Local Gas Prices Show State’s Biggest Weekly Jump Due To Gas Tax

January 7, 2014

Escambia County gas prices are up eight cents in the past week — the largest jump of any metro area gas prices in Florida.

The jump from $3.22 a gallon one week ago to $3.30 was due in part to a new four-cent gas tax that kicked in January 1 to fund the ECAT mass transit system. Other metro areas in Florida saw a one to five cent weekly increase, according to AAA.

The statewide average price per gallon moved upwards a couple of cents per gallon from $3.39 one week ago to a current average of $3.41 per gallon.

The Escambia County Commission and the City of Pensacola entered into an interlocal agreement on the tax to fund ECAT. And, despite the Town of Century’s refusal to go along with the increase, the higher gas tax is also being collected in the town for ECAT.

The 4-cent gas tax increase does not include diesel fuel.

Pictured top: North Century Boulevard in Century. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


33 Responses to “Local Gas Prices Show State’s Biggest Weekly Jump Due To Gas Tax”

  1. Just wondering why on January 17th, 2014 6:39 pm

    I’ve been in several cities and after taking note of some of the ECAT buses I’ve recently been paying for, I noticed they have no advertising on them?!?!!? Every major metro I’ve been in, the public transportation has advertising on their vehicles to subsidize the cost of the service. If ECAT were to pursue this, they could probably make far more money than with a gas tax, give some local businesses more work putting on the advertising and encourage the local community to buy local. Local television stations, lawyers, radio stations, numerous businesses would probably have interest in this prospect.

  2. Thomas on January 10th, 2014 3:45 pm

    I have 3 big trucks, and a business that has to purchase about 1000 gallons of fuel annually..I now drive 5 miles to Seminole Alabama and buy from them, I refuse to fund a program I do not use, and is not available to use where I live in the county…I will not give a CENT to the ECAT system. The increase in cost, should be applied directly to the people that use the busses.

    Its like me sending a bill to ECAT for a Fuel pump, or Radiator for one of my trucks….they would laugh in my face. If you told bus riders that “you are going to have to pay a little more today, Thomas had to get new tires”…there would be outrage.

  3. ep on January 8th, 2014 5:42 pm

    How many of you have actually used ECAT. And how many of you rely on another source of transportation. Taxi To expensive, Pensacola Bay unreliable and only for people that are qualified for American Disability Act, oh how many of you thought of that ! How many of you have someone that will be willing to take the time and expense to bring someone to Pensacola to a Dr.’s appointment or any other important subject matter. Yes I live in the middle of the county and proud to be an employ for ECAT and what does ECAT stand for Escambia County Area Transit How many of you out there think that we are county employees. Get your facts straight. I challenge you to take a bus ride to the mall, VA clinic, PSC or any other place in the county. Yes, I agree that the County Commissioners have a lot to answer for. Yes, there is a lot of room for improvement but without funding those changes will not happen. And the matter that our buses are empty. You may be surprised to learn that most of our routes have standing room only. So please get your facts right. There citizens in this county that could not go to work, take there kids to day care so they can go to work, Dr’s appointment, go to school, etc. if that there was not mass transit to use SO PLEASE GET YOUR FACTS CORRECT

  4. Charlene on January 8th, 2014 1:12 pm

    Have you ever wondered why you cannot see inside the ECAT buses, either to many advertisements or darkened windows, they do not want anyone to see how few people actually ride these over sized gas hogging vehicles. Let the county commissioners post a list of all the participates that actually use the bus service on a daily basis. I imagine the lack of numbers using the system would be so out of preportion with the expense of operation that it would be embarrassing. Obviously someone is getting a kickback of some kind to justify operating so far into the red that it takes local gas taxes to make up the difference. Instead of feeding a giant , money using vehicle downsize to smaller transportation, i.e. some of the county vehicles not being used that probably sit in parking garages until needed. The small white vans that transport the elderly or disabled to doctor’s appt could be also utilized to transport people to jobs, etc. This has been going on for so long with the waste and abuse that it is common place to just add another tax, what has happened here is just like Washington , DC on a smaller scale, just another tax on the already over burdened because after all the county commissioners probably ride around in tax free, gas fee vehicles so it does not affect them.

