Multiple Suspects Charged In Molino Burglaries, Stabbing Death Of Pet

December 6, 2013

Five people have been charged in connection with three “significant” burglaries in Molino last month.

Garland David McKenzie, 20, Ke’Shawn Denzel Bryant, 18, Leviticus Al Deonte Dawson, 20,  Antoinette Danielle White, 22, and juvenile John David Murphy are facing a long list of felony charges including armed  burglary, grand theft and criminal mischief.  McKenzie, Bryant, Dawson and Murphy are also charged with felony animal cruelty — causing the cruel death pain and suffering of an animal.

McKenzie, Bryant and Dawson are charged with burglaries on Brickyard Road, Brickton Road and Oreo Drive. Murphy is charged in connection with the Brickton and Brickyard burglaries, while White is only charged in the Oreo Road burglary.

Weapons, currency, jewelry and electronics were stolen from the homes on October 10 and October 17.

Investigators executed a search warrant at McKenzie’s Pensacola home, recovering items including firearms and electronics from the three Molino homes.  During an interview with investigators, McKenzie said that on October 10 he drove his van to the Lincoln Park area where he picked up Bryant, Dawson and Murphy, and drove to Molino. They found an “antique” looking house on Brickton Road, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report, broke the glass out of the front door and immediately began removing items including jewelry, electronics and a firearm.

During the burglary, Dawson used a knife to kill a pet caged Cockatoo bird, according to the report, for an unknown reason, according to information McKenzie provided to investigators. McKenzie told Sheriff’s investigators the group decided the Thompson Center .50 caliber muzzle loader was not an item they could sell, and it was thrown into bushes near the home. The firearm was recovered from that location.

The group then drove to another home on Brickyard Road where they committed another burglary.

McKenzie, Bryant, Dawson and White then returned to Molino on October 17 where they committed the Oreo Driver burglary, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Additional information is expected to be released later from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and this story will be updated.


19 Responses to “Multiple Suspects Charged In Molino Burglaries, Stabbing Death Of Pet”

  1. 429SCJ on December 9th, 2013 9:46 am

    The way the brutally killed that poor bird.

    Just think what they would have done to a human had they had that encounter.

  2. molino girl on December 8th, 2013 2:02 pm

    I am guessing these are the same ones who broke into my parents home WHILE they were in bed! Same road…… There is a large metal door that was locked from one room into the house…. that kept them from coming on in to where they were…. BUT…. we made sure they are PREPARED if they were to come back! They likely wont leave! I hate to see anyone lose their life…. but if you go into someones home uninvited that is the risk YOU are taking!

  3. bewildered on December 7th, 2013 11:23 am

    RE: Thank you law enforcement! I am glad they didn’t break into a house where someone was home, locked and loaded! But they will eventually get out and get into more trouble. I am sorry for the parents of these “kids”…they are not the ones who did this. -
    REALLY!!! When will we stop making excuses for hoodlums?
    I am not glad, I am sorry they didn’t pick a house where someone greeted them with a shotgun.

  4. Bob's Brother on December 6th, 2013 11:13 am

    Thank you law enforcement! I am glad they didn’t break into a house where someone was home, locked and loaded! But they will eventually get out and get into more trouble. I am sorry for the parents of these “kids”…they are not the ones who did this. [quote]

    That may have gone farther in their rehabilitation than jail time.

  5. Dennis on December 6th, 2013 8:09 am

    Some of these birds can be trained to talk I think. Considering their occupation they probably thought the bird could identify them or they will claim the bird attacked them and it was self defense. Looks like they are the ones who will he in a cage now!!

  6. Lucy on December 6th, 2013 7:43 am

    Killed a caged cockatoo? Really?????? And what threat do you suppose that bird was to them? Prayers go out to the family for having lost a family member!

  7. Anastasia on December 6th, 2013 3:53 am

    To randomly pick houses by the way they look sounds to me like these thugs acted impulsively making them extremely dangerous. Hopefully they will realize that they are playing in the big league now. Very sad.

  8. Jane on December 6th, 2013 3:46 am

    Thank you law enforcement! I am glad they didn’t break into a house where someone was home, locked and loaded! But they will eventually get out and get into more trouble. I am sorry for the parents of these “kids”…they are not the ones who did this.

  9. RETHA MILSTEAD on December 6th, 2013 3:31 am


  10. todd on December 5th, 2013 10:26 pm

    Here we go again their going to blame it on a bad home life but we all know that’s not it. I”ll bet this is not the first time they’ve been in trouble got their hand slapped and told not to do it again.Should have been locked up then.

  11. Everett on December 5th, 2013 9:27 pm

    I went to school with two of these folks parents. Parents are great law abiding folks. Sad to see.

  12. paul on December 5th, 2013 4:37 pm

    Being a thief is about as low as you can go.. But they take it lower by killing a harmless innocent pet.. It’s a good thing no children were in any of the homes.. there’s no tellin what these scum would have done..

  13. Susan on December 5th, 2013 4:10 pm

    Prison is too good for this guy. I hope they get a long sentence without parole until they are old.

  14. JT on December 5th, 2013 2:49 pm

    These folks are a scourge on our society and should be dealt with accordingly.

  15. Jay on December 5th, 2013 2:49 pm

    Wondering if these people are the ones that broke into our neighbors home and took there stuff.
    Also this girl looks like the girl that came to my house to sell me a vacuum .
    Just a thought

  16. SueByrd on December 5th, 2013 2:26 pm

    Killed a cockatoo for no reason? I bet the real reason is that either the bird was squawking or the moron tried to touch the bird. The family can replace their property, but that bird, he was probably considered part of the family.

  17. JOHN D, BODIE on December 5th, 2013 2:01 pm

    If I was a betting Man, I would bet They will be back on the streets very soon if not now. Also I bet the penalty wont fit the crime. If They can prove Who killed the bird I think They should be charged with murder, because if not what will He kill next ??? a person most likley. Just sayin. But I guess the law wont let that happen.

  18. Mike on December 5th, 2013 1:52 pm

    Such winners, I swear. At least one of these mugshots I recognize from other articles. Get these losers behind bars where they belong. They’ve proven themselves unfit for any type of civilized society.

  19. A.C. on December 5th, 2013 1:24 pm

    Thank you William and for publishing this information. Thank you law enforcement officers that helped so far in these cases. I am glad to hear these men will pay for their crimes and that folks got their property back.