Two Armed Robberies Under Investigation; One Clerk Injured (Updated)

January 6, 2014

More details have been released on two armed robberies Sunday night in the North Escambia area — including one that left a store clerk with minor injuries.

The first robbery was reported about 8:13 p.m. at the Liquor Cabinet at the corner of Highway 29 and Old Chemstand Road in the Gonzalez area. According to the clerk, a black male about 5-foot, 8-inches wearing a bright blue hoodie and camouflage mask entered the store armed with a handgun.  The suspect fled the area on foot. An unsuccessful  manhunt with a K-9 followed in the area around the store.

The second armed robbery was reported about 15 minutes later. at the Family Dollar store on Highway 97 in Davisville,  just south of the Alabama state line. Two black males armed with a handgun and baseball bat entered the store demanding money. One of the suspects struck a store clerk in the legs with the baseball bat. The clerk was evaluated on scene and refused medical treatment for minor injuries. Both suspects fled the store in an unknown direction.

There is no indication that the robberies were related; the two businesses are located about 33 miles apart.

Anyone with information about the burglaries is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP or the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620.

Pictured top and inset: The scene of an armed robbery Sunday night at the Family Dollar on Highway 97 in Davisville. Pictured below: Photos from the robbery scenes at the Family Dollar in Davisville and the Liquor Cabinet on Highway 29 in Gonzalez. Pictured bottom. EMS  arrives on scene to evaluate the clerk at the Family Dollar. photos, click to enlarge.


23 Responses to “Two Armed Robberies Under Investigation; One Clerk Injured (Updated)”

  1. insider on January 8th, 2014 10:59 pm

    It is a terrible world we live in when it takes someone being held at gunpoint and another employee being injured to finally be able to have a better surveillance system installed… such is the case at the dollar store.

  2. David Huie Green on January 7th, 2014 2:04 pm

    The Supreme Court outlawed the death penalty one time because sentencing was uncertain.
    Then the states legislated mandatory death sentences which they ALSO outlawrd because it did not allow for mitigating circumstances.
    They were really just trying to outlaw the penalty but pretty much gave up after that lest it become even more clear that tthe emperor had no clothes.

    David for legal history

  3. Pat on January 7th, 2014 1:51 pm

    A security company could invent a trap door right at the counter. Clerk push a button with their foot. Whoosh.

  4. bewildered on January 7th, 2014 10:34 am

    Desperate times require desperate measures I agree with bartender that arming the clerks would only lead to more killings Robbery with a firearm should carry a mandatory 30 year prison sentence, killing somebody while committing the felony should carry an automatic death sentence Trials should be swift and the sentence carried out as soon as possible However, this would require the support of all law abiding citizens (white, black, hispanic, straight, gay or whatever) alike.and therefore it will never happen. As long as political correctness encourages some people in their beliefs that they are victims and therefore they can do or take what they want – nothing will change.

  5. bartender on January 6th, 2014 7:03 pm

    If these clerks were armed and started shooting,they could get killed just like the lootery store owner did.let them have the stupied money and leave.thats all they they want is the money anyway. its not worth protectiing the money that you dont even own.what is the company gona do if they get killed, they hire someone else. the only reason to have a gun in a place like that is if you are forced to go with them.then shoot your way out cause they might kill you anyway.

  6. I carry on January 6th, 2014 7:00 pm

    I’m sorry but these workers need to carry whether it’s allowed or not. They can’t help the business that they are in and even banks get robbed and I don’t care if it’s against the law for them to carry but you can bet your bippy, if I was ever in the work force again, I would carry and I wouldn’t give a second thought about defending myself if put in that situation. I will defend myself now if I have to anywhere, place or time, so at work wouldn’t matter either. I worked in a bank that was robbed when I was 19 and that was a very scary situation for me although I wasn’t the one the knife was put to, but it was still frightening to me as a young person. I won’t ever be put in that situation again if I ever see it coming! I agree if these robbers were shot and killed, it would start making a difference in this crime infested area of ours!

  7. Patriot on January 6th, 2014 4:46 pm

    M I Totin, you are incorrect.

    If you have a concealed weapon license, signage at a store means nothing, legally speaking. There is a list of places that you are prohibited from carrying in FSS 790, but convenience stores and liquor stores are NOT on that list.

