No Animals Registered Under New Century Ordinance

January 27, 2014

Thirty days after the passage of an ordinance that would require many Century residents to register their barnyard animals with the town — no one  had done so.

As of December 23, it became illegal to keep a horse, mule, donkey, goat, sheep, or cow within the town limits except in areas that are zoned agricultural or rural residential. Hogs were already prohibited in all areas of the town.

One horse or cow is now allowed for every two acres, one donkey or mule per acre and one goat or sheep per one-half acre. The animals and their pens must be 200 feet or greater from a dwelling or property line.

Anyone with the regulated animals in an area not zoned agricultural or rural residential within the town limits, must register their animals at the Century Town Hall by Friday, February 21 (60 days from the passage of the ordinance). Anyone with nonconforming  animals must apply for and be granted a variance from the town council within six months or get rid of their animals.

“While citizens have requested the applications, the town has not yet received any.  Nor has the town received a request for variance,” Town Clerk Leslie Gonzalez said in an email.

Mayor Freddie McCall expressed concerns that perhaps some residents had missed the news reports on the passage of the new ordinance. McCall and the town’s consultant on the ordinance, Debbie Nickles, will make an effort over the next few weeks to visit residents that may be required to register animals or request a variance, he said.

Pictured: Century council members Gary Riley, Ann Brooks, Sandra McMurray Jackson, Jacke Johnston and Annie Savage during a December 23 special meeting in which the town’s new barnyard animal ordinance was passed. Pictured inset: Council member Jacke Johnston reads the ordinance. file photos, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “No Animals Registered Under New Century Ordinance”

  1. Dianne on February 2nd, 2014 11:49 am

    Residential communities are not zoned for farm animals. They are called farm animals for a reason. They belong on a FARM. I have a large dog and live on a fully fenced half acre lot. This is still not enough land for the dog to get an adequate amount of exercise. If my dog were a horse the problem would be even bigger. I have seen, in Century, horses/donkeys in back yards smaller than what I described here. Eating, sleeping, defecating in the same small space. No way to care for an animal. In the summer the stench must be unbearable. The neighbors can’t possibly have enjoyment of their homes because of the smell of your FARM animals. Be realistic people. Just as the days of out houses, no indoor plumbing and no sewer system have passed, so should FARM animals in your back yards.

  2. Debbie on January 28th, 2014 9:41 pm

    What part of “Land of the Free” do you people not understand?

    In the future, community’s will market/brand themselves on just how much property rights actually remain. Not looking good Century.

  3. Kathy on January 28th, 2014 9:56 am

    What people don’t realize is, it’s the animals that are not being cared for,if you drive round some back roads you will see Horses and other animals under weight. I seen a Horses with about 20 ft of room No food No water, and Metal all around his feet. I will continue to fight for Horses That live in these condions.if you are a Horse owner and I’am talking to you, Live by the rules or give you Horse a new Home.I mean Really People.

  4. Michelle on January 27th, 2014 12:09 pm

    Funny how a farming community can no longer function as such. No wonder the price of milk, eggs, meat etc…, are going up. You can’t buy locally it has to be shipped in from other states.
    Thank you local government for another death nail in this community, Bravo. You deserve a pay rise (That was sarcasm)

  5. Ex-Resident on January 27th, 2014 12:09 pm

    Just saying, you think the town would have more to worry about than this. How about all the drugs running around for a start. Between Century and Flomaton (Obviously they do not have a say of what goes on in Escambia Co. Alabama) it is a rampant issue. I do believe that some people should not be allowed to have animals, due to neglect/abuse. This was just a catch-all to end the problem. Bad part is that a lot of good people, that take care of their animals, are caught under the same stipulations.

  6. cygie on January 27th, 2014 10:20 am

    It would seem that the governing body of Century would be more interested in attempting to attract and then KEEP new businesses in the town. Instead they are worried about barnyard animals. Donkeys do not pay taxes nor do farm critters increase the tax base. Perhaps this is why Century has the reputation it does.

  7. Mom for liberty on January 27th, 2014 9:39 am

    People need to mind their own business and keep their nose out of mine!

  8. Angela on January 27th, 2014 8:59 am

    Th said they will visit your property! I say meet them at the gate. There is so much of worrying about fences height and shrubs height so they can see what you do nothing goes unnoticed! They are crossing the lines, Your property lines on which you pay taxes! This mayor is a mess, Thyou don’t know 1/2 of it and I cant post it. Please vote them all out!

  9. ABC on January 27th, 2014 8:51 am

    With all due respect, perhaps there are many folks in Century that need to go back to math class, and study the constitution of the United States also. Of course perhaps the entire Nation should study the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and all the amendments………Its worth your while. if you want to live in a true Free United States of America………

  10. jeeperman on January 27th, 2014 7:44 am

    Bewildered is right.
    If you had one acre that was square and took away the 200fott buffer zone your left with a square that is 8 feet 9 inches square.
    If you have 100 acres that is 400 feet wide, you can’t have any barnyard animals.

  11. sam on January 27th, 2014 7:42 am

    i’m thinking the majority of folks support the council. just not going on here commenting on behalf of chickens, mules, and cows next door. i will vote next election and hope there is more to vote on than this stuff.

  12. TG on January 27th, 2014 7:26 am

    Wouldnt you think they had bigger chickens to fry or larger hogs to barbque.

  13. Rooster Cogburn on January 27th, 2014 6:42 am

    Revolt at the polls! Vote em out! Viva la resistance.

  14. bewildered on January 27th, 2014 6:42 am

    Never mind the registering! I have yet to understand how anyone can possibly abide by the new ordinance and keep one animal on a half-acre without violating the 200 feet encroachment stipulation! Really? Does anyone on the council even know how many feet are in a half acre or how many property lines each parcel has?

  15. Duke of Wawbeek on January 27th, 2014 6:36 am

    Century has attempted many external measures to increase quality of life and marketability, these have all proved futile.

    Perhaps a shift of attention to the internal governing elements in Century would be the area to bring effective change.

    The Mayor and Council have given 110%, there is no shame.

  16. Puddin on January 27th, 2014 6:03 am

    Thats exactly what I was thinking Frank. The PEOPLE have spoken. You know, the PEOPLE who hired you? Remember them? The ones you were hired to represent? I expect that most of you will be looking for new jobs come election time, so update those resume’s.

  17. Frank on January 27th, 2014 1:13 am

    May, NO, you and the council do not get it the people are revolting, and you thing this is the tip of the iceberg? Wait until elections!