Small, Prototype Walmart Supercenter Coming To Atmore

December 5, 2013

It’s been over 10 years since Atmore’s only big box retailer — a Kmart on the south side of town — closed up shop.  And now the town’s all abuzz after word that Walmart has purchased property north of down town for what’s been described as a prototype Walmart Supercenter.

The  store will be constructed on a now-empty13 acre lot on North Main Street between a real estate company and the city’s Oak Hill Cemetery. A masonry wall will separate the store from the deceased.

The Supercenter will be smaller than a traditional Walmart store and offer products more in line with the average grocery store. At 69,197 square feet, Atmore’s Walmart will be about one-third the size of a larger Supercenter.  By comparison, the Walmart SuperCenter on Highway 29 in Ensley comes in at 215,599 square feet, not counting the garden center and patio.

There’s no word yet on an opening date for the store, but officials familiar with the project say the first dirt could be moved as early as next week.


48 Responses to “Small, Prototype Walmart Supercenter Coming To Atmore”

  1. eveready on January 10th, 2014 6:41 am

    Glad to see walmart come… Do believe should been put out on rivercane since city of atmore bought all that land out from under the tribe… Would have caught all that money off the interstate instead harold allen is smiling selling the land… Shop Atmore??? REALLYYYY…. You will find maybe one or 2 stores that there prices aint jack up so high… Example needed pully for sears lawnmower .. sears price 18.00 …. atmore price 25.00… Enough said!!!

  2. Niecey on December 6th, 2013 11:38 pm

    Ghetto! Really? I live on the southside of town and was born and raised on the north side of town. There is crime all over Atmore..I visit family near the site of walmart and I don’t feel scared. There are upstanding citizens on both sides of town as well as unsavory characters. But I guess each person has their own opinion..By the way, I’m glad Walmart is coming to Atmore!

  3. citizen on December 6th, 2013 10:02 pm

    it took this many years to get a mini wall mart? ouch

  4. Redman on December 6th, 2013 8:57 pm

    Remember Atmore K-mart….Remember T G & Y in the 70″s….This may be a memory before we learn where they keep the toilet paper.Bad local.Move it to where its booming……out at the Casino exit.F.S.U back up QB tranferring to Bama in the Spring? Come on Jacob….pick up where A.J.leaves off.

  5. John on December 6th, 2013 12:50 pm

    The only way Wal Mart (Say goodbye to “some” of Atmore’s local businesses) can do this is if you let them. Continue to support the local companies and they will survive. If you don’t they will fall by the wayside due to people not shopping there. The problem is that people will buy the cheap China made stuff instead of American made because of price. Most individuals will not pay $ 25 for a shirt when they can buy a like copy made in China for $10. As for the vendors selling cheap to Wal Mart it’s called volume buying. They don’t have to sell to Wal Mart. Alot people like to blame Wal Mart for everything.If they would shut the doors of every Wal Mart for 90 days every one would SCREAM!!!!

  6. downsized on December 6th, 2013 12:13 pm

    Geesh!! Atmore is getting a “Small Mart”

  7. Senior Shopper on December 6th, 2013 10:50 am

    I’m sure that having it on the south side would have greatly benefited those of us from the Florida side, and yes, it may hurt some of the small businesses in Atmore; but the truth is, in my opinion, if you are a patron of a small business, for the most part, you will continue to be. If you go for the bargains, you will shop where the bargains are whether Brewton, Pensacola or Bay Minette…or even Atmore. At my age and mobility, I tend to go where I can do everything @ one place while I’m out…it’s the finding parking places and getting in and out of the vehicle that tires me out, so for me, WalMart is good when I have the opportunity to shop there. Thoughts on choosing the north side…perhaps closer to the interstate and the Casino where traveling people would also have better access to a WalMart. Just sayin~

