Escambia County Seeks Appointees To Numerous Boards, Committees

February 10, 2014

The Escambia County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is seeking volunteers for several Boards and Committees, effective immediately.

The Big Bend Health Council (Northwest Florida) was established in accordance with Florida Statutes. The duties of this council are to assist the State in planning for health facilities and services, provide a health data repository and help counties and local communities to obtain better health care. Health care consumer, provider and purchaser positions are available. Council members serve a two-year term of office.

The Escambia County Board of Adjustment was established under Ordinance No. 88-16. The Board of Adjustment (BOA) conducts any required quasi-judicial public hearings to grant, grant with conditions, or deny applications for variances, conditional uses, requests for final extension of development orders for site plan approval, requests for the temporary use of a mobile home as a guest residence due to medical hardship and appeals of administrative decisions filed by those persons aggrieved by interpretations or administration of these regulations. Under county ordinance the Board of County Commissioners can review of the orders of the BOA affirming, reversing or modifying the decision of an administrative official.  Board members serve a two-year term of office and a Financial Disclosure Required.

The Escambia County Extension Council was established in accordance with Florida statutes.  The purpose of this council is to study the needs of the county in developing its natural resources, families and youth; to provide for the organization of planning committees in various agricultural commodities in youth and in all phases of home economics important to Escambia County; to provide for close liaison between the committees, county extension agents and the council; and to coordinate the reports of all committees into a single Escambia County resource development program designed to develop the county’s resources and its people through programs for which the cooperative Extension Service has a responsibility for initiating or coordinating.  Council members serve a two-year term of office.

The Escambia County Health Facilities Authority was established in accordance with Florida statutes. The authority’s duties are to assist health facilities in acquisition, construction, financing and refinancing of projects. Knowledge of finance and/or health care administration required.  Authority members serve a four-year term of office.  Financial Disclosure Required.

The Escambia County Housing Finance Authority was established in accordance with Florida law. The authority’s duties are to assist in eliminating shortages of adequate housing; stop reoccurrence of slum conditions; and stimulate employment and commerce. Knowledge in the area of labor, finance or commerce required. Authority members serve a four-year term of office. Financial Disclosure Required.

The Escambia County Planning Board was established under Ordinance No. 88-15. It shall be the continuing duty of the planning board to be currently informed and knowledgeable of the conditions and development of the county and to make studies and recommendations relating to county growth management, either initiated by the planning board, the county administrator, or the Board of County Commissioners. The planning board shall hear, give consideration to and make recommendations to the board of county commissioners on  matters in accordance with the requirements of the applicable county ordinance or state regulations. Board members serve a two-year term of office and a Financial Disclosure Required.

The Escambia County Tourist Development Council (TDC) was created in accordance with Florida statutes. The TDC duties are to review each proposal for expenditure of funds to determine if it complies with the Tourist Development Plan as outlined, review all expenditures from the Revenue Trust Fund and to report findings to the BOCC and the Florida Department of Revenue.  Members shall be owners/operators of motels, hotels, recreational vehicle parks or other tourist accommodations in Escambia County and subject to the tax, and/or individuals involved in the tourist industry, or who have demonstrated an interest in development but are not owners/operators within the tourist industry. Council members serve a four-year term of office.

The Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations Commission was established by an inter-local agreement between Escambia County Board of County Commissioners and the City of Pensacola in April 1978. The purpose of the commission is to be “responsible for the promotion of fair treatment and equal opportunity to all citizens of the local community.”  Commission members serve a two-year term of office.

The Value Adjustment Board provides for the hearing of all petitions, complaints, appeals and disputes concerning taxable assessment of properties, was established in accordance with Section 194.015, Florida Statutes, which was revised on September 1, 2008.  Board members serve a one-year term of office.

If interested in serving on the committees, councils or boards listed above, please contact Judy Witterstaeter, program coordinator at (850) 595-4916 to submit your resume. All resumes must be submitted no later than Friday, February 28. Please note appointees serve without compensation and some positions require filing of financial disclosure forms.


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