the mindset that “what I want to do is more important that what I am required to do.”

    No wonder we have so many in the work force that can’t keep a job because of attendance issues. Take days off to go to the beach, deal with a hangover, just don’t feel like going in, and then when something happens that’s a legitimate excuse (like an illness) and you lose your job because of excessive time off they complain that they were fired just because they got sick.

    If we teach our children that if days have to be made up, and it cancels our planned vacation, oh well, just deal with it. What’s more important, your education or your fun time?

  7. duh on February 12th, 2014 8:34 am

    Good job santarosa schoolboard ..Whens do you vote agian?

  8. Robert S. on February 12th, 2014 8:02 am

    State law requires schools be in session for pupils to attend 180 days for full funding.
    And there are a specific number of hours that secondary students must attend in order to meet requirements for passing a course.
    Best memory serves, the last time schools had to be out an extended time was after Hurricane Ivan when many facilities were damaged and families were displaced. In that case the State Board of Education and other authorities allowed for special considerations.
    During the make up days, as always, whether a student attends or not is up to the parent/guardian and student’s commitment to taking advantage of an education offer that is not available in many parts of the world.
    If a student is marginal with their attendance or grades / progress in school it may be better to skip the “plans” and make sure that school is of greater importance.

  9. shiloh on February 12th, 2014 4:15 am

    The make up days that remove part of spring break will be like a holiday. There will be many who will not attend. Plans have been made and school will not change them.