ECUA Sewer Averaging Period Continues

January 12, 2014

The ECUA’s sewer averaging period is continuing. The time period begins with each residential customer’s first meter reading on or after November 15,  (including ECUA sewer customers whose water service is from another water provider such as Peoples Water Co.). The length of each customer’s sewer averaging period is 90 days.

Annual sewer charges are based on the average number of gallons of water used in a household during the sewer averaging period. Conserving water usage during this time helps residential wastewater customers impact their sewer  rates for the coming year in a positive way. It is important to check all indoor and  outdoor plumbing fixtures for leaks. Leaks will end up affecting your monthly water and sewer charges.

Most leaks are easy to identify, but there are many areas around the  home where a plumbing leak can be found. Check common areas such as dishwasher (connections to the sink), sinks (examine pipes for wear and loose  connections), bathtubs (check the caulking and seals), and toilets (if you hear a “toilet running” sound, but your toilet isn’t running). Following these simple  measures can lower the monthly sewer charge for the next twelve months

For more information on ways to conserve, visit the ECUA website at or call Customer Service (850) 476-0480.


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