Escambia Man Gets 15 Years For Moped Meth Lab

January 14, 2014

An Escambia County man is headed to prison for a meth lab on his moped.

Douglas Keith Caperton, 40, was convicted by an Escambia County jury of trafficking in methamphetamine 200 grams or  more, sale, manufacture and deliver of methamphetamine, possession of controlled  substance (more than 20 grams of cannibas), possession of listed chemical hydrochloric acid, possession of drug paraphernalia, and carrying a concealed weapon.

Following the verdict, Judge Terry Terrell sentenced Caperton to  a minimum mandatory sentence of 15 years state prison during which he will not receive any gain time and will be required to actually serve the entire 15 years.

On August 16, 2013, Deputy Michael Runge with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to a complaint at 518 Norris Avenue in Escambia County. He made contact with a male and a female standing next to a yellow moped in the front yard. The male consented to a search of his person which revealed a large filet knife in a sheath strapped to his back. At this point he was detained and consented to a search of the moped.

Deputy Runge immediately recognized what he believed to be “1 pot” meth labs and called in Deputy Ken Tolbirt who specializes in investigating meth cases. Deputy Tolbirt arrived and processed the scene which revealed three active “1 pot” labs on the moped. Also on the moped was a bag with 40.5 grams of marijuana. The total weight of the methamphetamine was 336.9 grams.


10 Responses to “Escambia Man Gets 15 Years For Moped Meth Lab”

  1. Thom on January 17th, 2014 6:14 am

    First of all, ‘Atta Boy’ kudos to Deputies Runge and Tolbirt. Good job getting that mess off the street. I have children that are are embarking on early teen years and I am afraid that they are impressionable to whatever is out there. I try to raise them right and they really are good kids. However, they are like most kids, they don’t believe there’s all this evil out there. With the help of Deputies like these guys, our streets can be safe for them. Again, thanks from a grateful dad.

  2. AaronCaperton on January 16th, 2014 11:09 am

    This is my uncle. We tried making him quit. Gave him a roof over his head, a great job and he still decided drugs were gonna be his life. All i have to say is he deserved it.

  3. Randy on January 16th, 2014 8:00 am

    Not only has he destroyed his own life, but the many that he peddled his garbage to. Meth is a serious problem for this country and those convicted of manufacturing it or selling it should receive the maximum sentence….

  4. FloridaWomen08 on January 16th, 2014 12:05 am

    @ART .. You mean his brothers Rodney & Garry ? Garry was always one of my favorites growing up. Him and his wife are the sweetest people ever. How awful that their brother has spent basically his whole life in prison bc of drugs !

  5. perdido fisherman on January 15th, 2014 6:12 pm

    32514gator, It’s the same guy. The rest of his family are decent folks but he’s not, he sure had some of these people here fooled or they just didn’t know him like they think they did. He has always been a criminal from early elementary school on up. He will never change. I believe he will go to his grave commiting crime.

  6. ART on January 14th, 2014 9:11 pm

    This is so sad ! I knew him from school always a sweetheart .His brother Rodney and Keith were real good friends of mine in school I know he has broke his mom’s heart . i never knew him to be a bad kid !!!! he even worked in my dad’s paint body shop after school.
    not sure what happen to him.

  7. known from the past on January 14th, 2014 2:28 pm

    Its a sad shame that he did not rehabilitate after already being incarcerated before. His family from my understanding tried to reach out and help him be a productive member of society when he got out. He unfortunately fell fate to previous ways. I know this is not a direct reflection of his family. They have not been supportive of his drug habits and have had little to no contact with him. He did NOT get to say goodbye to his dad who passed several years ago while in prison before and unfortunately with 15 years to go, there will be probably more loved ones who he will never get a chance to say goodbye. Hope he and all the drug users realize what a waste of life to choose drugs.

  8. FloridaWomen08 on January 14th, 2014 11:12 am

    Loved him like family, but went back to his old ways.. Not that he ever changed!! Has a strong heart and USED to be a sweetheart. That’s what drugs will do to you though.. Make you hit rock bottom. I feel so bad for his sister an brothers as well as his mother and father and the rest of his family! Such a shame to the Caperton name because they are all VERY wonderful folks. Praying for all of you.

  9. 32514gator on January 14th, 2014 4:15 am

    Have, to agree with Fisherman, if this is the same Keith that lived in Montclair

  10. perdido fisherman on January 14th, 2014 2:22 am

    Good job Deputy Runge. I have known this piece of garbage for over 30 years. He has always been trash. He used to go around robbing kids in the neighbor when we were 10 years old. I’m glad this guy is getting what he deserves, it’s been along time coming.