    I carry in those places, I would encourage others to do so as well.

  8. crazy world on January 6th, 2014 3:01 pm

    Most of these employees aren’t even allowed to carry their cell phone ! playing cowboy will get an innocent victim killed.

  9. M I Totin on January 6th, 2014 12:21 pm

    Law abiding citizens aren’t allowed to carry where store owners place signs warning no weapons allowed, but criminals still carry. It’s time to allow carrying of a weapon anywhere so we are matched with the criminals.

  10. parris on January 6th, 2014 12:10 pm

    what about using tasers? that would surely slow them down be safer for customers to just a thought

  11. molino jim on January 6th, 2014 11:40 am

    @Sam–How would you feel if you were in the store as a customer and a clerk and the bad guy started shooting at one another– and you were hit? Arming the clerk is not like on TV or in the movies where every shot is a good shot. I recall A Mr Moulton in Warrington who had a drug store. He was robbed and as the bad guys started out the door he got his gun and fired–missing the robber who then fired and killed Moulton. A few months ago two young punks tried to rob the Pink Store at the state line, the owner got his gun out at the two were leaving and as a result lost his life. In a real world when confronted by someone who already has their gun out the best thing is to give them the money/drugs or what ever. Companies do not want their clerk armer for the clerks own protection.

  12. Lisa on January 6th, 2014 9:26 am

    I stop at the liquor cabinet almost nightly to get lottery and cigarettes, I know both the young ladies that work there they are very close in age as my own daughters. I pray that they catch the persons who did this and punish them to the fullest extent of the law..

  13. sam on January 6th, 2014 9:09 am

    arming the clerks won’t happen. the stores are afraid of being liable for shooting a punk. they could get sued and with our justice system probably win. they would prefer the clerks take the hit.

  14. Atmore G on January 6th, 2014 8:45 am

    I agree with some of the posts that the clerks should have access to a weapon.. Many times these robberies result in the clerk or clerks being killed because the robbers do not want to leave witnesses.. These thugs need to realize that if they choose to commit armed robbery, they will be met with deadly force and put in harms way..

  15. justice4u on January 6th, 2014 7:36 am

    Sooner or later they will catch the right citizen who conceal carries. Jerks

  16. Preda on January 6th, 2014 6:34 am

    No one had to get hurt it makes me so sick to see crime happen like this it is so scary to have to be at another persons mercy but for the criminal to hurt the victim is just pathetic. I hope they are caught soon.

  17. Brittany on January 6th, 2014 5:30 am

    Those guys must not have nothing better to do with there life. Certainly hope the lady will be ok. We were in there around 6, certainly glad it didnt happen while we were in there.

  18. c.w. on January 6th, 2014 4:07 am

    All stores that are open at night needs Sam Colt and his kids to protect them.Sam can and will stop them in their tracks.

  19. pd on January 6th, 2014 4:06 am

    what ever happened with cash 2 go robbery last week? did they ever get leads or catch that person? possible connection there? i know several people who work in clerk type jobs and it is dangerous. no one should be left alone in a business now days either. its sad. praying for our communities!

  20. E on January 6th, 2014 2:48 am

    No store/business should be without a silent alarm with multiple panic buttons.

  21. Paul on January 6th, 2014 1:44 am

    I think a clerk should have a weapon and “Stand their ground” If someone comes into their place of employment,It is like their house and they are being threatened. Either shot to kill or at least immobilize the scumbags and call the police so that the Perpetrators will not get away with it. They should be charged with attempted murder if they brandish a weapon. Swift justice. This has gotten out of hand.

  22. Sunny on January 6th, 2014 1:31 am

    Arm the clerks! Teach them to shoot! If youre brave enough to threaten and rob someone then youre brave enough to suffer the consequences.

  23. SHO-NUFF on January 6th, 2014 1:28 am

    I think the store clerks should be able to carry a weapon and meet force with force after being properly trained to do so. If the would be Robbers started getting shot it would stop a lot of this nonsense.
    As it stands now there is little risk in committing a robbery other than getting caught. Then it is usually a slap on the wrist for punishment. If a few of them start being named in the obituaries instead of the arrest log, things will change.

    It takes a sorry person to rob and steal instead of work to have something. If you are down on your luck and hungry, someone will feed you.