Gaetz Files Bill To Legalize Non-Euphoric Pot

February 7, 2014

After a month of discussions, House Criminal Justice Chairman Matt Gaetz, R-Fort Walton Beach, filed a measure Thursday that would legalize a marijuana extract known as “Charlotte’s Web” that proponents believe can dramatically reduce seizures in children with a rare form of epilepsy.

The measure would legalize all forms of cannabis that contain .5 percent or less of tetrahydrocannabinol and more than 15 percent of cannabidiol, along with the resin extracted from the plant.

Gaetz’s proposal would also make it legal to manufacture the compound.

The federal Food and Drug Administration has not approved the product but supporters say it reduces seizures in children and adults diagnosed with a form of epilepsy that does not respond to other treatments.

Some Republican lawmakers are concerned that support for Charlotte’s Web could be confused with support for a medical marijuana proposal on the ballot in November. Because it has such a small amount of THC, the psychoactive compound in pot, Charlotte’s Web does not get users high, unlike the marijuana that patients with severe illnesses could get with a prescription from doctors under the proposed constitutional amendment.


10 Responses to “Gaetz Files Bill To Legalize Non-Euphoric Pot”

  1. BK on February 11th, 2014 11:42 am

    Both this bill and the other medical marijuana legalization bill are great steps towards helping people with severe medical conditions.

    I think everyone can agree that kids shouldn’t smoke pot. However, some of the assertions made by @Alarmed and Armed cannot be proven and honestly sound like scare tactics. Do you, @Alarmed and Armed, know every single person to use marijuana? If not, I think it is unfair to make those assumption about people.

    @Perdido Fisherman – well said sir, I agree completely!

  2. Susan on February 10th, 2014 1:43 pm

    I have to agree with Big Daddy. Cancer patients loose a lot of weight when they are on chemo. They can’t hold food down and they have no appetite. I would like for anyone with an illness be legal to give it a try.

    For those worried about recreational use, it is out there and very easy to get. Not enough manpower to stop it. When I was at FSU it was all over the place. I learned the smell quickly.

    We have lost the drug war and now we are just throwing money away to keep those caught with cannibis in jail. It just doesn’t make economic sense.

  3. Pcolalady on February 8th, 2014 4:44 pm

    Alarmed and Armed .. you say ” They are slow, not caring, wishy washy and always late to work. They don’t care about things or life.” You are an absolute idiot.

  4. perdido fisherman on February 8th, 2014 3:33 pm

    Alarmed and armed, I would like to know where you got your information from that has supposedly proven marijuana to cause schizophrenia. If you are quoting something from one of these anti-drug sites then you are quoting LIES. The U.S.A has not performed ANY research on the effects of Marijuana on the human body. As a matter of fact in the late 1950’s early 1960’s the U.S. Goverment FORCED the research part of the medical school in America to destroy all of thier research on marijuana and threatened jail and huge fines if they did not do so and the same for private research. As a matter of fact thier is only one person in the entire U.S.A. that has a permit to do research on schedule 1 drugs and he lives right here in Pensacola and runs the NorthWest Florida Mushroom research center. So why don’t you stop spreading the propaganda lies. The only valid part of your rant is the risk of cancer and that comes with anything smoked, but you can vaporize marijuana with ZERO cancer risk; Marijuana can be eatten or the resins can be extracted and taken by mouth. There is PROOF from Isreal that marijuana destroys cancer cells, stops drug resistant seizures, eases moderate to moderately severe pain, and many more diseases and ailements. Isreal has used it for medicine for 40 years now. I personally know several doctors, lawyers, physicist and even police officers who smoke marijuana and are extremly proficient at thier respective jobs. I know several people who have smoked marijuana from thier youth and who are now in thier 60’s and 70’s and are very well grounded. My step father has smoked marijuana since his early teens and he designs missle defence and guidance systems. You do not know what you are talking about. Try doing your own research instead of spewing propaganda.

  5. Alarmed and Armed on February 7th, 2014 10:26 pm

    Its not as great as you think it is. Marijuana barely does anything the “miracle articles” describe it does. Its very slight and modern medicine has taken those properties from the plant and used them, recreated or found another, better alternative and the plant has been left behind.

    Stop the pseudo hope and hoorah and jumping on the “medicinal marijuana” bandwagon in hopes that it will be legalized recreationally. Marijuana has already been proven, without argument, to be much more harmful that cigarettes.

    Also, have you ever spoken to or met someone who smokes marijuana a few times a week? They are slow, not caring, wishy washy and always late to work. They don’t care about things or life.

    The psychoactive ingredients will lead to schizophrenia and a slew of other mental disorders if used just periodically over 10 years.

    It also should be noted that marijuana users are at a much higher risk of cancer than cigarette smokers.

    Both are quite disgusting. If you’ve ever met a marijuana user, they’re breath is horrid.

    Don’t let the slugs of escambia fool you, the “hip college kids” who just experimented with their first joint fool you, nor any wolf in sheep’s clothing fool you, (or any legislator who’ll be receiving kickbacks for supporting it).
    Its just an all around sham, just like big tobacco.

  6. Reality Check on February 7th, 2014 8:35 pm

    Well said, Perdido Fisherman.

  7. perdido fisherman on February 7th, 2014 11:11 am

    It’s time to stop the propaganda lies that have demonized marijuana. This plant has many medicinal properties and it’s time the American people be allowed to reap the benefits of this plant once again. Our founding fathers used this plant for medicine and many more useful purposes. It was used for nearly 200 hundred years before hypocrites in the goverment decided they needed to tell people how to live, resulting in many lives being ruined not from the plant but from laws that came from lies formed through ignorance. Prohibition does NOT work it only breeds crime. People will always use mind altering substances no matter the penalty and that’s a fact. It’s time for the goverments of the world to stop telling people what they can do to thier bodies.

  8. needed on February 7th, 2014 7:44 am

    This is good news, hope it passes, soon. Children with seizures needs this, soooo badly! Republicans, do the right thing, the meds they are taking now are terrible and they don’t work!

  9. knowa on February 7th, 2014 7:26 am

    I appreciate his misguided efforts but there are many medicinal strains that are beneficial he might want to do a little research into removing csa as to why it was ever included in the first place and simply remove it. from the controlled substance act.

  10. Big Daddy on February 7th, 2014 1:20 am

    This would be GREAT!!!! It is a herb that was made by GOD. It has so many uses that should be “REGULATED & LEAGALIZED” by the government for its rmedical uses!!!!!!Not to be ABUSED by dope smokers!!!!!