Judge Rules Teen Incompetent To Stand Trial For Mom’s Murder On Christmas Eve

January 22, 2014

Circuit Judge John Simon ruled this afternoon that William Brandon Aydelott is not competent to stand trial for the first degree premeditated murder  of his mother, Sharon Lynn Aydelott, on Christmas Eve.

The judge ordered Aydelott to spend six months in the Florida State Hospital for treatment at which time he will be reevaluated.

Aydelott  beat and stabbed his mother to death in her Gulf Breeze home on Christmas Eve, according to prosecutors. He is scheduled to be arraigned on January 23. Investigators said William Aydelott had been arguing with his mother for some period of time before stabbing her several times with kitchen knives and striking her with a baseball bat.

William Aydelott fled the scene and was located by deputies about three hours later at a nearby residence. Deputies surrounded the home, and he surrendered without incident.


25 Responses to “Judge Rules Teen Incompetent To Stand Trial For Mom’s Murder On Christmas Eve”

  1. Patricia on January 24th, 2014 10:03 am

    I am sorry for the family of this young adult, he maybe incompetent now and he might have been incompent before only he knows but the fact remains that he murder someone and competency has nothing to do with it, he needs to go to jail. Mental Health Hospital, not so sure as the system does not work and this type of people are very manipulative and knows how to play the system and the judges unfortunately. There are many ways to learn the symptoms of a person with mental illness available to everyone that wants to read them and when the want to do something that is exactly what they do and then says they are bi-polar which is the popular illness now days but a lot has to do with drugs and alcohol, take those aways and the bi-polar disease goes away. And I agree that if kids and teenagers are discipline harder we would not see the type of crimes that we see now days. And whose fault it is? the system as it makes it a crime to discipline a child. A good spanking sometimes is necessary. This counry needs to learn to differentiate abuse. Burning, cutting, banging a head against a wall or a floor, throwing a child against a wall or from a balcony, that is abuse. Using the belt to discipline a child once or twice is not abuse. Kids now days, abuse the parents but no one does anything about it until the parent is death like in this case and then it is too late, a life is gone and another that could have been save with proper discipline is also lost.

  2. Dee no longer from the Bp on January 24th, 2014 7:56 am

    I’m gonna just say one thing to everyone defending him, let’s look at the kid that just killed his mom then shot up that elementary school, we don’t know what he was going thru either, but there is no excuse for murder. Put him away.

  3. My2Cents on January 23rd, 2014 6:43 pm

    When I first heard of this case I was stunned to say the least. With that being said I questioned how a child could do this to his own mother. I had to stop and regroup and remember what my childhood was like. NONE of us know what Aydelott has gone through within his life regardless if it has to do with his parents or other individuals. As with any case in the media we will NOT receive all the truth or facts, merely what they want us to see and hear. Want if this was your child, friend, or brother would you want others to pass judgement before the case was heard before the court? I am in no way taking up for Aydelott, but my childhood is one that I don’t wish to relive period. I just chose to make different decisions for myself instead of acting out causing me to have a criminal record for life. Our Heavenly Father will have the LAST judgement against us, not man.

  4. Unbelievable..... on January 23rd, 2014 4:34 pm

    Yeah I call bull… He is just delaying so the community has time to forget what happened before his trial.. Funny all those folks that knew him before thought he was such a great kid, and his first court appearance he was quiet.. Definitely a class act!!! He wasn’t blabbering when he demanded to go to the doctor and when told the procedure he punched an Officer in the face.. HE IS STILL VIOLENT!!!!

  5. southern man on January 23rd, 2014 2:16 pm

    And people wonders ……..what is wrong with teens today???? This is just an easy out??? Just act crazy!!!!! should show No Mercy On Him. !!!!