  8. No No 60 on December 6th, 2013 10:25 am

    I have no problem with Walmart, but I, for different reasons, am not happy with the location. Ms. Ward, my recently deceased spouse is buried at Oak Hill, and I find your comment about “dead spirits” quite insensitive. I visit the grave site of my spouse often and have never felt unsafe there. The cemetery is always quiet and peaceful when I visit, and I hate to see this disturbed. Therefore, I feel the location of Walmart beside the cemetery was insensitive of our town leaders as well. Does anyone really believe a masonry wall will eliminate or “soften” the loud, and most times, rude and vulgar voices from the Walmart parking lot? If so, you haven’t visited a Walmart recently. I, personally, don’t want to hear this when visiting the grave of my late spouse, and I don’t believe grieving families attending the interment
    of their lost one will appreciate either. I’m saddened that my time of comfort and reverence when visiting the resting place of my spouse will soon be interrupted by
    the noise that will surely emanate from the Walmart parking lot.

  9. concerned about intelligence of atmore citizens on December 6th, 2013 8:14 am

    to all those commenting about “north and south: side..Walmart will be on the NORTH side of town. Southside is the Florida end of town. Lets all get our maps out and check if you dont believe it. So now all of those concerned with it being on the “southside” can be happy again and quit complaining because you all are the ones that will prob be first in liine when the door opens.

  10. Anastasia on December 6th, 2013 4:23 am

    I’ve said it before that if we do not watch out our world will be nicknamed “Wally World.”

  11. HA! on December 6th, 2013 1:35 am

    Some of you people really tickle me complaining about it being located in an “unsafe area”, yet danger can be anywhere. What I’m saying is that you get robbed just quick on the south side of town as the north. Don’t let your guard down just because you’re in a certain part of town, be alert anywhere you go. Those who still complain, don’t go, that simple. Getting a Walmart and a taco bell is a good step for Atmore, just wish they bring back a golden corral.

  12. Katrina Ward on December 6th, 2013 1:07 am

    What’s wrong with everybody?? Y’all know we need a walmart everybody’s always complaining about not having one because there’s things you need that are only at Walmart, and they don’t want to drive so far, and they stay open 24hrs. Shoot I’m all for it! I love walmart!! So I’m not scared of where there putting it,I’m just scared I want b able to leave out of there with a penny to my name!! Hurry Up! Let’s get that money going for people who need jobs, that ain’t worried about where it’s going to be. Some are just trying to have something for there family or themselves . More opportunities! Hey it will give a lot of the dead spirits something to do! Lol!! So don’t be scared. Join the fun at the local walmart coming soon to Atmore Al.

  13. awesome on December 5th, 2013 11:00 pm

    walmart will not shut most places down most will hang in there with walmart coming to atmore. and its a prototype supercenter it will have all the departments that the supercenters have. but some of the departments will not be as big.

  14. chad on December 5th, 2013 10:47 pm

    I don’t believe there will be a food department. I’m sure they will still sell so groceries but I don’t think this will hurt the win-Dixie or piggly wiggly. And the dollar stores will be fine if the meet the change and improve them selves. May have to close one dollar General but the only store I see big trouble for is Fred’s. The talk of the town’s other retailers demise are in my opinion greatly exaggerated. Competition is good for the consumer and jobs are good for the town.

  15. Me on December 5th, 2013 10:40 pm

    Yay! Now I can wear my pajamas to the grocery store!

  16. gfb on December 5th, 2013 10:17 pm

    I agree it is a poor choice for location. And totally agree a small version is stupid. So why bother is my opinion. I do not buy meat from Walmart. Its gross. Winn Dixie will still get my business. Very dissapointed Atmore resident.

  17. Sunny on December 5th, 2013 9:54 pm

    Don’t let Walmart close down the rest of the town. DONT SHOP THERE!

  18. Jimmy on December 5th, 2013 9:35 pm

    Big Brother Strikes Again. Walmart will shut down Winn Dixie in Atmore.

