Burglar Shot In Walnut Hill Enters Plea

February 12, 2014

A burglar shot last summer by a Walnut Hill homeowner has pleaded no contest to the charges against him.

Ricky DeWayne Taylor, now 34, broke into the victim’s home on Rockaway Creek Road  and began removing items. The victim unexpectedly returned and caught  Taylor and co-defendant Teresa Sunday in the act. Sunday, who was acquainted with the victim, had called him earlier that day to lure him away from the home to meet her at a local pool hall.

The victim held them at gunpoint with a .38 caliber revolver and contacted the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. As the victim was speaking with dispatchers, Taylor lunged toward him. The homeowner fired a .38 caliber revolver, striking Taylor in the leg and grazing Sunday on the left cheek. Taylor was alert and conscious when he was transferred to LifeFlight to be airlifted to Baptist Hospital in Pensacola. He was charged with burglary, larceny, criminal mischief property damage and battery.

Sunday, age 35 of Century,  pleaded guilty to charges of burglary of an unoccupied dwelling and grand theft of a dwelling. In January, she was sentenced by Judge Michael Allen to five years in state prison.

Taylor was also charged with burglary and grand theft on Klondike Road on May 10, 2013.  Deputies say he parked his Lincoln Town Car with Alabama plates near a home in the 8000 block of Klondike. He then allegedly took a duffle bag, five extension cords and a five gallon gas can from a barn and placed them outside, according to an arrest report.

The resident walked outside and confronted Taylor near the duffle bag outside of his barn. Taylor ran and the victim gave chase but was unable to keep up. The victim noticed the out of place Lincoln Town Car in the neighborhood and photographed the tag. After the victim returned home, he drove around in an attempt to located the suspect and passed the Lincoln, being driven by the man he chased from his yard.

Deputies were able to trace the Lincoln to Taylor from the tag photo, and the victim positively identified Taylor from a photo lineup.

Taylor will be sentenced next week in both cases by Judge Michael Allen. He remains free on bond until his sentencing.

Pictured: The scene on May17, 2013, at a burglary victim’s home on Rockaway Creek Road in Walnut Hill. NorthEscambia.com file photos, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Burglar Shot In Walnut Hill Enters Plea”

  1. Sunny on February 15th, 2014 4:45 pm

    Ricky I’m praying for you also.. I know you did wrong but people do take the road sometimes and make mistakes… I know you regret what happened and wish you could change the past but we can’t.. I just pray the don’t lock you away forever for the sake of your kids, girlfriend, family and of course your good friend lol.. We Luv you

  2. SHO-NUFF on February 12th, 2014 8:03 pm

    Both of the perpetrators should thank the good Lord everyday the victim was either a lousy shot, or had no intentions of killing them.
    For the Female, 2 inches more to the left, and 3 inches higher and she would of been “DRT” or dead right there. Hopefully both are not foolish enough to try a stunt like this again, might not be so lucky the next time.

  3. just sayin' on February 12th, 2014 5:20 pm

    I’m glad the homeowners weren’t hurt. I’m glad the second victim was armed and didn’t hesitate to fire the weapon when needed. (although I do wish he would have aimed a little higher so we (tax payers) wouldn’t have to house this low life for whatever amount of time he’s sentenced to)

    Missy – maybe you need to do some soul searching and evaluate your life. If you truly believe that he is a “good man” you need therapy. A good man doesn’t steal from hard working people. Good MEN are hard working people. But since I’m sure you will blindly follow this criminal to the ends of the earth, go get yourself a job (or second job if you already have one) and keep him a good supply of stamps and inmate canteen.

    To everyone else, if you don’t own a gun, get one, if you don’t know how to shoot, learn. If someone breaks into your house don’t hesitate to do what you have to do to protect yourself, your family, and your property.

  4. In awe on February 12th, 2014 2:43 pm

    No offense, but your comment is as misguided as his criminal activity. Luckily this is America and your afforded free speech. Lucky the good American that shot taylor wasn’t shooting to kill him. He should have been.

  5. Madcow on February 12th, 2014 2:33 pm

    Thank God that the homeowner was armed. Otherwise he may have lost not only his property, but his life.
    As for the scumbag criminals who broke into his home they deserve no support or consideration whatsoever. If they had invaded my home, I would have tried to kill them. I cannot imagine why anyone would think otherwise.

  6. John on February 12th, 2014 9:11 am

    Good men don’t do what he has done. He probably has been protected all his life by individuals that make excuses for his actions. Mistakes happen once the second time it’s on purpose. Family can’t help how some individuals turn out. I do agree that he need help and prayer. He has to want the help and make the necessary life changes to prevent this type of behavior. Oh by the way he is no BABY!!!!!

  7. Good Man????? on February 12th, 2014 8:44 am

    Missy im sorry but you have issues. A good man would be at a job, busting his butt to provide a good life for his family. I am sure this isnt the first time he has done something like this and i am pretty sure its not the last. People like you and him never learn but want to blame everyone else. So i suggest you go get some help.

  8. Gembeaux on February 12th, 2014 7:59 am

    I do love our system of courts, but I feel that letting this guy, whose stock in trade is deceit and dishonesty, walk around for a week before sending him to jail doesn’t make sense. Now that his guilt has been determined, it’s only a matter of “how long”, not “if”. I doubt that the bond money was his, so I hope he decides to come back for sentencing and doesn’t instead light out for parts unknown.

  9. fred on February 12th, 2014 7:36 am

    Interesting, not one word of thanksgiving that the homeowners weren’t harmed? I’m sure Mr. Taylor didn’t intend to do any favors for the Rockaway homeowner when he lunged at him. One wonders what he would have done if he’d managed to take the gun away. I share your pity for these criminals, but when you violate someone’s home and property, you get what you get. I hope Taylor and Sunday decide to turn away from their evil ways, but I seriously doubt they will.

    To both of the homeowners – I, for one, am thankful that you weren’t harmed. Thank you for your vigilance in helping to apprehend these two. You have done society a great favor by getting these two off the street before they hurt someone else. This is what “Stand Your Ground” is all about.

  10. Good man? on February 12th, 2014 5:25 am

    A good man doesn’t steal and he’s not even a good thief to be caught twice. Somehow I doubt this was his first burglary.

  11. goodforall on February 12th, 2014 3:28 am

    Hope he has plenty of time in prison to think of how he screwed up his life with bad choices. once is a mistake, twice is on purpose. Be it drugs or alcohol, there are plenty of programs out there to help combat the cravings and turn your life around. I feel no pity for him and hope his sentence reflects what may have happened if the bullet would have struck and killed the idiot girl. He would then be facing a homicide charge on top of this. He better be thankful.

  12. Missy on February 12th, 2014 1:28 am

    We are praying for you baby. Everybody makes mistakes. And you are a good man and I love u so much for that.