FWC Law Enforcement Report

January 20, 2014

Florida FWC Division of Law Enforcement reported the following activity during the weekend ending January 16:

Escambia County

Officer Manning observed a subject cast-netting mullet. After watching him for a while, Officer Manning observed the subject leave the area. Officer Manning followed him to his residence where he asked the subject if he caught any fish. The subject stated that he had not, but a fisheries inspection revealed 57 mullet in his cooler. The subject was cited for possession of over the bag limit of mullet.


11 Responses to “FWC Law Enforcement Report”

  1. Bubba on January 21st, 2014 8:03 am

    As Chris said… Just be HONEST, the guy undoubtedly knew the law; hence, the reason for his DISHONESTY!!! Stupid move on his part. I do agree with some of the bag limits being a little ridiculoous; however, they are put in place for a reason by people with more knowledge about the fishing populations than myself. BTW, how can you can fought the officer for doing his job, just asking? Bartender have another drink!!! LOL

  2. goodforall on January 21st, 2014 7:56 am

    Get over it people!!! these guys are just doing their jobs. If you mess up and get caught, admit you guilt and plead for a lesser charge. if you lie, you gone get slammed every time. Good job LEO’S.

  3. Biscuit on January 20th, 2014 10:14 pm

    Stupid, what a big bust! Our taxes at work….give me a break

  4. Everett on January 20th, 2014 10:10 pm

    Overfishing has caused a decline in fish size and numbers over he last 40 years.
    It’s good to see it enforced.

  5. sparnell on January 20th, 2014 6:35 pm

    @bartender. First..what? Secondly FWC dont investigate drug crimes. Hence their agency name..fish and wildlife. Thirdly, there are those that have an issue with cops busting drug dealers and criminals so because cops cant please everybody how about they just arrest all criminals.

  6. Chris on January 20th, 2014 4:16 pm

    Knowing the officer as I do, he would have probably let him go had the Subject not lied about having any fish. Honesty is always the best policy.

  7. W. L. Stafford on January 20th, 2014 2:52 pm

    This man was at least “working” to try and make ends meet…not looking for a handout. Think of the number of people those mullet could feed. If the fish were confiscated, what would be done with them? Maybe he should have told the FWC officer to stick around and he’d have some fresh fried mullet, hush puppies and slaw. Yum!

  8. Robert on January 20th, 2014 2:34 pm

    50 is the bag limit for mullet. This seems that the officer was a little over enthusiastic.

  9. curious on January 20th, 2014 2:28 pm

    @ bartender, keeping that many fish are just as bad as night hunting or killing baby deer, so they are doing their jobs. Just saying

  10. Karen on January 20th, 2014 12:54 pm

    Why didn’t he confront him and ask him after he finished fishing as he was preparing to leave why follow him home?

  11. bartender on January 20th, 2014 8:51 am

    oh my god whats wrong with a cooler full of mullet? they need to be out catching drug people and crimanals. thats is the most stupied thing ive heard of.why dont get be looking at night hunters and killing of baby deer.