Ice Storm Won’t Cool Century Paychecks

February 4, 2014

Three days home due to an ice storm won’t hurt the paychecks of Town of Century employees.

The employees will be paid for the days missed, Century Mayor Freddie McCall reported Monday night. Those critical employees that were called out during the storm will receive their regular rate of of pay plus time and a half comp time for hours worked last Tuesday-Thursday.


One Response to “Ice Storm Won’t Cool Century Paychecks”

  1. Must Be Nice on February 4th, 2014 1:48 pm

    Way to step up Town of Century.

    Not everyone was as fortunate as I know us contractors at NAS Pensacola were sent home for 20 hours last week, and we had to use PTO or Leave Without Pay……..even though our employers were still paid via their contract. It must be nice for the Company to be able to pocket that extra money instead of paying their employees. Doesn’t seem fair…or ethical, but that’s what happened.