Florida Minimum Wage Increased

January 1, 2014

Florida workers who earn the state minimum wage saw a slight increase in their paychecks on Wednesday.

An automatic increase of 14 cents an hour went effect on January 1, raising the lowest pay rate in the state to $7.93, up from $7.79. The boost to the minimum wage is below the average increase of around 25 cents an hour since Florida started setting its own minimum wage in 2005.

The federal minimum wage is $7.25.


4 Responses to “Florida Minimum Wage Increased”

  1. FED UP on January 4th, 2014 6:44 pm

    This does a lot of good when all other costs go up or because of costs employers cut their hours……DOESN’T HELP ONE DANG BIT…..If the Gov’t wants to the people a raise, give them one that makes a difference….When they get a raise, you can bet your sweet butt it’s not a measly .25 cents.

  2. Joe Bagofdoughnuts on January 2nd, 2014 12:53 pm

    A lot of people are in a minimum wage job through no fault of their own. If you were working for a company affected by the Bush recession, it might well be you trying to keep your family fed and not becoming homeless.

    This “raise” of 0.14 cents works out to be a whopping $5,60 for a 40 hour week which is almost impossible to get.

    Is this really the way we want to live, making millions for Mc Donalds, WallMart and the rest while not making enough to have a reasonable life for your self and your family?

    Henry Ford was right when he said ” I want my employees to be able to buy my products”.

    He understood! No middle class, no consumers, no profit, and no company follows.

  3. LEO GUY on January 2nd, 2014 11:21 am


    Obama wants to give all the high school dropouts a raise to $9.00 an hour. Why not $25.00 an hour? The countries great slide to mediocrity continues.

  4. WOW on January 1st, 2014 12:31 pm

    Now they can raise the prices of everything else and it will seem like no increase was given. You cant live on $7.79 and you dang sure cant live on $7.93. Every job that I have ever done for minimum wage could have easily paid $10 or more per hour. You cant live on minimum wage and if you have a family that’s even worse.