  6. Mark on January 23rd, 2014 1:14 pm

    @To everyone who doesn’t agree with the ruling

    What several doctors would these be? Do you have names? In my understanding, the prosecution and defense can have a Dr examine him. Two does not equal “several”. Besides, defense attorneys had credible “Dr’s.” they can call to the stand that will find the defendant in whatever state of mind that the defense attorney needs them to be.

    @Rebel Howard – Why will you never believe it was premeditated? Because he was her child? If you don’t think a child is capable of plotting their parents murder, then you must never watch the news or read a paper, because it has happened SEVERAL times!

  7. Taxpayer on January 23rd, 2014 12:27 pm

    Clearly this kid (young man) didn’t receive the needed help prior to this unbelievable event!!!! I’m sure signs of his problems were clearly seen by everyone around him…again sad! all of the signs and information will come out…………..But, killing your Mother is another subject, he will clearly never see anything other than jail bars the rest of his life………end of this story

  8. molino jim on January 23rd, 2014 10:39 am

    It is odd that he acts normal while at the jail– then has such mental problems when in court. I wonder if he was a member of the drama club at school? So many of the people who act out and kill others are mentally incompetent (or so they say) it’s odd. As to the public defender being his lawyer– maybe his father does not wish to be responsible for his legal cost. I know of a case where the family took the position due to the person who was arrested was 18 he was on his own. It’s like a hospital bill– don’t sign as the responsible party unless you have deep pockets.

  9. Reality on January 23rd, 2014 10:05 am

    People, being found incompetent ONLY means he will be shipped off to Florida State Hospital (aka Chattahoochee) until he regains competency (in 4-6 months) Once the Doctors there find him competent (which they will) he will be sent back here to start his Criminal Proceedings…. That doesn’t mean he is getting off of these charges at all! Just means he is going to have period of time to get his head straight and grasp the fact that he brutalized and murdered his own mother. I kinda feel sorry for him, at least she is in a better place. He on the other hand will have to live & dream about what he has done for the rest of his life. Guess that’s the price you pay!

  10. not incompetant on January 23rd, 2014 9:41 am

    Well, to all of you. First, he may lack experience and wisdom that only age can give you, but he is not a child now. If you really think about it, how many of you still think like you did when you were about sixteen or seventeen? You still think the same, you just have experience that helps you make better decisions. His mother was a teacher so I believe I can safely assume he was taught not to kill. He sounds like (and I am just thinking about this, no facts) that he was spoiled at a very young age so not getting his way is a big deal. A big deal enough to become enraged and not take it. I have a boy who is my step son. I have been raising him since he was a small child. When he was seventeen, I had to really get on to him for his attitude and he asked me, “What, do I have to just sit here and take this?” I said, you sure as hec do. If I had made out that he didn’t have to take discipline he would go through life expecting to do as he pleases without consequences. I agree with the man who said “new wave parents”. He is correct. Kids that do not receive proper punishment as a child will only become ungrateful and demanding.

  11. Come on People on January 23rd, 2014 9:01 am

    Is the world gone completely mad? This person MURDERED HIS MOTHER!!! MURDERED!!! If he doesn’t consider her life worth sparing and sacred, what makes anyone think that he would value some random person’s life? I’ve never understood the whole INCOMPETENT argument. Incompetent or not he MURDERED someone, his mother at that!!! Why does an “incompetent” person get a free pass? If he savagely killed someone and he is insane that gives the system TWO reasons to lock him up. I don’t know if I made my point clear enough, but this person KILLED someone, DEAD, not coming back!!! MURDER IS MURDER, INCOMPETENT OR NOT!!! Now come on with the mental illness song and dance, Im waiting!!! RIDICULOUS & EMBARRASING!!! BTW. I’m a parent as well and if this is my son I want him put away because I wouldn’t want him doing this to someone else!!! Give me a break!!!

  12. bewildered on January 23rd, 2014 6:59 am

    I think his remark: “I am always right….” during the court hearing was staged. Unless he was on drugs that Christmas evening, something does not add up. What do his school records show? If it is obvious to several professionals that he is mentally unstable and incompetent to stand trial, signs of abnormal behaviour would have shown up long before this tragedy. I suppose we have to be grateful he did not decide to take out his rage on his classmates during school hours.

