Escambia Doctor Busted On Sex Charges; Thought Meeting Was With Teen Boy

January 3, 2014

An Escambia County doctor that thought he was meeting a young teen boy for sex was busted Thursday night by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Brian Mitchell Lee, 43, was charged with using a computer to solicit a juvenile for sex and using a two way communication device to facilitate a  felony. He  was booked into the Escambia County Jail without bond.

On December 22, Lee began communicating with a person he thought was a 14-year old boy that was actually an Escambia County Sheriff’s investigator. According to an arrest report, Lee engaged in sexually explicit conversation and agreed to mee the 14-year old for the purpose of having sex.

On January 1, Lee drove from his place of business, Perdido Bay Family Care, to another location in Escambia County with the intention of having sex with the boy, investigators said. When he arrived, he was taken into custody by the members of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

“While investigators could not go into specifics of the communications,they did find the chats concerning,as they were relating to particularly young patients,” the Sheriff’s Office said.


23 Responses to “Escambia Doctor Busted On Sex Charges; Thought Meeting Was With Teen Boy”

  1. Southern Raised on January 30th, 2014 5:58 pm

    Mary, it sounds like you are in shock and anger. I don’t blame you. You believe in this person. Please take your own approach…don’t believe everything you hear. That includes Dr Lee’s words. Think about it. Abusers rarely are truthful. There will be things you will never know about him.

  2. Mary on January 25th, 2014 10:14 am

    Innocent until proven guilty! I know this Dr ,he has been my PCP for about 7 years. He never made any inappropriate comments or actions to me or my husband. He is a very smart & caring Dr, takes time to explain things to his patients, was always very thorough in his medical care of me & my hubby, made house calls when necessary, & opened the office after hours when we needed him. The cops have had it out for him for years, after he was arrested for a traffic stop. “Judgement is mine” sayeth the Lord. Until I see/hear some incriminating evidence without a shadow of doubt, he is NOT guilty. This arrest has ruined his career, and he is not a rich Dr. because he spends a lot of time with every patient, & doesn’t schedule every 15 minutes like other Drs. who are money-hungry. Give him his day in court, the cops are not always right.

  3. Andy on January 6th, 2014 2:43 pm

    From what I see on the clerk’s website it looks like he posted $75k bond as of 1/6. I wonder if his medical license has been temporarily suspended. Hopefully so. If not, I seriously wonder about the licensing board’s handling of something this serious.

  4. DD on January 5th, 2014 8:00 pm

    1 word………….SICK

  5. Bobbie mccormick on January 5th, 2014 12:29 am

    I say hats off to the crime unit that took him down…one less hurt child in the world..sick people…

  6. Bobbie Mccormick on January 4th, 2014 5:23 pm

    I think everyone in the medical field should be tested, mentally and drug wise. I know a nurse that takes her patients medications and does other illegal things and while yes we can report them all day long, it does no good unless you reach the right person in charge. See every dog does get their day… its always just a matter of time. And as far as not being able to “believe what you read in the paper”, I don’t think its the paper that lies, its the person behind the huge mess they made you can’t believe… I think its funny how people make a mess of their life and others life’s and place the blame on a newspaper and the cops.. but the truth comes out .. always.. sooner or later…

  7. Robert S. on January 4th, 2014 8:23 am

    IMPORTANT…….any parent whose child has been to this person should ask them if they may have been inappropriately touched or had unusual discussions with him. Same for adult patients who may have gone in for a specific reason and had the conversation, exam directed toward a sexual nature.
    REPORT……any suspicious behaviors to the LEO and let them investigate.
    Put this type of guy into a cell with a lifer whose loved child was harmed….things work out.

  8. Lisa Moore on January 4th, 2014 4:51 am

    I went to this man after a hurricane with broncitious.. He wanted to tell me when and how many times a year I needed to see him… I knew something was bad wrong so I grabbed my file and took it to his receptionist told her to throw it away and I would not be back… Always go on your gut feeling……

  9. Former Resident on January 3rd, 2014 6:46 pm

    I bet he’s married with children. I hope I’m wrong. :-(

  10. Tammie on January 3rd, 2014 6:21 pm

    Just goes to show you that being educated doesn’t necessarily make you smart!!