  5. Sherry on January 8th, 2014 11:11 am

    Mobile highway has better gas prices. Walmart and Tom Thumb

  6. Mike J. on January 8th, 2014 8:42 am

    That’s a good point, I was considering buying gas in AL because in Beulah I’m only 3 miles from the state line and Seminole is right there, but then the part of my gas bill that goes to taxes is paying for things in Baldwin County where I don’t live. So even though I’m angry about paying taxes for the bus system, it’s better to buy gas here paying for things where we live and vote the county commissioners out. Get the new ones to repeal the tax. They won’t want to but we have to try.

  7. JohnnyReb on January 8th, 2014 6:59 am

    It’s not “paying your share” it’s asset redistribution.

  8. matt on January 8th, 2014 6:32 am

    Why do we have to pay for the busses to run half empty or less . If it was any other business they would be down sized or completely out of business. Why not switch to natural gas like ECUA did then maybe we could understand the tax a little and not justpay for a half empty bus . The busses have advertising on them again if the busses cannot support them selves switch to smaller busses and charge more for advertising. I wish I could operate a business with someone else financing it.

  9. tax on January 7th, 2014 9:24 pm

    Soon we will be paying tax tax.

  10. Rooster Cogburn on January 7th, 2014 8:28 pm

    Your proud politicians at work

  11. me too on January 7th, 2014 6:08 pm

    Right on Molino Jim,
    Alabama has taxes on their gas also, to support things in their areas.
    I prefer to support things where i live. Not that i really like this THING.

  12. jay on January 7th, 2014 3:19 pm

    Its time to replace the entire County Commission, even the ones that took office in January of 2012. They have had plenty of time to fix this totally unfair tax. If ECAT cannot sustain its self on ridership its time to CLOSE it and find another way to help the poor citizens that need transportation. Paying a taxi for them with existing County funds would be cheaper than this Money Pit. The Unions at ECAT are holding the Citizens of Escambia County Hostage. VOTE All of the current County Commission OUT and lets start over. Buy your gasoline in Alabama or Santa Rosa County!

  13. molino jim on January 7th, 2014 3:11 pm

    Those who are driving to Ala to buy gas — you may want to check a couple of things. I’ve seen Ala. gas higher than ours a number of times. Ala also allows the stations to add an extra fee if you use a credit card to pay. If you fill up with 20 gal of gas and you pay the Escambia tax it amounts to 80 cents. I feel my time and the expense of driving into Ala. to “save” 80 cents is not worth it. As to having to”have to pay for things I don’t use”. I pay school tax, for roads I don’t use and on and on. It’s commonly know as paying your share.

  14. JD on January 7th, 2014 2:19 pm

    We live in Molino and were in Jay on Sunday so we drove on up to Flomaton and filled up our gas tank. We will continue to either go to Ala. or Santa Rosa Co. to buy gas. We are tired of paying for others’ “free ride”. I have not seen a bus stop north of Ensley yet. It would be interesting to see just how many are riding the bus from the middle to the north end of Escambia Co.

  15. Paul on January 7th, 2014 1:45 pm

    Gas in Alabama, Food in Florida..been doing that for years..there are advantages to living on the line..

  16. Pat on January 7th, 2014 1:40 pm

    I parked my car..waiting at the bus stop..It sure is cold out here. When does the bus get here? I may be on the outskirts but it still is Escambia County Florida..Glad to do my part. Let the tourists pay for the gas tax and save the planet..public transportation is the way to go…Where is that bus? I’m gonna be late for work…

  17. D.Hall on January 7th, 2014 12:06 pm

    Guess What ? When the word spreads among “big trucks” , they won’t be buying fuel in Escambia County – LOOK OUT ALABAMA & SANTA ROSA COUNTY … Here Comes Some More Drivers … Because YOU Like Their Money & You Like Them Spending The Money At Your Stores. Who Says Money Dosen’t “Talk” Uh.

