Teen Charged With Murdering His Mother

December 25, 2013

A 17-year old has been arrested in Santa Rosa County for the Christmas Eve murder of his mother.

William Brandon Aydelott is charged with the murder of his mother, Sharon Lynn Aydelott, who was found dead Tuesday night .

Investigators said William Aydelott had been arguing with his mother for some period of time before stabbing her several times with kitchen knives and striking her with a baseball bat. Sharon Aydelott succumbed to her wounds at her  Gulf Breeze home.

William Aydelott fled the scene and was located by deputies about three hours later at a nearby residence. Deputies surrounded the home, and he surrendered without incident.

Invesigators said the suspect was taken to the Santa Rosa County Jail where he confessed to the murder. He is being held without bond.


27 Responses to “Teen Charged With Murdering His Mother”

  1. Survivor on December 29th, 2013 4:37 pm

    Psychotropic drugs ? Most all of these crimes the child is Over Medicated or stopped taking the medication .. I want to know WAS THIS CHILD ON PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS ? If so Was this the Cause MOST All of this type of thing these days are because of Abruptly stopping taking the drugs or taking to much

  2. dixiebug on December 27th, 2013 6:18 pm

    Wait on the story…?…what story..?..that poor boy had a bad day and killed his mommy..what story could justified a son killing his mother,,?..I am with Southern Belle…rot in prison,ungrateful brat…

  3. John on December 27th, 2013 8:02 am

    @ queen b
    I was not trying to make any type of excuse for what he did. I was only making a statement. His mother did not deserve what he did no matter what she had done in the past. No one will ever know why he did what he did unless he tells us. The only person you really know is yourself.
    @Larry very good point well said.

  4. Larry on December 27th, 2013 1:38 am

    In the state of florida you can live with whatever parent you desire earlier than 17. At 17 he should have been planning his future which would have started in less than a year. No one knows what was going on in his mind, God does know and He has to answer to Him. I will be praying for him and the family of his mother. You know people condemning this boy for what he has done in understandable, but before you do, why not wait on the whole story. Just my opinion.

  5. southern belle on December 26th, 2013 10:18 pm

    This is awful! My heart goes out to the family, but not to him. Hope he gets what he deserves and rots in a LAKE OF FIRE!!!!!!!

  6. queen b on December 26th, 2013 7:25 pm

    @John even if she did talk about his dad that’s no excuse for what this boy did!!! So don’t try to make excuses fo him!!! He could have moved in with his dad!!

  7. reba on December 26th, 2013 6:10 pm

    what in the world could his mother have done to deserve this? i just wish i could bring my mother back from heaven to hug her. i spend christmas depressed because my mom had to die and missing her so much. i feel for the family so much. i just hope no kind of drugs cause this boy to do such a thing. i hope it will all come out so we can understand why he would do such an awful crime.

  8. seeVictory L Nettles on December 26th, 2013 4:57 pm

    Let’s see how this country boy gets off.Just like the Smith brothers

  9. Atmore G on December 26th, 2013 2:32 pm

    This is an awful tragedy, especially during the holiday season. It will probably take a long, long time to understand his motive(s).. However, his mother is dead and his life is ruined.. My prayers go out to their family, and law enforcement personel who were on the scene, and their families..

  10. grandmaof7 on December 26th, 2013 12:38 pm

    Whatever his reason was, he will have the rest of his life to remember killing the very person who gave him life. I wonder how many different knives he used before he reached for the bat? Behind that smirking face lives a cold-blooded killer. May his mother rest in peace.

  11. Debbie on December 26th, 2013 10:11 am

    I went to school with Sharon. She was a very sweet person and as far as I know everyone loved her. People that don’t know what goes on behind closed doors should speculate anything. She was a daughter to someone, had family and NOTHING gives anyone the right to take a life other than self defense. My heart is broken for all of them. Even the son. He will have to live with this the rest of his life. RiP Sharon and may God be with your family. Even your son.

  12. 429SCJ on December 26th, 2013 9:48 am

    Never underestimate the man in the street.

    Just because he is a teenage boy with a soft innocent appearance, that does not have any bearing on who or what resides behind his eyes.