  19. Concerned Citizen on December 5th, 2013 8:57 pm

    Really ???? Northside vs Southside.,,,,,, Really??? I am appauled, if its this way and some of you will not go shop in certain parts of town because of who live there, then SHUT the city and the surrounding areas DOWN!!! Was there are was there not a shouting at the gro. store on the northside? Was there are was there not a murder on the northside while a robbery was occuring for drugs. There is drug activity in the ENTIRE city. and you see a lot of people from the northside in the southside ( I mean GHETTO as it was called ) to see what they can get into and yes after dark so that they will not be seen.
    I did not see protest when the ABC store was put on the southside and go there before closing and you see people from the southside and the northside. well to do and not so well to do.
    I hope that this Walmart will bring jobs to some in that area that need them and will give them a chance make a living for their families. Prehaps there is someone that need a job and don’t otherwise have a way except walking that will get hired and can walk to work. The people in Atmore need to stop putting everything that come along to the test. Really Atmore is a great place, but all of these back bottom backward views should be put to rest so that Atmore can move forward.

  20. well on December 5th, 2013 8:53 pm

    @FL Resident

    Yeah but at least they won’t have to pay FL Gas Tax.

  21. molino on December 5th, 2013 8:17 pm

    Say goodbye to “some” of Atmore’s local businesses. WalMart is out to destroy all the little men. It’s all about the mighty dollar for them. Sam Walton is probably turning over in his grave. I deal with Wal Mart on a daily basis. They are all about getting what they want their way not yours mine or anybody else. Major vending companies such as coke, pepsi, frito lay, ect… are all forced to sell to Wal mart for much less than other stores. The vending employees are the ones who get the short end of the stick. More work for less money.

  22. RG from FL on December 5th, 2013 7:44 pm

    Lot of nay sayers and pessimist folks in this bunch. Can’t see the good in anything. Even the article’s author seems to be pessimistic. If you can’t say something good or positive, well don’t say anything. Good luck Atmore and Walmart.

  23. 429SCJ on December 5th, 2013 7:18 pm

    @Ben Thar, the Zombies are not coming over or around the wall, they are walking across the road.

    It will be interesting to observe this from beginning to end.

  24. William on December 5th, 2013 7:03 pm

    >>>They are called Neighborhood Markets. Slightly smaller than what the Wal-Marts used to be before the Supercenters.

    There are Neighborhood Markets (there are two being built in Pensacola that we’ve ran stories about). But the Atmore store is smaller, prototype “experimental” SuperCenter. It’s larger than most Neighborhood Markets, but significantly smaller than most Supercenters.

  25. JOyce Perez on December 5th, 2013 6:13 pm

    This is the worst possible location for a Walmart. They would have done more business at the Rivercane location with local shoppers and vacationers travelling the interstate. Stupid choice Walmart doomed to failure.

  26. JW on December 5th, 2013 5:46 pm

    They are called Neighborhood Markets. Slightly smaller than what the Wal-Marts used to be before the Supercenters.

  27. melodies4us on December 5th, 2013 5:27 pm

    Why haven’t any retailers figured out that they would rack putting a store in Molino ?

  28. CW on December 5th, 2013 4:44 pm

    “The jobs offered will be low paying jobs, part time, with weird hours. Benefits at Walmart are practically non-existent.”


    How’s that any different from the stores that are already here? I doubt Winn-Dixie, Rameys, or Dollar General provides high paying full time jobs with benefits.

  29. Bob on December 5th, 2013 3:33 pm

    Buy China, Buy Walmart!

  30. mgirl on December 5th, 2013 3:11 pm

    When I heard we were getting a Walmart, I was so excited, because, a lot of times I need something I can’t fine anywhere in Atmore. I know I could get it at Walmart.
    Now, their saying it’s going to be more like a grocery store? We HAVE grocery stores! We need a place that we can get stuff that the stores in Atmore don’t offer!

  31. Brandy on December 5th, 2013 2:34 pm

    We need a store that sales clothes, shoes, cookware and etc. Not another darn grocery store. Thats like them putting in another Dollar general… How many dollar stores does one town need?!!

