Escambia Students Won’t Have To Make Up Missed Days; Santa Rosa Will

January 31, 2014

Escambia County public school students were out three days for this week’s winter storm, but they will not have to make up the days. Across the river in Santa Rosa County, students will have hour for hour makeup days, losing part of spring break.

“There was enough time built into the regular school year that we can afford for students to miss those three days,” Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said.  But, he warned, if the school district misses any other days for emergencies this year, students may be required to make up the time.

In Santa Rosa County, two of the three days will be made up on March 14 and March 17, the first two days of spring break, with the third date to be determined later.

A decision was made Monday that students would be out Tuesday and Wednesday for the impending rare Florida ice storm. By Wednesday, it was apparent that there would be no school Thursday with inches of ice on the ground and lows forecast in the teens.

“It began to melt quickly once the sun came out,” Thomas said Thursday afternoon. “We knew then that we would be a go for Friday.”

Students in Escambia County, Ala., will also not be required to make up the missed winter emergency days.

Pictured top: Inches of ice still covered a closed Ernest Ward Middle School in Walnut Hill early Thursday afternoon. photo, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Escambia Students Won’t Have To Make Up Missed Days; Santa Rosa Will”

  1. rolltidemom on February 5th, 2014 1:01 pm

    Well MY kids are taking their spring break! My husband and I have already scheduled time off work for their spring break (which I NEVER get) so looks like they’ll be missing those days too…oh well!
    Seems to me they should tack on those dates to the end of the school year instead of having their spring break taken from them! DUH!

  2. Smitty on February 3rd, 2014 9:47 am

    Thank God we have a Superintendent and Staff that care more about our children than whether you get to go on vacation or not. That’s what summers are for! The State mandates so many hours of instruction for our children and in Santa Rosa County that’s what they’ll get. The comments about Superintendent Wyrosdick are unfounded. Under his guidance, we have one of the best if not the best school systems in the State of Florida. You should be singing the praises of our educators and administrators instead of worrying about your vacation. The last time I checked there is no passport or visa requirement for you to move to Escambia County. Problem Solved…..Enjoy your vacation!!!!!

  3. babe on February 1st, 2014 11:29 pm


  4. Nikki on February 1st, 2014 10:23 pm

    It’s not so much that Santa Rosa cares about the students making up the days they missed. It’s that Wyrosdick doesn’t want the teachers to get away with getting paid for days they didn’t work. You can bet that he will make the teachers work every hour missed, even if the state ends up waiving the days. Escambia teachers will not have to make up the days.

  5. Debra Henderson on February 1st, 2014 10:23 am

    They shouldn’t have to make it up anyway, especially if people have things planned. Maybe this county should get prepared for the next time it happens and roads wouldn’t have to be closed. Take a lesson from the Yankees!. lol

  6. Heidi on January 31st, 2014 9:41 pm

    I’m sorry but why wouldn’t Santa Rosa county add days towards the end of school year instead of taking away two of the days during Spring break? Families have already made plans, paid ( non-refundable) vacations. If this stands I can see a lot of kids will be missing school.

  7. Pop on January 31st, 2014 9:33 pm

    No way!! Not spring break, lots of folk have already got trips planned. Jus add few more days to the end if calendar year if needed.

  8. Kathy Barberi on January 31st, 2014 12:55 pm

    I agree the students should not have to give up their spring break day(s) so use a holiday that doesn’t affect their day lost. Spring break is a time for family who go on a trip or have time together.

  9. babe on January 31st, 2014 10:36 am

    Santa Rosa School District should have to make up a day on Presidents Day instead of spring break. They just don’t think ahead.

  10. Elaine chapman on January 31st, 2014 8:44 am

    Thank you so much for your quick and clear decision to keep students home during the freezing weather…you avoided so much traffic accidents and health issues..I am so grateful for your decision…