  13. john on December 26th, 2013 8:58 am

    Why don’t you explain the family situation that would cause this kid to kill his mother. She probably hated his father and always put him down in front of the kid and he snapped and he killed her. He also could have wanted to live with his dad. If he could have held on til he was 18 he would have been able to make his own decision where he wanted to live. NOW THE STATE OF FLORIDA WILL DECIDE THAT AFTER HIS TRIAL FOR MURDER. Sad situation for all involved.

  14. D.Hall on December 26th, 2013 8:20 am

    Pity , Why , Poor Boy etc etc etc ! Why Do People Worry About The “SUSPECT” ? A Person Knows “Right from Wrong” … What About The Victim , Why Do Ya’ll Worry About The Suspect – Please Someone Answer That Question … Of All People He Choose To Kill / Murder , His Own MOTHER ! ? ! ? (He Had A “Back-Door” , A Way-Out … Leave The Room / House & Cool Off) … Yes , I Worry That He’ll Get A “Liberal Judge” To “Spank” Him & Say “Your Sorry” & “You Won’t Do It Again” … Maybe I’m “Old Fashioned” ?

  15. Matt on December 26th, 2013 7:51 am

    Any kid that would kill his mother will kill anyone. I hope death row wipes that smirk off his face.

  16. Betty H on December 26th, 2013 7:39 am

    The only one who knows why this happened is the boy himself. The only one at fault is the same boy. He knew right from wrong and made his choice. His future will be paying for that choice and his family will suffer for it. So sad…

  17. Brooke on December 26th, 2013 2:36 am

    Any chance this kid was connected with the other 17-year-old moron in GB who was shot by PPD? Both boys, same age, living right around the corner from one another (one on Crane Cove, one on Calcutta Drive). I’m curious how these two stories will play out. My money is on their being connected in some way.

  18. Robert S. on December 25th, 2013 6:29 pm

    SFC … 100% my feelings too, tough, tough, tough on the responders in any cases but especially in ones like this.

    Prayers for the family, loved ones and friends of Ms. Aydelott.

    This young man’s reasons will never be fully understood.
    Hope the punishment is just and quick and as an adult.

    Charlotte Bates, I am with you on that smirk smack too.
    Looks like no fear or concern over what he has done, all about him I guess.

  19. dixiebug on December 25th, 2013 6:17 pm

    I think that smirk will be gone by this time next week…what a horrible crime he did,,and he should be locked up for life…

  20. cj on December 25th, 2013 6:15 pm

    If he goes to prison – that smirk will be wiped away.

  21. Robert Cole on December 25th, 2013 6:01 pm

    I taught Brandon a few years ago and I know he had been through a lot with parents separated and lots of strife. Don’t know why he did what he did but pity him. He will spend most of his young adult life in prison and come out with little hope for the future. Pray for him and his family. I can’t imagine the pain they must be feeling.

  22. Tammy Carmack on December 25th, 2013 5:49 pm

    My heart is breaking!!! This is so aweful!!! What a Christmas their family will have now!!! Wonder whay drugs this boy was on?? Spice,bath salt?? There’s no telling..sad story

  23. survivor on December 25th, 2013 5:34 pm

    My first Question would be is this child on Psychotropic drugs ? Most all of these crimes the child is Over Medicated or stopped taking the medication and its never mentioned

  24. SFC on December 25th, 2013 4:54 pm

    Please also say a prayer for the Deputies, Fire & E.M.S. who had to respond to this horrific crime on Christmas Eve.

  25. RB on December 25th, 2013 4:49 pm

    Wondering what in the world could cause a person to commit murder and he chose his mother.

    Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
    And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

  26. Charlotte Bates on December 25th, 2013 4:46 pm

    For some reason, I just want to slap that smirk off his face. I am so praying for his mom that has passed on, and praying for the family and God be with them during this most difficult time. May his mother rest in peace. And I pray for this child that did such a horrible thing.

  27. southern man on December 25th, 2013 3:56 pm

    Looks like a clean cut young boy……..what was so bad he had to kill his mother??? Hope he is charged as an adult??? Punishment should fit the crime??? He just wasted his life away ……before it got started???