  32. FL Resident on December 5th, 2013 2:09 pm

    Just a reminder ..;.. when you shop Walmart (or any other store in FL), you do not pay tax on grocieries. This will add 9-10% (?) across the board to your grocery bill in tax for the priveliage of shopping in/near Atmore’s high crime area.

  33. Ms. Atmore on December 5th, 2013 1:44 pm

    Another grocery store??? Leave off that part and just bring in the other part. If it’s not the whole enchilada, they will not get any business from me! Well, at least it will bring in some construction jobs for awhile. But I bet the doors will be closed before 2 years……and then another empty eyesore for hooligans to destroy. Downtown already looks like a ghost town.

  34. Steven Smith on December 5th, 2013 1:28 pm

    I suggest looking into what local tax incentives that have been offered to Walmart. It may cost Atmore more than it brings in. Walmart does nothing unless it benefits them. The jobs offered will be low paying jobs, part time, with weird hours. Benefits at Walmart are practically non-existent. One thing is CERTAIN though – Walmart WILL put many of your local, already-established, small businesses OUT of business. Then those workers and business owners will be without a job. I wish people in America would realize that Walmart is NOT our friend. A new Walmart is like a lot of other things in life – at first glance, it looks good. However, after futher consideration, one sees it’s not such a good idea after all.

  35. Puddin on December 5th, 2013 12:53 pm

    I was in a Walmart like this last week in Gulf Breeze. Its like the Winn Dixie, Piggly Wiggly, and several other grocery stores we already have. It will be competing for established businesses. Much rather see a real, full sized one go in, even minus the food store. Dont care where it is put. There will be security and cameras so it wont be any worse than the one on 90 in Pcola.

  36. melissa on December 5th, 2013 11:22 am

    Well, I work right beside where the new Wal-Mart is going to be built. It is not scary or ghetto. I walk in and out of my office daylight and dark without incident. Most people in Atmore welcome Wal-Mart and the other store it will bring with it.
    What great new jobs it will bring.

  37. Ben Thar on December 5th, 2013 10:33 am

    What are they thinking? No way is that wall going to stop the zombies!

  38. Mom on December 5th, 2013 9:50 am

    MOM of 3.5…..LOLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I agree with what everyone else is saying, Atmore, you better take a second look at putting it in this area. There are a LOT of people who will NOT go here after dark….you will see…..

  39. Concrned on December 5th, 2013 8:52 am

    I wonder who owed the property It has been vacant forever. I wouldn’t
    go in that area without an armed guard or maybe even two.

  40. Walnut Hill on December 5th, 2013 8:46 am

    Woo-Hoo!!!!! Looking forward to it!

  41. Mom of 3.5 on December 5th, 2013 8:32 am

    There’s no way I’d shop in that part of town. Too much crime. Too scary. Walmart’s done gone ghetto.

  42. JustMyThoughts on December 5th, 2013 8:31 am

    Atmore definitely needs a ‘big box’ store but I have to agree with some previous posts. That is a terrible location choice! Obviously, the southside of town would be a popular location but if it has to be on the northside I would rather drive a few more miles north, closer to the Casino and out of the proposed area and neighborhood. I cannot shop in a place where I do not feel safe.

  43. Kathy on December 5th, 2013 7:27 am

    It defeats the purpose with it being smaller.

  44. curious on December 5th, 2013 6:48 am

    It already has 2 strikes, before it is even built, the cemetery, regardless of the wall & that is not a very good neighborhood during the day, & definitely not @ night.

  45. Rooster Cogburn on December 5th, 2013 6:01 am

    Good for the sales tax base, more choice for consumers….but at the end of the day just more retail jobs with no industrial jobs as an anchor.

  46. mike on December 5th, 2013 5:58 am

    Good Deal Atmore we needed a wallmart for years.

  47. 429SCJ on December 5th, 2013 5:19 am

    A dangerous area, especially after sunset.

    I would have placed it on the south side of town.

  48. Will on December 5th, 2013 5:18 am

    1/3 the size of a normal WalMart? Looks like I’ll still be driving to Bay Minette or Brewton to shop.