Store Employees Robbed At Atmore Bank Night Deposit

January 14, 2014

Atmore Police are looking for a suspect that allegedly stole a night deposit outside a local bank.

About 9:35 p.m Saturday, three employees of the Dollar Tree reported they were outside the night deposit at Regions Bank on East Church Street. As they were about to make the night deposit, a black male walked up behind one of the employees and grabbed the deposit. During the struggle at the drop box, one employee received minor injuries. The suspect fled on foot with the deposit.

Atmore Police officers and members of the Alabama Department of Corrections K-9 Tracking Team searched the area for several hours but  were unable to locate the subject.

Anyone with information on the case is asked to call the Atmore Police Department at (251) 368-9141.


9 Responses to “Store Employees Robbed At Atmore Bank Night Deposit”

  1. mother on January 16th, 2014 8:05 am

    I know of many businesses that have the police escort their employees to the bank to drop off the bank deposit at night. My daughter being one of their employees.

  2. JS on January 15th, 2014 10:19 am

    Atmore Police Department phone number is very easy to remember: 368-9141. Call dispatch and they will have an officer meet you there and watch while you make your deposit, if you MUST make it at night.

  3. LINDA on January 15th, 2014 1:39 am

    I sure the Law will check out ALL angles dealing with the investagation! But what I don’t understand with crime like it is why would these bussiness have a nightime drop. Your asking to be robbed. All drops should be in daytime. Daylight and more eye witness and better Safety for your Employee’s and their well being…………… What has happen to ” COMMON SENSE ” Or aleast two drops aday so If robbed, criminal won’t steal as much. Less of a Loss. IF A COMPANY WON’T DO THIS. THEN IT’S NOT A COMPANY WHO REALLY CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE KEEPING THEM IN BUSSINESS!!!!! I KNOW CAUSE I QUITE A JOB IN ATMORE FOR THIS VERY REASON………… Stay safe people and protect yourself. Life is to short….

  4. bewildered on January 14th, 2014 2:03 pm

    If this happened right in front of the night deposit box the bank’s surveillance camera should tell the story.

  5. Renee on January 14th, 2014 12:19 pm

    I Agree with others, anyone can say they where Robbed, I could be wrong But they do need to check them Girls out, anyone could get a friend to Rob them. and Thats sad.

  6. TM on January 14th, 2014 9:14 am

    Wow!!!! Y’all really think someone believe that all of them need to be investigated. 3 employees REALLY. We didn’t fall off the turnips truck this was staged. Sound like a setup to me.

  7. Mike J. on January 14th, 2014 8:49 am

    Well, if this story happens as told, now more criminals reading this know where and when that store makes deposits at night. So the store people will need to change that.

    Fishy? Well, perhaps the reason there are three employees making the deposit is that it’s harder to commit insider theft when there are more than one or two people.

  8. Tired on January 14th, 2014 8:23 am

    I agree with Big red….. Something is VERY fishy here……

  9. Big red on January 14th, 2014 6:07 am

    Hummmm. I smell something fishy here.