  13. parent on January 23rd, 2014 3:56 am

    Wow…so even with premedated murder motive and the grin on his face..i would say he’s more competant than i would say.,

  14. Lucy Lou on January 23rd, 2014 12:21 am

    For the person who said keep your comments to yourself if you don’t know the facts…. Well I work where he is and I can tell you HE IS VERY COMPETENT and also very intelligent and able to play the game. His behavior in court is not his behavior in jail!

  15. Todd Cantonment on January 22nd, 2014 9:08 pm

    If you new wave parents would have put that old fashion butt whipping on your kids when they were growing up instead of saying I don’t whip my kids they just might listen to you! Not saying that solves every problem. But there was a lot more respect before discipline was considered cruel!!!! JUST SAYING!!!

  16. a parent on January 22nd, 2014 8:51 pm

    As. A parent we need more help wit these teenagers. Some of the kids are disrespectful to everyone. As a parent your hands are tied . We need more resources to go to. Police can’t do anything unless he hits me. How do we get help before it gets to that. Point? I have a 16 yr old he breaks things destroy his room. I also wa.nt to add these kids are alot. Bigger. Now. Days

  17. To everyone who doesnt agree with the ruling... on January 22nd, 2014 6:56 pm

    just FYI he is being represented by the public defenders office. and if you didn’t already know, that means he is low income and doesn’t have the money to pay for representation. and not to mention they don’t just come up with an “incompetent to stand trial” verdict, he has been evaluated several times by several different doctors and all were in agreement that the was incompetent. I encourage the people who don’t know the facts of this case and of mental illnesses to keep your opinions quiet.. because not only are you calling several doctors that have a degree to diagnose these illnesses and attorneys’ ignorant, but you are also calling the judge ignorant who is going based soley on only the FACTS of this case

  18. Braden on January 22nd, 2014 6:48 pm

    She was my science teacher. I’m 14 and what she said about him was nice and there he goes and murders her.

  19. Rebel Howard on January 22nd, 2014 6:06 pm

    What are a terrible chain of events. Although I believe in justice, I cannot judge without knowing the full story here. Looking at that child..I see just that. A child. SOMETHING is clearly wrong in his mind, this is not normal response to an argument with your mother. Obviously the judge saw this as well and did the proper thing. I’m sure if his mother could speak, she would defend her boy. I’m a mother, and I know.I don’t believe he should be turned out, however I don’t believe prison or the electric chair would in any way be the solution here. And i will NEVER believe it was premeditated. He will live all his days with the memory of his mother and the fact that he took her from this world. I hope this whole family finds peace some day in some way. I pray God will provide the strength they all need to move forward. We must remember this child and his mother are loved by the same family members, and to take his life just takes another family member from them. And they did nothing wrong at all. I pray for the best for this entire family. My heart truly goes out to each of them.

  20. Anne on January 22nd, 2014 5:28 pm

    We all knew anyone who kills their mother in that way is incompetent. I just hope they keep him locked up so he can’t escape.

  21. Karen on January 22nd, 2014 4:23 pm

    He was competent enough to brutally murder her wasn’t he.

  22. Sue on January 22nd, 2014 2:56 pm

    I know of only one local person who was ever found incompetent to stand trial. He was sent to that hospital 3 times and released every time. Remember the 2010 double murder at Royal Crest Apartments? Incompetent, but able to kill.

  23. Roll Tide on January 22nd, 2014 2:53 pm

    You have got to be kidding…. I don’t know why I’m so suprised. As the saying goes “Money Talks”

  24. Angela on January 22nd, 2014 2:46 pm

    That woman gave you life and you took hers. Unbelievable.

  25. Karla on January 22nd, 2014 2:39 pm

    Praying for him and his family. Such a tragedy!