2013 Persons Of The Year: Shelby Godwin

January 6, 2014

NorthEscambia.com is naming several Persons of the Year for 2013. An additional honoree will be named on Tuesday.

Shelby Godwin of Bratt has been named one of our North Escambia persons of the Year.

At 10, Shelby is by far the youngest person we’ve ever named one of our persons of the year.  At just 10, she exhibited a heart of gold and a love for her fellow man that touched thousands across the area as she touched the heart of a young man she’d never met.

Shelby  had never met Wyatt Johnson, a 17-month old from Century who is suffering from a chronic liver disease. But she saw a fundraising flyer at CVS with Wyatt’s picture and was so emotionally touched by the young man that she wanted to do something to help him.

Her idea? A fresh orange juice stand along East Highway 4 in Bratt, under the shade trees last September in front of her house. The 10-year old used her own money to purchase the oranges and supplies for her little  business venture and borrowed an old fashioned juicer from a friend of her mom. All the proceeds went to Wyatt’s cause.

When Shelby had the chance to meet Wyatt in October, hugs, smiles and happy tears filled the Bratt Elementary School Library. There was already a special bond between the two, a little boy in need of all the help the world will give him and a young lady with an unselfish heart.

Escambia County School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas was on hand to recognize Shelby, and the Town of Century issued a proclamation in her honor. And the nationally syndicated John Boy and Bill Show got wind of a NorthEscambia.com story and named Shelby as one of their heroes.

But the greatest honor of all for Shelby was the giant smile on Wyatt’s face.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “2013 Persons Of The Year: Shelby Godwin”

  1. Gerald walton on October 14th, 2014 9:16 am

    Hey shelby I’m short of words so dumbfounded to know you got a pure heart. I just saw this now.. You deserve better but I’ll just say you’re astounding and sweet don’t change from who you r to something you’re not.thank God for Sharron,Kim,maegan and You. God bless you I Love you all

  2. Shannon on January 10th, 2014 5:47 am

    My husband just called and said he heard about you on the John boy and Billy show!!! Said you have been nominated for Hero of the Year!!! WOW Miss Shelby you are something very special!!! Keep holding on to that very sweet and giving heart of yours!!! Kim you must be bursting with pride!!

  3. vivian black on January 8th, 2014 3:09 pm

    Congratz Shelby!!! Way to go… keep up the good work and keep God first and you will surely go far and beyond what you are accomplishing in the now!!! Your fuure certainly is bright!!! God bless u dear, again, CONGRATZ….

  4. Johnson family on January 6th, 2014 8:46 pm

    We are so blessed to have shelby and her family in our lives. We love them like they are! Congrats sweetheart you deserve this! ♥ Nicole Justin Wyatt & Daisy

  5. David Huie Green on January 6th, 2014 8:00 pm

    Good kid and good family
    A credit to humanity

  6. Joan Davis on January 6th, 2014 6:44 pm

    Awesome choice for person of the year!! Many of us could follow her example for how to be good citizens!!

  7. 429SCJ on January 6th, 2014 5:26 pm

    An extraordinary young lady, great choice.

    Congratulations Ms Godwin.

  8. Sylvia on January 6th, 2014 11:26 am

    Shelby what the world needs is more young folks like you. Congratulations on this award because you truly deserve. I pray you keep that big heart of yours, and never let anyone change you. The Johnson family is so blessed to have a friend like you. God bless you always sweetie!!!!

  9. Atmore G on January 6th, 2014 9:29 am

    I have followed this story from the beginning, and if anyone deserves this award, it is this young lady! She exemplifies everything good in us and makes the world a better place by her presence.. She is truly an inspiration to me, and a great example of what we should all strive to be.. Thank you Shelby!!

  10. Fayth on January 6th, 2014 8:32 am

    Congrats to you Shelby you were blessed with a heart of Gold!!!! Don’t let anyone ever take that away!!! To Shelby’s parents……you are raising a precious young lady who has already touched hundreds and I know will touch millions more to come in her lifetime. You can tell that she has great parents who have taught her well by your actions in life as well as your encouragement. I thank you for raising such a wonderful, caring angel.

  11. Kim H on January 6th, 2014 8:16 am

    Congratulations, Shelby!! God Bless you and Go Girl!

  12. Kim Godwin on January 6th, 2014 8:02 am

    Shelby, we are so proud of you. Not only did you help to bless Wyatt and his family, you blessed our family. The Johnson’s are now a part of our family and it’s all because of your good deed. We love you, Mama and Daddy!!

  13. Shannon on January 6th, 2014 6:57 am

    Shelby, I am very proud of you sweetie! You are so kind hearted and loving. Giving to others without expecting anything in return is the greatest thing anyone can do. We are supposed to love and support one another and you did just that! So many people can learn a lesson from you. We need more love in this world! Thank you for showing everyone that.Congratulations on making person of the year!!!