Interim County Administrator Touart Submits Retirement

January 17, 2014

Escambia County Interim Administrator George Touart has announced his retirement, effective February 3.

“I would like to thank the Board of County Commissioners for the opportunity to serve the citizens of Escambia County,”  said Touart, who became interim administrator December 1, 2012.

In retirement letter, Tourt said he was proud of accomplishments that included the transition of the Escambia County Jail and the library system, the four-cent gas tax for mass transit and a 3 percent across the board employee pay raise.

The BOCC is currently in the process of hiring a new  permanent administrator from a short list of five candidates that did not include Touart. Although he applied for the job, the board had voted to exclude him from the final selection process.

Touart has been on sick leave since December 26 as he battles cancer, with Assistant County Administrator Larry Newsom handling his duties.


9 Responses to “Interim County Administrator Touart Submits Retirement”

  1. molino jim on January 18th, 2014 11:54 am

    @ Kevin— yes some comments are unkind. You may recall you were one of the three who voted to remove George, unkind words were said by C.C.s at that time. Fast forward to Nov. 2012 when the board fired Randy Oliver (one of several good county administrators who have been fired) and all at once George was the best person you, Wilson and Gene could find. One small foot note was that you wanted the job,but no one nominated you. At the time Touart was to fill the slot for 6 to 12 months, it took a lot of searching to find someone I guess. You are well aware this was not George’s first rodeo. The total board of CC in Miss. was voted out and George was told to go away. If you look at his history it has been marked with problems. I’m well aware you still have a finger in county dealings and wish you well.

  2. kevin white on January 17th, 2014 7:58 pm

    I love how people can be so mean hiding behind a screen name. If you want to say nasty and hateful things be a man or a woman and say who you are. This is just crazy. Heck I know one of the posters burned way more sick leave than George and really wasn’t sick.

  3. kevin on January 17th, 2014 7:15 pm

    I do agree with bartender he cared about the employees of Escambia County and they are some of the best people in this country I know because I worked with them.

  4. kevin on January 17th, 2014 7:12 pm

    It is a shame to see such ignorant comments.

  5. bartender on January 17th, 2014 4:17 am

    yall can say bad things about him if you want to but let me tell you hes the only one that got the county employees a raise,not a good one but atleast he got usraise. nobody else cared about them. the comminsioners makes good money but they dont care about the employees at all.some houses were foclosed on because they couldnt pay for them on county pay. we are making far below pay what other counties are making. i hate to see him go. all they worried about is their good paychecks not ours.i wish they lived on what we have to.

  6. molino jim on January 16th, 2014 8:01 pm

    As Gomer would have said—SURPRISE—SURPRISE–SURPRISE. Is there anyone on here who didn’t see this coming from day one. Hope the county will get his county credit card back. Poor baby has been so sick he had to burn up his sick time (paid for it). Gene, please give us poor tax payers a big smile for the smooth deal you pulled for poor old George.

  7. PSU1Earl on January 16th, 2014 7:06 pm

    He’s laughing all the way to the bank

  8. tlad on January 16th, 2014 5:05 pm

    Mr. Tourt should never have been brought back as interim county administrator! Because of it, he now gets to cash in on his paid sick leave ($$) and receive a big ($$$$) retirement – and we get to pay for it! Nothing like rewarding someone for behaving badly!

  9. About time on January 16th, 2014 4:57 pm

    Another crook out of local government. About time and good bye!