Cantonment Man Convicted Of Drug Trafficking, Possession

February 25, 2014

Another North Escambia resident has been convicted in connection with last year’s Operation Blister Pack 2.

William Bradley Edmonson, age 26 of Booth Avenue, Cantonment, was sentenced to a minimum mandatory seven years in state prison by Judge Terry Terrell for amphetamine trafficking and possession of a listed chemical.  He was also ordered to pay $106, 618 in costs and and fines.

Operation Blister Pack 2 targeted nearly 80 individuals on  methamphetamine and pseudoephedrine related charges. Many of those arrested were  involved with drug groups dubbed “The Village Group”, centered around “The Village” area of Forrest Street and Lakeview Avenue in Cantonment; and “The Ayers Group”, a group centered around Ayers Street in Molino, according to the Sheriff’s Office.


13 Responses to “Cantonment Man Convicted Of Drug Trafficking, Possession”

  1. milton on March 13th, 2014 8:39 pm

    @not judging

    you havent walked in his shoes so u dont know what he has done, or what he hasnt done, just cause someone said you did it< dont mean you did it, so get off this u dont know him, so know the fact before you speak on this thank you have a great a day

  2. not judging on March 12th, 2014 2:32 pm

    @Milton…who on here is judging, dude is going to prison for amphetamine trafficking and possession of a listed chemical. We all make choices in life and this bs about getting caught up with the wrong crowd is a coward thing to say and blame. Grow up. This guy deserves to be put in prison and for longer than 7 years because when he gets out he will go back doing the exact same thing. Its called having self respect and discipline to say no to drugs and not worry about the geeks who are doing drugs. Last I checked, I made the choice to not do drugs and instead graduated high school, went to college on a football scholarship, graduated college. You think that was given to me? Heck no, I earned every bit of it. I feel no sympathy for this guy and i’m glad he is headed to prison. I don’t want my kids growing up in a world full of meth heads, not to mention other criminal violence. Whats sad is the amount of taxes I pay goes toward a loser like this guy to make sure he eats. What a joke he is.

  3. milton on March 6th, 2014 3:28 pm

    i love how people can get on here and bad mouth him, and you dont even know him, or what really happen or what even went on, he was and is a good man and always will be and half the people that was in this are they just got caught up in the wrong place….. everyone has a past and who the hell are any of you to get on here and judge them, stop and look in the mirror, i know this he is going to prion with his head held high knowing he didnt rat on others or put people on blast just to get his time cut, like some of the others did, i know this cause he is my ole man and i will be standing by him all the way like i have been these last 3 years, he will come out a better man, and trust he has learned from the past, god works in crazy ways and when this is all done everyone will see, I LOVE YOU BRADLEY EDMONSON keep that head held high baby you are a good man to hell with all these people, god will judge them

  4. Mik on March 1st, 2014 6:26 pm

    @ wrong about prisons;

    You are actually wrong about prisons. I work in a prison, and all of those inmates in prison are there due to felonies, not minor crimes. You must be thinking of jail, and yes, there is a difference. As for the living conditions, they have heat and a/c in most of the dorms, with the exception of confinement housing. They get television and watch the same shows as those on the outside; sure the food provided by the state is not the best, but the inmates can buy their own food at the inmate canteen. If you were to actually visit a prison, you would see that 90 percent of the inmate population looks at prison as if it were an adult summer camp or a family reunion. The inmates have more rights than people think and have access to many different resources and activities. Whomever it is you get your information from is just playing with your emotions and tugging at your heart strings. Be glad it is not up to me, because I would be making the inmates work while incarcerated, and not just “hanging out” and killing time.

  5. Penny DeVries on February 28th, 2014 9:09 pm

    This broke my heart when I read this!! I remember this young man!! This young man got in with the wrong crowd!! Who has the right to judge him??God is the only judge!! What if this was your son?? Say a prayer for this young man!! Jesus delivers,heals and restores!!! The devil is trying to kill our young people!!i HATE drugs!! God bless this young man and his family!! God will restore them all!! Please speak life over these young people Not death!!!

  6. wrong about prisons on February 28th, 2014 6:37 pm

    I see this a lot on here about how people think that when they go to prison they have all these comforts. Since I have someone in the family who has been to prison, I can tell you that in the prisons in Florida, there is no air conditioning, no heat, the water is the temperature they set it and you push one large knob and it comes out the way it comes out. They don’t have cable, but there is television, but apparently it is set to whatever the guards think will not cause a fight inside. The facilities used to give the inmates 2500 calories a day, but reduced it to 1800 calories a day due to budget cuts. They have offenders in prison for stupid stuff that would better be spent fining the person instead of putting them in prison. Such as driving without a license with no accident or being a danger to others. Some people just screwed themselves up in their youth and have to pay for it the rest of their lives, which is punishment in itself. Also, as for the hot meals, they are lucky if they get one hot meal a day as they get sandwiches, usually peanut butter and the meal that is supposed to be hot is like hospital food, cold when it gets to you. They sleep on about an inch thick mattress over cold steel. They are issued a thin blanket in the winter, but with no heat does not do much good. So, at least in Florida, the prisons are no vacation as it should be. Now, the county jails in some counties have A/C and heat, but some do not. Anyway, just hope this educates some who think prison is so great and they have all the comforts of home because they definitely do not.

  7. Atmore G on February 27th, 2014 2:13 pm

    I agree with Concerned.. It is highly unlikely that this man can pay this money.. However, this is a drop in the ocean when we consider the cost of drug abuse, especially meth on our economy and our community.. The cost in ruined lives and treasure is in the billions nationwide..

  8. curious on February 26th, 2014 7:49 am

    To Concerned, they DO NOT get AC in Fl state prison, and they have work squads & assignments, but they DO NOT have chain gangs.

  9. melodies4us on February 25th, 2014 6:27 pm

    This is great news. . . Another drug dealer arrested. I like the judgement too. Drug dealers deserve prison time, but there is no way this man will EVER be able to pay that fine, which will result in him pretty much becoming a repeat offender.

  10. Concerned on February 25th, 2014 3:53 pm

    $106,618.00 in fines. Really Were do you think he is going to get this kind of money from… He’ll be out in a few years and back to the same thing again… Put him on the chain gang… More hard times for these people and it might help.. They get TV with cable, air condition, hot meals nice showers in jail and we are out here working our butts off in order to survive..
    Were is the justice.

  11. No Excuses on February 25th, 2014 1:33 pm

    While you are in prison, please take the time to educate yourself, even if you have to do it on your own. Find a way to make a living by LEGAL means! Drugs might be “easy money” to some, but they will be the downfall of this generation. Don’t help by adding to the problem! Be a leader, not a follower.

  12. molino on February 25th, 2014 11:20 am

    Keep your head up in learn from the past no come out a better man

  13. finally on February 25th, 2014 8:21 am

    Right where he deserves to be !