‘Do Not Text’ Spam Bill Advances In Senate

February 19, 2014

A proposal to include text messages that feature sales pitches in the state’s “Do Not Call” list is one step closer to the Senate floor.

The measure by Sen. Jeff Clemens, D-Lake Worth, received the unanimous backing of the Communications, Energy and Public Utilities Committee on Tuesday.

“This is a simple bill that simply keeps us up with technology,” Clemens said.

Currently, sales calls are prohibited when made by telephone solicitors to numbers on the list. The bill would expand the definition to include text messages. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has estimated the change could cost about $200,000 a year, mostly for the salaries of regulatory consultants and a staff clerk.

Gripes about violations of the state’s “Do Not Call” list easily dominated the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ top complaints for 2013


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