  11. DawnDVictim9yrs on January 3rd, 2014 6:09 pm

    As a survivor of sexual abuse for almost 10 years by multiple perpetrators let me first say as a general statement that any persons found guilty of a sex crime like this or rape should automatically at the very LEAST receive a life sentence period end of discussion. I myself have received a life sentence so as I stayed @ the very least they should get life, however I honestly believe that a death sentence is more appropriate for humanity. Once an abuser always an abuser period no doubt in my mind. I must say though ythat they should be so lucky as to have the opportunity to be put to death rather than to endure a lifetime of many different statistical nightmares most of the abused have or will endure. Anyway as stayed in a previous comment it is even worse that someone in a “Trusted” position yet again has disapponted our kids community state and nation. It is what it is hell our law makers/govt don’t even protect the grown men and women who suffer the same types of assault by their superiors while serving our country. As long as it is unspoken or swept under the rug it will continue and if our nations law makers continue to enable these types of people by ignoring this brutally inhumane torture of our children and service men and women by giving a drug dealer life and a pedofile 5 years it will never dismiss & certainly NOT stop.

  12. KROD on January 3rd, 2014 5:57 pm

    This man was in a position to be trusted by all and with authority. All parents should remember that THEY are first in authority with their children, and they should remember that if the doctor asks the parent to leave the room that is a red flag! NEVER leave your child alone! I KNOW FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCE!! TRUST NOBODY with your child and monitor ALL TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATIONS! The computer and phone is NOT a babysitter!!

  13. Ran on January 3rd, 2014 5:46 pm

    Well what do you know. I knew this guy once, had dinner with him and his wife. I thought he was odd, but I never thought he would do anything like this.

  14. cinndee on January 3rd, 2014 3:39 pm

    His bond is only $75k. That means all he needs is $7.5k or less to a bail bondsman that will let him make payments to get out. Lets say half now, other half later. Chump change or beer money for this guy. Bondsman do make deals depending on your career, income, and ties to the community.

  15. Atmore G on January 3rd, 2014 2:08 pm

    I wonder how many times this man has molested children and gotten away with it! I am glad my children are grown..

  16. Molino resident on January 3rd, 2014 1:40 pm

    Thank goodness this sicko was caught. The sad thing is there are so many more out there that are warped in the head. The worse thing is that he was in a position of trust.

  17. MaryB on January 3rd, 2014 1:32 pm

    Dr.’s, pastors, priests, Boy Scout leaders & all sorts of “important” people, people in “high places, people in authoritive positions….just goes to show how far the arm of satan reaches, the depravity of mankind!
    Lord please help us protect our children!!
    Thank you to the investigators!
    I’m sure some would cry entrapment, BUT, if these perverse beings were not looking for perversion, then there would be absolutely no chance of them being “trapped”.

  18. perdido fisherman on January 3rd, 2014 12:58 pm

    These molesters should be put to death! There is no fixing these demented SOB’S. I have no sympathy for anyone who harms a child or sexually assults anyone. death is the only cure for this garbage.

  19. My2Cents on January 3rd, 2014 12:50 pm

    His medical license should be suspended period, with no getting them back. Nor should he ever be able to practice in any other state.

    He is the reason why I do my own investigation on all doctor’s and not just taking the word of another doctor when it comes to referral’s.

  20. Billy D on January 3rd, 2014 12:50 pm

    claims himself to be a family practice doctor if you look at some of the websites. Gets less than stellar reviews though from what I found. Might be he creeps people out a bit? Hope the perv stays in jail if he’s guilty….usually they pretty much have it open/shut on cases like this. Mark, I agree his license should be pulled for this. Treat him like any other felon……. exept this one is a perv…

  21. Rebel Howard on January 3rd, 2014 12:46 pm

    As a nurse for 20 years I find this especially infuriating because he is a trusted Dr. First do NO HARM!! I also believe in innocent until PROVEN guilty. I certainly know first hand you can’t believe everything you read in the paper. But if this IS proven to be true, I certainly hope his medical license would be revoked. He smears the integrity of good physicians everywhere. No person who will harm a child should have that type of authority. Ever. I surely hope money doesn’t buy him a not guilty verdict, if in fact, he is guilty.

  22. Ben on January 3rd, 2014 12:42 pm

    This is an educated man who had almost 2 weeks to think about the consequences of his actions. He can’t possibly have thought he would keep his career or freedom if arrested for this.

    Pass all the laws you want, but they will never be a deterrent against a pedophile. All the laws can hope do is keep the proven ones away from kids for the rest of their lives.

  23. Mark on January 3rd, 2014 12:04 pm

    1st thing, he should have his medical license suspended immediately!

    2nd, Prosecute this “pedo” to the fullest!