  18. JD on January 7th, 2014 11:53 am

    We live in Molino, but were in Jay on Sunday and went to Flomaton to fill the gas tank before coming home. We plan to continue to go to Ala. or Santa Rosa Co. to do the same. We get tired of paying for others “free ride”. I have not seen any marked bus stops north of Ensley either. Would be interesting to see just how many do ride the bus.

  19. ME on January 7th, 2014 10:36 am

    From the back of the bus, to making us pay for the ride.

    Progress, What can you do?

  20. M in Bratt on January 7th, 2014 9:31 am

    I for one will remember in November

  21. Debbie Lee on January 7th, 2014 9:10 am

    We will go out of our way to buy our gas in Alabama.It is all about Principal.

  22. Poochylip on January 7th, 2014 8:51 am

    Its an easy decision for the politicians to make…no thinking involved…no planning needed…no work involved…kinda like asking a teenager..Who paid for your car ?and he says MOM and DAD…so the politicians say let MOM and DAD pay for it..folks we are MOM and DAD

  23. Don on January 7th, 2014 8:42 am

    ATTN: Gene Valentino


    This is YOUR TAX !!!!

  24. baebae on January 7th, 2014 8:36 am

    Taxes…taxes….taxes….DANG MAN…when will it end….guess I will buy my gas in Alabama…groceries in Florida…. At least FSU won the championship

  25. Robert S. on January 7th, 2014 8:19 am

    2014 offers an opportunity for new County Commissioners in District 2 (Gene Valention) and District 4 (Grover Robinson).
    Both of these incumbents have announced that they are candidates for re-election and both have opposition.
    Should you feel you have the qualifications and a better plan then it’s your duty to put your hat into the ring and if elected work to make positive moves for your district.

  26. AW on January 7th, 2014 8:10 am

    Buy gas in Alabama. Santa Rosa county raised their prices right along with Escambia, and they don’t have the extra tax. Is that price gouging?

  27. JOHN D BODIE on January 7th, 2014 8:06 am

    How come I have to pay for something that I dont ride , how come I have to pay for someone else to have a free phone , food, medical care , housing and such. What doI have ? What do I get….Taxed , taxed , taxed all for somebody else to get something free or cheaper than Myself. Wake up people its time to stop some of this. These politicians will stand and lie tell You how much They care, truth is They dont care one bit about nothing but getting another nickle from some scam that They can pull off. Wake up.

  28. randy on January 7th, 2014 8:02 am

    a bad tax

  29. plainwrong on January 7th, 2014 7:39 am

    I don’t live far from the alabama line – I will go there as much as possible to get my gas. I think it is crazy for us to pay for ECAT when that service is not even offered where I live. Make the people that ride it pay for it.

  30. Mike on January 7th, 2014 7:35 am

    This tax should come from the local hotels and tourist establishments. Why punish the local drivers for a system they do not use or need. I understand ECAT is a needed transportation requirement for many, but don’t “charge” those that don’t use it. If I have a chance to fill up in AL, I most certainly will.

  31. Oak Grove Bud on January 7th, 2014 5:59 am

    3.13 a gal. in Brewton Al yesterday.

  32. c.w. on January 7th, 2014 5:23 am

    Its past time that the politicians in this county realize they work FOR the voters and tax payers. Ecat is a union controled money pit that has few users. If ecat can,t pay their way, shut them down.

  33. Jane on January 7th, 2014 3:07 am

    So more tourists and more locals will go to Alabama to buy gas or stay at hotels on the beach. Even Santa Rosa will have more people buying gas there.